The One with a Paige Rage

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Warning - here comes a little Paige Rage:

Dear seemingly super nice (but now I know better) couple who was taking their stupid dog for a walk yesterday morning: you owe us $300 in emergency vet bills and pills. Cash, check, money order, Paypal, we'll take whatever. Cuz when your dog got loose and attacked my dog, he bit him under his belly, not once, but twice, and made him bleed. You seriously need to change your definition of "oh he just wants to play." That's not playing. That's vicious attacking. Control your dog and get a tighter leash.

Angry in South Pasadena

Okay. Rant over. Now we're off to Disneyland - which will make for a much happier post tomorrow :)

PS - Thanks for all your concern for Joey - he's doing okay, acting super weird and tired though. We're keeping our eyes on him. Hopefully he'll feel better and back to normal soon.


  1. OMGosh, Paige, I'm SO sorry! That is NOT cool! Sure hope your poor pup is ok!

  2. Awwww.......that's terrible!!!! I hope your puppy is o.k.! And have a great time at Disneyland...My favorite place on earth! :-)

  3. Oh no!! I hope he's ok?! Have fun at Disneyland

  4. That is horrible!! I agree with your ranting!
    Have a BLAST in Disneyland!!

  5. oh gosh! is joey okay?! that is so lame. i think people do that when they are just to embarrassed to admit to themselves that their dogs need some doggy training. hope everything for joey gets better. and have SO much fun at disneyland!! :)

  6. this is such bullcrap. people need to do a better job of leashing and taking control of their dogs. i'm afraid to ask what type of dog it was. last july, a loose dog killed my beloved shih tzu as we were on our nightly walk around the block. i will never forget that night and i will forever stress the importance of keeping an eye [and tight leash] on all dogs.
    here's to a smooth recovery for your pup!

  7. You should print your rant out and post it somewhere in the neighborhood (if it's legal in South Pasadena). Maybe the owners will see it and feel very stupid.

  8. that sucks, so sorry. i hope joey's ok. its so not cool when people let their dogs get out of control, it really is a shame. have a fun day at disneyland!

  9. That comment from Tomas was really from me.

  10. oh Paige, so sorry to hear about your dog, hope he's okay. Some people make you wonder what are they thinking???

  11. you should find them and hunt them down. on the bright side, Disneyland is the happiest place on earth!!!! have fun!

  12. Omg, is your pup okay? That's horrible! You should definitely tell them, though, if they are unaware, lest it happen again to someone else. For all you know, it has happened before.

  13. I am so sorry that Little Joey got hurt. That is so scary!

  14. Seriously!? Wow I can't believe those people! Sure hope Joey is okay! I feel for you in the $$ department! Let us know how he's doing! mmk?!

  15. wow, some people have no manners. Is Joey okay?? If you see that couple again id tell them off!

  16. awwwwwwww love!
    i am so sorry to hear this
    :( i hope your doggy is doing
    better :(

    people this days have
    excuses for everything!

    i hope you and your family
    have a wonderful time at Disney.
    Come back home with a big smile
    and a sleepy baby lol <3


  17. I am very upset with those people. Poor little Joey!

  18. Oh my gosh! Poor Joey! I hope he's OK!

  19. OH NO, Paige! I am so sorry to hear about Joey's attack! Bless his heart--give him hugs from us!!

  20. ohhhhhhhhhh my gosh, I am so so sorry to hear that happened to poor Joey! And I agree with tomas, I would print that out ( add description of their dog ) and post it in the neighborhood, if nothing else, as a warning to other pet owners! (((hugs for Joey))

  21. So NOT cool!!! Hope Joey is doing much better and back to his normal self. Wow, that just sucks! Well deserved rant!

  22. Oh no!! That is just NOT right!
    Poor Joey!!! I sure hope he's feeling much better soon!

  23. Ugh. That's HORRIBLE!! I'm so sorry. :(

  24. How rude that they didnt even offer to pay for the vet costs!! Although I am so very very jealous that you are going to Disneyland....I have promised Xavi to take him ONE DAY!! ha ha ha Better start saving now!!

  25. UGH!! That's stinks. Irresponsible pet owners is one of my biggest PET peeves. Hope he feels better now:)

  26. UGH!!!! Ohmigosh, did they SEE this happening? I seriously would make them pay the vet bills... ! That is HORRIBLE!

    And one of my biggest fears is Ruby or Amber being attacked while we're on a walk. I want to say I'd be able to do something, but someone just commented on your blog that *her* Shih Tzu was KILLED by a loose dog, while she was on a walk! GAAAAH! Makes me want to carry my two dogs AND Hattie whenever we go outside. That is SCARY!

    I hope he feels better soon. And yes, find those people and confront them!


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