The One with 20 Weeks = Halfway!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Official 20 week belly shots!
Today I am 20 weeks along! 20 out of 40 means I'm halfway there! (Although, you're given 2 weeks for free at the beginning because of "the cycle". Technically every month every girl is 2 weeks pregnant if you think about it... weird huh?)

I've got a lot of questions and thoughts and emotions and feelings goin' on these days. What can I say? I'm pregnant!
Are boys better big brothers or are girls better big sisters?
I hope she's still a girl because there's a sale at GAP right now and I may have gone a little crazy... but I'm keeping receipts just in case!
We're not planning on moving, we're in this apartment for the long haul - until May of 2013. It's only two bedrooms: ours and Fox's. Therefore, Jane doesn't get her own room. Which makes me sad because I had soooo much fun planning and decorating Fox's room. It's mostly primary colors so it works for both boys and girls, but I have visions of grays and light pinks and aquas and yellows for Jane's room. Not gonna happen until we move though. She'll be about 10 months old then so she won't even remember not having a room, which is nice.
It's challenging trying to figure out where everything is going to go, we're already bursting at the seams with our zero storage. There's not even a closet in Fox's room. Baby's need a lot of stuff! But we'll make do, somehow, someway. Spring cleaning is in the air!
I'm kinda starting to freak out about having to wake up a few times every night again. Breastfeeding hurts. Recovery from giving birth is painful and long. Definitely all worth it, but still, kinda dreading it.
Getting dressed every morning sends me into fits. My tops fit just fine, maternity shirts are great and there are lots of cute styles and options. But pants? Not so much. I've been to Target, to GAP, to Old Navy, and more, but I can't find any cute maternity pants. What's so hard about making regular cute pants, just putting elastic around the waist instead of the usual thing? I've tried the Bella Band before, but it's uncomfortable to me. Maybe the one I got was too small. These pink pants aren't maternity, they're just a couple sizes bigger than what I normally wear, and I'm using the hair tie method to keep them buttoned.
I've already gained 15 pounds. Well on my way to the 56 grand total I gained with Fox... I guess it's just what my body does when growing a baby. Granted I don't exercise... ever... except last night at the Cardio Dance Party taught by Daisy :) (Totally fun!)
All whining and mixed emotions aside, I am so(oooooooo!!!!!!) excited for this baby girl! 
I look at the teeny tiny dresses and teeny tiny shoes and can't believe that in just a few months there will be a teeny tiny baby to put inside them!
I'm looking forward to Fox being a big brother and protecting his little sister and watching how they interact and grow together.
I can't wait to learn how to do fancy braids and buy dolls and play dress-up and act like princesses.
I'll be so happy to have a little pal to talk to all things girly and go see chick flicks with!
140 days, mas o menos, to go!


  1. Already?! Oh, my gosh, how time flies! You look absolutely adorable! Hang in there! It's all part of being the fabulous mommy that you are! But this too shall pass. We love you, Paige!

  2. Yay! you look great! can't wait to see all of the cute clothes you collected!! ;)

  3. I'm in the same boat about all the uncertainties..and lack of space! I remember specifically telling myself during a middle-of-the-night feeding with Isabel that I would NEVER put myself through this ever again! And here I am doing it again :) Somehow I survived and thrived the first time around, so I must be able to do it again. Hugs!!

  4. All of my maternity pants are from Motherhood, but I am also not super-picky and not super-stylish :) Have you tried Old Navy online, or just in store? It's been my experience that they have a lot more selection on their website, and a pretty lenient return policy.

  5. You look so cute, Paige! Time flies so quickly, doesn't it?

  6. You are so cute girl! Youre already half way there, yay!! I agree, there are tons of cute styles out there for pregnancy but pants are always tricky to find...good luck with that, I think I had one great pair and I wore leggings tons since it was winter. Im so so excited for you that youre having a girl, they are a blast!! One of the things im most excited about is what im going to dress her in that day.

  7. You look so pretty and cute Paige:)

  8. Such an exciting time, Paige! Being a gramma now, that experience is a long time ago, but I remember how special I felt when I was pregnant. Enjoy it! Our dil is pregnant with her third, and so we're waiting right along with you! Blessings on your sweet family!

  9. You are cute Paige! Let's hope it IS a girl for sure :) Thats so fun! Girls are blast!! Try Zumba! I LOVE IT!! I am thinking about getting certified to teach it sometime too!!

  10. YAY!! I am down to 45 day!!! Insane have fast the time has gone by!

  11. SO fun--you look ADORABLE! No sweat, girls are work but SO fun, still remember my girl's dresses (I've kept some...) Being a little sister to brother's it sure was nice having one to stick up for me! :)

  12. i can't believe how fast it's going by! i know - i hate being pregnant too... and yes, ditto on the pants.. what the heck right?! i ended up getting a pair of slacks with the stomach band and actually loved wearing those more than jeans. that and long dresses - those were comfy and didn't look so funny. i heard boobfeeding hurts almost as much as it did the first time in the beginning again.. but at least it gets better. i remember the moment it stopped hurting after the first week... it was glorious. hehehe.. i'm so excited for you to have a little girl! she is gonna be such a cutie!!!

  13. I have to say, I don't miss waking up every two hours to nurse... lol... I don't think I want to go back to those days... the terrible two's doesn't seem so bad after all... lol... but Fox will keep Jane entertained :)

  14. Well. If you don't have the cutest lil belly ever! Adorbs! :)

  15. I'll admit that when I saw that Diane von Furstenburg was partnering with GapKids, my first thought was, "Paige is having a girl! She needs all of these clothes!!!" :)

  16. I liked the pants I got at Motherhood Maternity. You might want to try it.

  17. YAY! Half way!! You're looking so cute!

  18. You look beautiful! Thanks for sharing all your thoughts. I love reading them. :-)

    And don't worry about the breastfeeding! It will be SOOO much better this time around. You're a pro now! :-) It *is* possible that it will only hurt the first week, and you'll be golden! :-)

    Oh, was there a crazy sale at Gap? There was one at Old Navy, and I went A LOT crazy. LOL. But now, Hattie is pretty much *set* for this summer, so yay! I can't wait to see what you got! I'm sure you have beautiful taste for this little girl! SOOOO excited for you!!! :-D

  19. Paige you look so cute! Half way already wow! SO excited for your family. And yes sometimes it all seems crazy and we wonder how it is ever going to work but in the end it will all work out.

  20. how funny that no one said anything about your little bump the other day. you must have done a fine job covering it up!

  21. you look great, paige! we have the same space issues...only instead of an apartment with no space, its a tiny old farmhouse with no space! hang in there! there are lots of great ideas on pinterest for decorating multi-children rooms. you are so creative, i'm sure you will come up with something fab! :)

  22. Oh, Paige! I love love love how honest you are! I have always heard things about giving birth/breastfeeding/children-but no one has ever confirmed this.

    I love these pics--you are so beautiful! And stylin'!!! LOVE those pants!

    I know Fox will love sharing a room with Baby Jane! He will be an amazing older brother!

    Hang in there:) Tons of love!

  23. I always wanted a big brother, but I like to think I was a good older sister...for the most part. I can't wait to start collecting cute's really hard to restrain myself!

  24. You look adorable!! How exciting that you are already half way there. Oh and by the way, I absolutely love the name Jane!! It is so classic.

  25. First of are an adorable pregnant chick! Second, when I first saw the photo I immediately thought, "where did she find those pants?"--of course turns out they are not maternity. I have the same problem...and I am on the tall side so when I do find ones that fit the belly they are inevitably high waters. boo. I think Motherhood Maternity had some cute colored jeans. Good luck! You would think in 2012 there would be more of a selection! Last of all shopping for baby girls is so much fun. I loved hitting up all of the sales before Ev was born. The clothes an accessories are just so irresistible!

  26. It's so fun to read through your thoughts. I well remember having those. And I miss having baby girls! My last three were boys--super fun and energetic but not quite as fun to shop for :)

    I found some really cute and not too expensive maternity clothes at JCPenney and Macy's when I was expecting. They usually have good sales on them, too.

  27. Wow...that was so fast! :) I got a lot of my maternity pants at the forever 21 in anaheim. Maybe you can make a trip there when you go to d-land or something. It's a 2-story one...the maternity section is suuuuper tiny though. But I got cute stretchy maternity skinny jeggings there for like $13. Awesome.

  28. OH you look beautiful! As a mama of 2 other boys & a Baby girl I must say Big Brother Rock :) They are so protective of their little sister & funny together sure there are their moments but its awesome to see. I know your Sweet Fox will be one awesome Brother. FYI I must say it is more fun shopping for my little girl cause Boys clothes its seems they only have plaid,argyle or bold stripes?! What's up with that ha.. :) ( oh back in the day For my Maternity clothes Old Navy ROCKED)


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