The One with an Induction Date

Friday, July 6, 2012

We're down to the wire folks! Today I'm 37 weeks which means that Jane is full term! We made it! 
I went to the doctor yesterday, I go every week now until she's born, so up to three more appointments. I love this doctor because the first thing she asks at every appointment is if I have any questions. Since this is my second time being pregnant, most of my first timer questions are answered, but yesterday I did have a question: when can I be induced? The timing is so tricky with this one and not knowing when she's going to make her debut is the hardest part of all! Also, and I'm getting sidetracked here, but it seems like most girls I know who have their second baby pop them out suuuper fast once labor starts. I remember with Fox, once they broke my water after I'd been in the hospital for 14 hours, my contractions started HURTING and I got an epidural right away. I am so scared that my water is going to break and we won't be able to get to the hospital fast enough and I'm going to deliver Jane in the car. That's why I've dog-eared the "how to deliver a baby by yourself" page in my "What to Expect" book and am going to make Chris read and memorize it tonight :) 
Anyway, so I asked the doctor when I can be induced, or I think my exact words were, "How long after a baby is due do you make people wait to get induced?" 7-10 days. No bueno - my due date is July 27th and we have a family reunion up in Oregon that we really want to go to on August 12th. My plan is to stay at the house with Jane the entire time while Chris takes Fox on all the fun adventures. It'll be nice to have help and planned meals. Having as much time to recover as possible before August 12th would be wonderful. So there's that and my mom flies here from Seattle on July 25th. As much as I'd like to have Jane sooner than that, I just really want my mom to be here to watch Fox and take care of the animals and hold down the fort while we're in the hospital. I told my doctor all of this, I'm sure I sounded anxious and nervous. Being the angel that she is, she looked at her calendar and said, "I'll be working at the hospital on the 29th, so if she isn't born before that, we'll induce you on the 29th." HALELUJAH! There's an end in sight! An actual date to look forward to if Jane doesn't come on her own! Now THAT'S relief. 
So, like I said, as much as I want Jane to be born early, I mostly want her to keep cooking until the 25th, but then the 26th or 27th or 28th would be great. Or if not then, the 29th it most definitely is!
See you soon Jane!


  1. Paige it will all workout ;) love your shadow picture!

  2. I'm crossing my fingers that your mom can be there while you're in the hospital. My mom and dad were there to watch Miles while I had Molly and it was the best. No matter what, though, she's coming soon! Yay!

  3. aw, that's so crazy that baby Jane will be here so soon!!! i hope she is born on the 27th so we can all celebrate life and marriage. woooooo!

  4. Baby in the car! Ha! That's not happenin'. I'll drive like Jimmie Johnson if I have to! :)

  5. I got lucky with both of my kids... both induced and super fast labors :) I loveeeeeeeeeee your photos!! I know it will all work out!!!

  6. aw, crossing fingers for y!!! OH GOSH, I would be afraid of having the baby in the car... try to relax a little :) Sometimes we let fear get the best of us when in reality, everything works out fine :)

  7. LOVE your shadow pic:)

    Praying for these last few weeks and a easy/quick delivery:) <3

  8. You are so cute! I hope you have a wonderful and easy rest of your pregnancy and delivery!

    I also wanted to share that I'm one of those ladies who actually has their water break naturally out of the hospital. My doctor says that only happens in 10% of women. I've made it to the hospital in PLENTY of time with BOTH kids to deliver. Most women have to have their water broken for them at the hospital. :)

  9. C'mon, Chris! You're in the med corps (or is it corpse -- ask POTUS, he knows).

  10. How exciting Paige, hopefully Jane will be here soon, love the little booties.

  11. Good luck with it all. I'm very impressed you can still see your feet!!

  12. Crossing my fingers.
    My sis gave birth to her second baby (firstly a daughter now a son hehe) yesterday and our parents are there to help a bit. I cant wait to meet my new nephew next weekend. All the best, Tine

  13. I kinda hated being pregnant with my 2nd and going to the doctor b/c they would RUSH me every. single. time. because it was my 2nd, so they just said "oh, you've done this before...". It was super annoying. I'm betting the baby is born on the 24th, b/c that's the day I turn 30! :)

  14. knowledge is power! I always felt better in "control" of things when I knew when my kiddos were going to get here. first was a c-section, the other two were induced...GOOD luck! You will be okay.

  15. Looks like you had a fun 4th of July and thats exciting that Jane is due sooo soon! Have her on Alyssa's Birthday the 26th k? :)


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