The One with Jane's Devil Stare

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I don't know where Jane learned how to make this evil devil stare!  But man, oh, man - if looks could kill she'd be an orphan!
Chris sent these photos to me when I was teaching at Crop am Rhein and I nearly died laughing. Poor girl. To be fair, she was woken up from her nap. I would be grumpy too.
 But you know what's even more creepy? This was unintentionally my 666th instagram post! Cue scary music - ooooooeeeeeeeeooooooo! I love scary movies, so I think it's pretty funny. 
Oh Janey girl. Love you to pieces.


  1. That is hilarious! I love that it was 666th post!! LOL!!!

  2. Ha! Little Jane sure does wear her emotions on her sleeve!

  3. Ha, I love that this was your 666th post! How ironic! But seriously, this is a really scary look :P

  4. She was probably missing her mommy, too!! :)


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