The One with Valentine's Day Pinspiration 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine's Day is 1 week from today! We don't have any plans set in stone, or even in sand for that matter... (maybe Chris will surprise me with something (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge!)) but I'd LOVE to go see Warm Bodies and then get some fro-yo at Yogurtland. Nothing too fancy, just a night out would be nice.
Since Fox and Jane aren't in school yet, I don't really have the need to make Valentines (although I did jump on the Handmade Valentine Swap bandwagon care of Lyndsey @ The Stationary Place and made 5 cards for that - to be shared at a later date), but that doesn't mean I don't want to make them! (Is that correct or a double negative?) Anyway. What's not to love about red, pink, hearts, candy, giving handmade love notes, and more? I've scoured Pinterest and found some things that got me into the Valentine's Day spirit. They are as follows:
(all of the original images and sources can be found in my Valentine's Day Pinterest Board)

Brown paper packages tied up with string. (These are a few of my favorite things.)
Especially loving the triangle-pieced heart on the bottom left.
So simple. So cute.
Too pretty to eat.
Inspiration for a future shabby-chic V-day party.
Valentine-i-fied cookies.
This would be easy to make: punch hearts from white cardstock and glue them on white cardstock, lift up the edges for dimension, and stick it in a frame. Done and done!
How long would it take to find and collect heart-shaped rocks? I'ma start my collection tomorrow.
Cute project to do at a GNO. 
This is why I love Pinterest - I NEVER in a MILLION years would have thought to do something like this. And now I HAVE to try it out (it's pancake batter squeezed through a tube to make swirly pancakes):
I don't know what I'd do with these layered felt hearts, but they're sure cute and fun to look at!
Flowers arranged in an ombre pattern? Love.
Why do banners like this make me so happy? I dunno. But they do.
This is definitely a fun and easy kid's craft. Note to self to make these with Fox and Jane once they're old enough to appreciate them :)
That Elsie. She's always coming up with genius ideas. 
Fox loves sticks. He actually might get a kick out of making these on V-Day.
Ombre is definitely "in"! So is wrapping things with string. Combine the two and you get this lovely project:
It's the simple things like this that make holidays so fun! Just cut pepperonis into the shape associated with the holiday or event!
Ombre + pointillism in the shape of a heart on a canvas bag.
LOOOOOOOOOOVE this photo/idea.
A love fort :)
If you printed these instead of stamped them, it'd be a super easy and quick Valentine!
Excuse my inappropriateness, but this is just plain cute.
Diet? What diet?
Fun fun fun.
Cute idea for a V-Day photoshoot.
Random, but who doesn't need a good giggle?
Donut skewer arrows!
More heart paper garlands that get my heart all fluttery.
See above caption.
Cute, modern, Valentines.
Twigs, string, and dangling hearts, oh my!
Turn regular paper clips into hearts!
I'd take a nap here every day if this were mine!

Wax crayon hearts = fun kids' craft!
Glittered heart atop wooden blocks. Cute decoration.
Free printables are always ok in my book!
I know this one has been around the internet and back, but it's still blog-worthy! Felt fortune cookies with fortunes and treats inside.
Another super cute Valentine's Day party setting.
For Fox's Valentines one year:
Mmmmm, white chocolate covered pretzels sprinkled with mini hearts.
And last but certainly not least, we're making these Valentines tomorrow at a friend's house for a mommy/kiddies activity! Can't wait!
Happy Valentine's Day! Well... in 7 days :)


  1. I missed Ellen today. Did you get to see it? Were you on it?

  2. I love love love love all of these!! That "nail you" card is FUNNY!!!!

  3. those are all so cute and pretty! I *love* the one of the girl blowing heart confetti. <3

  4. oh my gosh, what eye candy that was, the Harry Potter ones had me cracking up!! Ron is a keeper ;) thanks for sharing...

  5. LOVE all this holiday yumminess!!! esp that onmbre LOVE!!!!


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