The One with Ready for October & Ready for Fox

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tomorrow is October 1st. Tomorrow I get to say, "I'm having a baby this month!" I can't believe tomorrow is October! It still feels like Fox is never going to come and I'm going to be pregnant
I was in a festive mood this afternoon and went to the grocery store down the street and bought some pumpkins to jazz up the front porch. This is the one month of the year I'll be happy the new owner of this apartment complex painted all the doors jet black cuz they totally match my Halloween decor.
I just hope punk kids don't steal my pumpkins and smash them... At least I got pictures :)
My MIL got me this cute wreath; love it!
And then I've got some little things dispersed throughout the apartment to remind me of my favorite holiday.

(Don't mind the unchecked things - we'll buy those when he needs them in a few months.)
A million trillion dollars and no space to put everything later! But it feels oh so good to have everything checked off this massive list. Now I really feel like Fox can come. I still feel ill-prepared in the mentality department, I can't exactly fathom that in two weeks, more or less (less less less!) I will be a mom. Crazy scary/can't wait!

PS - My chinchilla (named Li'l Chinchilla - sooo creative I know) is cute.


  1. Wow, you are so close Paige! Not to worry on the mentality part - it will all fall into place.
    Love your decor and love black doors. Black is a pretty popluar front door color here in the NE.

  2. I spied your calendar. I'll have you know I've been totally enjoying mine ALL year. It's been the best!

  3. That wreath is great! I can't wait to see what your little guy looks like :) so exciting!!!!!!!!

  4. I'm so excited for you! As for pet names, our fish's official name (after having him for over a year) is "Fish who shall remain nameless."

  5. Oh my goodness, LOVE your cute Halloween decorations -- Halloween is my fave, too!

  6. Paige - you already are a mom! You've taken care of Fox all these months, now it's just a matter of time and he will look into your eyes after JUST being born, and have the expression of "So, that's what your face looks like, Mommy!" :)

  7. The house is so festive! I love it!

  8. cute! i wish we had a front door that led to the outside world. :) hey where did you get the check list for baby stuff....did you make it yourself or get it from somewhere? let me know :)

  9. your door looks adorable, paige!
    i'll be thinking good labor thoughts for you these next few days! hope Fox makes his debut real soon! :)

  10. Congrats, you are certainly getting closer! Yay! If I had one piece of advice for the mentality department, read the book Hypnobirthing, the Mongan Method ( Don't be weirded out by the name, it's actually really good. It will definitely give you the tools you need to prepare mentally for any kind of birth. I didn't read it until I was almost due, but I wish I had sooner. You'll be great!

  11. Oh!!!! I haven't stopped by in so long that I didn't even know you were pregnant! Good luck and Congratulations. I love the black door, BTW. It really does bring out the jack o lantern mat nicely!!

  12. Yay!!! You're going to be SUCH an awesome mom! I'm so happy for you! I can't believe it's here already! I woke up this morning, and the first thing I thought was, "Paige is going to be a Mama in like... a week! HA!" LOL. :-p

    Love your Halloween decor! Aww... you're gonna have an itty bitty baby to dress up! LOL. *Are* you going to dress him up? He could be a newborn for Halloween! LOL. :-p At this stage, you could do a theme. Like... dress him up as a dalmatian, and you could be Cruella De'Vil! (My sister did that with her twins... tee hee.)

    And THIS week, I'm getting your gift in the mail! I'm finally feeling well enough to be out of the house. Yay! :-D

  13. i could have sworn that i commented on this post..... but guess not.

    i am OBSESSED with your doorstep. love the black door. love the doormat. love the pumpkins.

    so excited for you and your little bun in the oven. cannot wait!!!


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