It's been a whirlwind three days! So much fun and so exhausting at the same time. I have a new appreciation for my husband and all that he does for me and Fox. I've got one more day in Texas, but Chris and my Malm are buggin' me for updates so here goes.
Friday morning we woke up bright and early and finished packing. Chris dropped me and Fox off at LAX and we breezed right through security so we had about an hour to kill.

We walked around the terminal, bought some water, walked around some more, changed his diaper, then we boarded.

LA from LAX.

Our plane.

We sat in row 22 - my favorite number. I debated whether to sit by the window because I HAAAAATE flying (it scares the bejeezes out of me) but sitting by the window lessens my nerves a bit cuz I can see the ground; but on the other hand if Fox has a blowout or starts crying I need an easy out. In the end I chose to sit in an aisle seat. Fox's needs came before mine. Such is motherhood :)

I sat by some interesting people! The woman in the aisle seat opposite me was reading what looked like a movie script of that new Johnny Depp movie Rango so I was instantly curious about what she does. Ever since we moved to LA I've been fascinated with the goings on of movies and film-making cuz we're in the epicenter of it all. She was super nice and we struck up a conversation (side note: ever since I've had a baby strangers talk to me a lot more. I guess I'm interesting now :) and I flat out asked her what she does. She said she's a movie location scout. I asked her if she could tell me what she's doing now. She said she's going to Texas to look for locations for a new Johnny Depp movie called The Lone Ranger (I THINK that's what she said it's called...). It's going to be an Old Western so what better place to look for locations than Texas. I asked if she's going to be in the credits and she said yes. I asked her name. Julie. I told her I'll look for her name when I see the movie. I asked her if she's ever met Johnny Depp and she said yes, twice. I said I saw him once at the premier of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in London. She said he loves his fans. I said that's sweet. I asked if people get compensation if their house or property is used for filming (I'm curious because films and movies are always filmed around our 'hood and I wonder what happens). She said they usually pay them a month's mortgage. Not a bad gig, especially in California. As we de-boarded the plane, she said maybe she'd see me around South Pasadena. I said, well, our apartment isn't anything to write home about, and she said, who knows, movies call for all types of settings. So maybe some day our apartment will be in a movie.
I fed and changed Fox before we got on the plane and he fell asleep during take off. He woke up as we started cruising and he wasn't too happy. So I stood up and took him to the back of the plane and rocked him back to sleep. (I patted myself on the back for sitting in the aisle, easy escape!) He slept for another hour and then woke up and was great until we landed. All-in-all, I'd give Fox a 9 out of 10 for his first flight! I hope all flights will go just as smoothly. We've got LOTS of flights in the near future. Gotta get back to CA tomorrow, we're going to UT in a couple weeks, we're going to WA in April, Hawaii in July (I hope!) and back to WA in July for the marriage of Eric and Tanya. So much flying. I hate flying. Have I said that already?
We landed in Austin and Reyanna picked us right up. We stopped and said hi to her hubby, got some food for her doggies, then we arrived at her house.
OMGEEEEEE Reyanna is THE most organized person I know. Even her pantry is filled with containers that are all labeled. She also has a knack for decorating. I want her house. Her scrap room is heaven on earth. We were in there for seriously an hour peeking in every box, in every drawer, in every cabinet. I can't share pictures though, dangit. It's top secret 'til May. But she said I can share this one of her baker's twine:

Can't you just tell how cute her room is by the way it's arranged?
And I totally need one of these FRIENDS frames for my house.

Reyanna is my match for FRIENDS lovin'. I wonder who would win in a FRIENDS trivia match? Chris and I are pretty with it. Reyanna and Jeremy are too.... Hopefully some day we can duel it out :)
Here is her laundry room:

Cutest. Laundry. Room. Ever.

Who knew laundry rooms could be cute?

She has a frame wall in the shape of a heart. Adorable.

Her two doggies are the cutest. Ruby and Amber. Pint-sized balls of fur.


Hi Daddy! I miss you!!!

Mr. Fox right when he woke up Saturday morning. I love when he wakes up happy.

On Saturday afternoon we went to a baby shower. Which is funny cuz I was going to go to a baby shower in South Pas on Saturday, but I couldn't make it cuz I was in Texas, but even in Texas I went to a baby shower! Babies babies babies everywhere!! There was a table set up with onesies for guests to decorate. This is Reyanna's.


I made this one.

Diaper cake.

Treats galore.

Such a cool blue-jean diaper wreath complete with usable toys for baby.

I met lots of nice women and Fox had fun flirting.
So the point of my trip to Texas: to see the baptism of Reyanna and Jeremy.
Here they are right before:

And here they are as the newest members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the missionaries who dunked 'em :)

I'm so happy for Reyanna and Jeremy. They fit right in with their bubbly personalities and loving hearts.
After their baptism we went to one of my very favorite restaurants: Texas Roadhouse. And unlike Colorado and Utah where it's still a big deal so wait times are over two hours, Texas Roadhouse in TEXAS isn't a big deal so our party of 7 got right in.

Mr. Fox was Mr. Grumpy though so he and I sat outside most of the time. But those rolls with honey cinnamon butter are amazing. Get me every time.
Today was Sunday so we went to church, went to a "get to know Brother and Sister Klein" at the Relief Society President's house, had a couple over for dinner, and now I'm catching up on my bloggin'. Sorry if this is scattered, I'm a li'l tired :) Good times. Hopefully I'll be back in a year!
Friday morning we woke up bright and early and finished packing. Chris dropped me and Fox off at LAX and we breezed right through security so we had about an hour to kill.
We walked around the terminal, bought some water, walked around some more, changed his diaper, then we boarded.
LA from LAX.
Our plane.
We sat in row 22 - my favorite number. I debated whether to sit by the window because I HAAAAATE flying (it scares the bejeezes out of me) but sitting by the window lessens my nerves a bit cuz I can see the ground; but on the other hand if Fox has a blowout or starts crying I need an easy out. In the end I chose to sit in an aisle seat. Fox's needs came before mine. Such is motherhood :)
I sat by some interesting people! The woman in the aisle seat opposite me was reading what looked like a movie script of that new Johnny Depp movie Rango so I was instantly curious about what she does. Ever since we moved to LA I've been fascinated with the goings on of movies and film-making cuz we're in the epicenter of it all. She was super nice and we struck up a conversation (side note: ever since I've had a baby strangers talk to me a lot more. I guess I'm interesting now :) and I flat out asked her what she does. She said she's a movie location scout. I asked her if she could tell me what she's doing now. She said she's going to Texas to look for locations for a new Johnny Depp movie called The Lone Ranger (I THINK that's what she said it's called...). It's going to be an Old Western so what better place to look for locations than Texas. I asked if she's going to be in the credits and she said yes. I asked her name. Julie. I told her I'll look for her name when I see the movie. I asked her if she's ever met Johnny Depp and she said yes, twice. I said I saw him once at the premier of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in London. She said he loves his fans. I said that's sweet. I asked if people get compensation if their house or property is used for filming (I'm curious because films and movies are always filmed around our 'hood and I wonder what happens). She said they usually pay them a month's mortgage. Not a bad gig, especially in California. As we de-boarded the plane, she said maybe she'd see me around South Pasadena. I said, well, our apartment isn't anything to write home about, and she said, who knows, movies call for all types of settings. So maybe some day our apartment will be in a movie.
I fed and changed Fox before we got on the plane and he fell asleep during take off. He woke up as we started cruising and he wasn't too happy. So I stood up and took him to the back of the plane and rocked him back to sleep. (I patted myself on the back for sitting in the aisle, easy escape!) He slept for another hour and then woke up and was great until we landed. All-in-all, I'd give Fox a 9 out of 10 for his first flight! I hope all flights will go just as smoothly. We've got LOTS of flights in the near future. Gotta get back to CA tomorrow, we're going to UT in a couple weeks, we're going to WA in April, Hawaii in July (I hope!) and back to WA in July for the marriage of Eric and Tanya. So much flying. I hate flying. Have I said that already?
We landed in Austin and Reyanna picked us right up. We stopped and said hi to her hubby, got some food for her doggies, then we arrived at her house.
OMGEEEEEE Reyanna is THE most organized person I know. Even her pantry is filled with containers that are all labeled. She also has a knack for decorating. I want her house. Her scrap room is heaven on earth. We were in there for seriously an hour peeking in every box, in every drawer, in every cabinet. I can't share pictures though, dangit. It's top secret 'til May. But she said I can share this one of her baker's twine:
Can't you just tell how cute her room is by the way it's arranged?
And I totally need one of these FRIENDS frames for my house.
Reyanna is my match for FRIENDS lovin'. I wonder who would win in a FRIENDS trivia match? Chris and I are pretty with it. Reyanna and Jeremy are too.... Hopefully some day we can duel it out :)
Here is her laundry room:
Cutest. Laundry. Room. Ever.
Who knew laundry rooms could be cute?
She has a frame wall in the shape of a heart. Adorable.
Her two doggies are the cutest. Ruby and Amber. Pint-sized balls of fur.
Hi Daddy! I miss you!!!
Mr. Fox right when he woke up Saturday morning. I love when he wakes up happy.
On Saturday afternoon we went to a baby shower. Which is funny cuz I was going to go to a baby shower in South Pas on Saturday, but I couldn't make it cuz I was in Texas, but even in Texas I went to a baby shower! Babies babies babies everywhere!! There was a table set up with onesies for guests to decorate. This is Reyanna's.
I made this one.
Diaper cake.
Treats galore.
Such a cool blue-jean diaper wreath complete with usable toys for baby.
I met lots of nice women and Fox had fun flirting.
So the point of my trip to Texas: to see the baptism of Reyanna and Jeremy.
Here they are right before:
And here they are as the newest members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the missionaries who dunked 'em :)
I'm so happy for Reyanna and Jeremy. They fit right in with their bubbly personalities and loving hearts.
After their baptism we went to one of my very favorite restaurants: Texas Roadhouse. And unlike Colorado and Utah where it's still a big deal so wait times are over two hours, Texas Roadhouse in TEXAS isn't a big deal so our party of 7 got right in.
Mr. Fox was Mr. Grumpy though so he and I sat outside most of the time. But those rolls with honey cinnamon butter are amazing. Get me every time.
Today was Sunday so we went to church, went to a "get to know Brother and Sister Klein" at the Relief Society President's house, had a couple over for dinner, and now I'm catching up on my bloggin'. Sorry if this is scattered, I'm a li'l tired :) Good times. Hopefully I'll be back in a year!
Thanks for the pictures! I sure miss you two. :(
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Reyanna and Jeremy!
Looks like such a great time, Paige! I'm jealous you got to meet Reyanna! She is so super sweet! And yey for joining the church! That's awesome!! Fox is so stinkin' cute! All that drool cracks me up! Have a good week! :) cute is Reyanna and her little baby belly! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, her house looks amazing! Glad it's been fun! :)
dude, i just literally posted about my austin trip and i come here and see your update!! heee :)
ReplyDelete1. i want to live in her scraproom. and i went crazy taking photos in front of that curtain. HEEE!!!
2. i forgot to take photos in, oops, i mean OF the laundry room. tell reyanna i am quite upset about that!!! haha!
and tell reyanna, jeremy, amber and ruby that i miss them!! give them a hug for me before you leave too, ok?
Paige, your blog readers are thanking me and Chris right now for bugging you to update. Can't wait to hear MORE! (but I'll let you catch your breath for a couple of days)
ReplyDeleteOh, and a big CONGRATS to Reyanna and Jeremy. What a cute couple!
ReplyDeletepeggy, i love johnny depp. i mean LOVE him. the fact that you have seen him and now you have talked to someone that has met him, i am beyond jealous! ah, maybe someday i will meet him randomly at walmart? too far fetched? yea, it is. i guess writing Oprah over 30 times to meet him wasn't enough...if only i had a million bucks to travel to his private island. we would get along great!
ReplyDeletewow, im point? i love johnny depp.
Okay Paige...when you have that friend trivia duel... I want in! :)
ReplyDeleteHow fun to go for this little trip, just Fox and you (although I know you miss Chris dearly)!
ReplyDeletefun to read about reyanna and jeremy's baptism, i'm so happy for them!