The One with Jump 'n Jammin

Monday, July 23, 2012

Last week at Toys"R"Us Fox's new friend's dad asked if we'd ever been to Jump 'n Jammin. No sir - what and where is it? It's a family entertainment center at Santa Anita Mall with multi-levels of mazes, ladders, slides, and a central foam-ball shooting arena. Basically, every little boy's dream come true. So what the heck, I decided to take Fox. It opens and 10am and you can bet your bottom dollar we were there when the doors opened! I forked over $5 for Fox (a parent is free with the paid admission of a child) and let him loose! There's a designated play place for kids under 2, but Fox wasn't fooled by the mini toys and cheap tricks :) Into the maze he went! Kids under 3 have to be accompanied by an adult through the tubes, so me and my 9 month pregnant self followed him into the matrix. 
The best (worst?) part was when I was up on the third level and some old man pointed to me and yelled extremely loud, "YOU'RE CRAZY! YOU'RE CRAZY!" Umm, thanks? What was I supposed to say to that? I just laughed and said, "Yup." 
So in this central area there are lots of bags that you fill up with foam balls and then bring up to the 2nd and 3rd levels and shoot from the guns. My belly got hit once, it was pretty funny. The balls don't hurt at all, thank goodness.
There's also a big bounce house which Fox found extremely entertaining. 
"I can't wait until I'm a little bigger so I can do all the things the big kids are doing!"
I'm so surprised I didn't go into labor maneuvering through all the tunnels and spaces made for children. Chris will have to be the one to take Fox next time cuz I'm going to have a me a wee little one in just a few days and can't carry her through the matrix :) Eeeee!


  1. that looks like a lot of fun! Jump n jammin, crawling here and there are like an adventure! wait, i mean for him. did i say that i loved it so much when i was a kid and kind of still do? no i didn't.

    by the way, ALL THE BEST for your due day. It's gonna go smooth! and then you'll have the prettiest daughter ever. :)


  2. That is the perfect place for Fox!

  3. How FUN!!!!! I love love love love the photos!!!!!!!

  4. oh yes, we have one of those at our mall and my hubby takes Edward often :) You are nuts :) I will have to check later when I get home to see pictures since work has them blocked :)

  5. I live in Pasadena and keep seeing posts from you with places that I go to a lot or have seen...I keep wondering if I'll run into you sometime!! So if some crazy lady with a little boy runs up to you and acts like they already know you, don't be scared. It's just me :)


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