The One with When the Boss is Away the Employees Will Play

Sunday, October 24, 2010

If you've got an extra seven minutes and need a good laugh, might I suggest you watch this video of one of the head honchos of Northridge Publishing (Scrapbook Trends, CARDS, Bead Trends, Simply Handmade, Create series) coming back from a trip only to find his half of the office has been "tin-foiled" from head to toe.

Screen shots of the prank:
I can't imagine how long it took to do all of that! I mean, tin-foiling even the trash - that's thorough! Reminds me of something Pam and Jim would do to Dwight on The Office.

Check out lots more fun (and more serious-natured) tutorials on Northridge Publishing's YouTube site.


  1. Workin' hard or hardly workin'?

  2. I seriously wish I could have been there. Brian is so cute in the anticipation portion -- just like a little kid!


Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN