The One with Closed Doors and Open Windows

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My days of working a desk job are coming to an end (at least for the time being - who knows what the future holds?). 15 more days to be exact! Yes, I'm that excited, I'm counting. And while I'm looking forward to being at home more and being able to go to all the fun activities that all the other SAHMs around here go to when I'm usually working, I'm also worried about how we are going to make ends meet. Fortunately/luckily/serendipitously, while this receptionist job door is closing, other job opportunity windows are opening, and we feel so blessed.

I've been working from home for Scrapbook Trends/CARDS/Simply Handmade/Create for just about a year now (and worked for them for four years in Utah before we moved, so we're going on five years now). It's worked out extremely well and I've kept most of my responsibilities from before because I can access the computer that's based at the office from any computer in the world. Technology is a wonderful thing. My only major problem is I'm running out of room to store all the copies of the magazines!

On the side and here and there I've been helping the fabulous Amy Tan(gerine) with her scrapbooking events and making layouts for clients. So pretty much I scrapbook from home, or I head out to The Hills and attend crazy cool parties, and get paid to do it, and that, my friends, is awesome. Because of all these scrapbooking shenanigans, the scrapbook room/guest room/soon-to-be-nursery looks like this 99% of the time:
I'm one of those people that has to clean up between every project so leaving the room in this state for days on end makes me fidgety. But it's worth it in the end!

The latest and greatest opportunity to come my way is taking over the position of American Crafts blog hostess starting next Monday.
I feel like I'm following in Kelly Purkey's footsteps! I filled her spot as an In-House Scrapbooker/Product Designer when she left American Crafts, and now I'm replacing her as the blog hostess. What's next for me Kelly? :) I'm excited to work closely with the Contributing Design Team again, not to mention still keeping my foot in the door at the best scrapbooking company in the world, and of course helping to make ends meet once this baby comes is a great bonus.

Notice that all of these jobs and opportunities are based around scrapbooking. I thank my lucky stars each and every day that I just so happened to walk into that store called Yesterday's Scrapbooking & Stuff (unfortunately out of business now, sigh) when I was 16 years old and looking for my very first job. They didn't even have any applications, they just took my name and number. I truly believe I found my calling in life by working at that scrapbooking store. Look where it's led me! Who knew scrapbooking could become such a major part and theme of my life? I love it so.

And, when it comes down to it, all of these jobs and opportunities can be accomplished from the convenience of my own home. How fortuitous is that? I don't have set hours, I don't have to drive a half hour in traffic to get to work, I can go on vacation whenever I want... As long as I can get my tasks done and done on time, it's a pretty sweet deal. I know when Fox comes my world will turn upside down, but I have high hopes that everything will work out.

Basically, I'm feeling pretty lucky right about now :)


  1. Congrats! There aren't a ton of us lucky people that do something that makes us happy everyday to go do it then be home with those we love!

  2. SO excited for you, Paige! I sure will miss KP, but I am thrilled you are "following in her footsteps!" :) You will do such a great job as Blog Hostess! Best of Luck to ya my friend! :)

  3. Congratulations Paige - sounds like a fab opportunity. You do such a great job on the Cards Blog, I'm sure you will do the same and more for AC!

  4. that is exciting news!!!! Congrats! and since I am too lazy to comment on your other posts... I am sad about your dog. My dad had to put down one of our dogs when I was married before. My ex was a D-Bag so I wasn't allowed to cry about it or he would have made fun of me, but I was heartbroken. She was my protector. Infact, I should write a blog post about her someday. It's an interesting story...

    tears and hugs!

  5. You'll do great with the AC Blog!

  6. That sounds like a great opportunity - exciting!

  7. They could not have picked a better person to do the blog. I'm so excited to see what happens. :) I'm excited to work closer with you!

  8. Woho.. you are? OMG.. Congrats.. I´ve been stalking your blog like.. forever and I just love your designs, your outlook on life and you seem so sweet so I am really happy to see you host the AC blog. And you so deserve every piece of good that comes your way.. Good luck!

  9. Yay! SO excited and happy for you, girlie! You will ROCK the AC blog! So happy you can work from home doing such fun crafty things! BIG hugs! :-D

  10. It's so nice to see this come at a time when you really needed it! Everything really does happen for a reason. Love your IKEA nursery finds below, their kid's stuff is so cute.

  11. So excited for you, Paige! Congrats - I know you will rock as the new AC blog hostess!

  12. "To everything there is a season..." That's what popped in my mind reading this ;)
    You'll make a FAB blog hostess! Congrats to you :)

  13. fabulous news Paige, congrats! You'll take a great blog and make it amazing. And I am sorry to hear about your dog.. I've had to do it and it is heartbreaking. On a lighter note, your friend called her ex a dbag and I am still smiling about that.

  14. Congrats Paige! Thats great news and so exciting! I love American Crafts and can't wait to keep up with you there too!
    Tamara x

  15. This is AWESOME news! HOORAY! I know you'll do a fantastic job! And hey... when you're home, and all your scrappy work is done... and you're bored or just... feel like layin around.... you can call me! :-) LOL.

  16. Yay! I actually must say that I feel like the lucky one. you are awesome and talented and I feel blessed to have you helping with client work! Also so happy to have you running the AC blog. Also thankful that you introduced me to Cafe Rio & that while visiting AC I was able to try it out! let the luck and love continue. even more so after little fox arrives! xo

  17. Wow, really exciting stuff coming your way! I really really enjoy reading your blog and all the stuff you have to share is interesting. As a sahm I know for a fact you will some days find comfort in having something other than baby things to do. (of course this is much later)


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