The One with Painting the Walls

Friday, April 18, 2014

We painted over the mauve pink walls of our very first apartment waaaaay back in 2007. And it was such a long and drawn out and tiring process we haven't painted any of our dwellings since. Buuuuuut my parents are expert painters so I devised a mischievous plan to enlist their help and paint our stark white walls while they were here! And they so graciously obliged :)

Monday morning we drove to OBI (like unto Home Depot) and picked out three colors of paint - a mint green/robin's egg blue, gray, and cream. We masked the walls, windows, outlets, and more, painted the small-and-hard-to-reach-with-rollers spaces, then my dad did most of the painting.
It's AMAZING what a fresh coat of colored paint can do to a space! Our home is so warm and inviting now!
Pictures just don't do it justice, the lighting is never right, but lemme tell you, I LOVE IT!
Every time I walk in through the front door I see our newly painted entryway, dining room, and living room, and my heart is happy :)
Gray dining room / Blue entryway. We were going to paint the entryway cream, but the color we picked was almost white and made no difference. So we went with blue!
This is my favorite color lately, if you scroll through the "scrap sneaks" post below you'll see a lot of my layouts use this color as a background. Now we just need to hang things on the walls. Haven't figured out what yet...

And I get to take pics of my cute kids in front of a colored background instead of white!
Thanks Malm and Dald for sprucing up our home! We have the "painting bug" and want to paint EVERYTHING! :)


  1. Yep, your parents were champs to do so much work on their vacation! Thanks, Taylors! It really does make the place feel more like ours now. And, our kids are darling!

  2. Looks wonderful! LOVING the colors!!!!

  3. Even though I hate to paint, it was fun and your house looks marvelous now!

  4. Love the new colors! And can't wait to see the reveal on your layouts.

  5. Looove these colors! Looks awesome, Paige!


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