The One with Fox at 17 Months

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fox is 17 months old today! It's also a very special day for me and Chris - it was 8 years ago today that he asked me to be his girlfriend :) Maybe some day soon I can tell "our story" from my point of view since I've only ever told it from his. But enough about us, back to the important stuff: Fox!

 Length: 34" (90-95%) 
 Weight: 25 pounds (25-50%) 
 Head circumference: 19.5" (90-95%) 
Fox has added a few words to his vocabulary:
Air for airplane
Beebee for bellybutton
Brrrrroooom when driving his cars
Weeeeeee when walking downhill

Fox is my little buddy and still loves to help me around the house when doing the morning chores. This month he started handing me the pillows to help make the bed. He also throws my empty water bottles away after I throw them on the floor to be silly.
Fox loooooooooves computers. He was all over this one at his well-baby check-up. We have a trip coming up next month and I'm getting nervous and anxious about entertaining him by myself on the airplane. I got a new battery for my laptop and hope it will keep him occupied!
Gearing up for Easter! I'm excited to hide eggs in our backyard/patch of grass and see if he gets into it this year.
Fox is a good little traveler and rarely puts up fights getting in his carseat. For now at least.
Since today was a special day for all of us and miraculously Chris didn't have school, we went to Disneyland in the morning! I can honestly say it was the most fun we've ever had there. Fox was soooo great! He's starting to walk along with us with his hand in ours and really following us instead of going where'er he wants. He even sat in a big person chair and ate his lunch without a glitch. I think this Disneyland trip deserves a post all of its own so perhaps tomorrow I'll delve into details.
I really didn't want to post this pic but Chris insisted! He looks like a white trash baby! But I promise the Dr. Pepper bottle was empty and I'm not sure why he's shirtless. Let's just hope it's not an indication of any sort of future :)
Fox still loooooooooooooves animals. We'll be out on a walk and he'll see a dog or a cat or a bird or a squirrel and he'll run 100 mph to go see it and pet it. He's an animal lover just like me!
In case you're wondering, no we still haven't gotten his hair cut. Working on it... kinda maybe sorta...
Fox blowing on a dandelion. Fox eating a dandelion.
This dude is a water magnet. He can smell it from a mile away. I change his clothes about three times a day because every time we go outside he gets drenched from splashing in the water. Whatever floats his boat and makes him happy makes me happy!
We bought this Playskool toy for Fox when he was only a few months old:
This past week he figured out how to do the last and hardest button: the twisty one. Smart boy!

Fox getting patriotic in preparation for Jane's July arrival.
Fox has been hamming it up lately and makes the funniest fake laughs and smiles. He likes making us giggle.
I've said it before a hundred times and I'm sure I'll say it many many more times: we sure do love this little (big!) guy!


  1. Big (long-haired) guy, happy 17 months! We miss you!

  2. two things:
    1. I love the way you dress that kid. So darling! Makes me want a little boy!
    2. I kinda love his hair long. I'm sure it can get pretty wild sometimes, but I think it fits him well and he looks very "California surfer dude" with it :)

  3. He has the CUTEST clothes... and I LOVE his hair....

  4. he's so cute and really tall!! My little guy is 41 inches and he's 4 1/2 :) thanks for sharing the pics, so cute...I didn't cut Zachary's hair until he was two because it was soooo curly and blonde and then the curls went away forver... :(

  5. Those are some awesome pictures! I sure love him! And you, too!

  6. Wait til he turns two Paige, such a big difference! I looked at Edward yesterday and though, what happened to my baby? He's like a little boy now and he's starting to talk and act like a little person... he loves to clean and help me too and mostly, I love how he says "love you" and gives me hugs and kisses. He's quite the charmer especially at night when he wants to just stay up with me on the couch and of course I let him!

  7. Love the picture of him with the cat! It looks like the cat is enjoying the visit too!

  8. I don't mind if you never cut his hair. He has gorgeous hair--just like yours!

  9. Several things,
    We have a toy like that! I think Lyss can do the twisty one too!
    Love that pic of Fox shirtless looking like he's drinking (we'll leave it to the imagination)
    Also, where do you guys travel so much to? Where to now?
    And I never knew you told you love story about being his girlfriend only from his point of view? Why?
    Lyssa is 19 months now!! Hey Fox is ALMOST in Nursery :) You'll love it. But it's weird too.

  10. hahaha, he does look like a white trash baby. but the most adorable white trash baby! can't wait to see how big he is in person next month!!!
    and to see our really girly movie, the lucky one, of course ;)

  11. literally this kid has the monopoly on cuteness.

    happy 17 months little dude!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I love that little guy! I wish I could be with him!!!!

  14. dang. I don't even know why, but this post almost made me cry a little bit. I think Fox might be the best little boy ever! p.s. that white trash picture is hilarious!!

  15. OH MY! OH MY! Fox is getting sooooo big! I love these photos! I just love that "white trash baby"--even though I think he doesn't look like one! And I LOOOOOOVe the pics of him eating the dandelion! LOL! And the water--oh so much fun! TOOOO cute:) Hugs to your big boy!


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