The One with a Dog Named Joey

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We have a dog. I guess technically he is still a puppy. He's 8.5 months old. His name is Joey. And he is a handful. But I've decided he's second-in-line to our most high maintenance pet - that crown belongs to our conure, King Jadis. But back to Joey. This is what he's been up to lately:

That ain't snow. That's Joey's fur. He's "blowing" his winter coat. It makes quite the mess.

Joey's #1 mission in life: to tear open anything and everything and reduce it to piles of rubbish. Even his beloved bed.
The hole he tore into his bed is so large now that he's able to get inside and roll around like a hamster in one of those plastic balls. Lookie lookie:

Sometimes when we open up the window that overlooks the very busy street, he likes to stand up on his hind legs and look outside. Like a human.

After a long and fun-filled day at doggie day care, he comes home and crashes for a couple of hours. No amount of treats or coaxing can wake him up from these sweet snooze sessions!

Joey is not much of a snuggler, but when I encroach on "his" space, he'll cuddle right up to me.

Joey looooooooves going to doggie day care. As soon as he realizes where he his he tugs on his leash so hard I'm afraid he'll break right off!
I wish I had pictures of Joey playing amongst the other dogs, but more often than not when we go pick him up he's been banished to the "rough-and-tumble" doggie room. Our dog has quite the reputation for causing mischief and mayhem. Sigh.

Even though his bark drives me bonkers, we still love him to pieces.

Must end with a picture of the Queen of the Castle - our li'l (and when I say "li'l" I mean "ginormous") Rachel:


  1. I love that he got all the way IN his bed!

  2. Ummm, that bed video is one of the best videos ever. I am cracking up watching him roll all over the floor inside the bed. Hilarious :)

  3. Is Joey and Akita? He's so adorable!

  4. That is the BEST video. I was actually laughing.

    I think he is adorable, but he is the reason why I don't have done. He looks like he is a lot of work! ;) I had a baby instead. Hahaha

  5. So cute!!! Toby is losing his winter coat right now too - NOT fun. I'm so sick of the dog hair in the house. Hilarious video!!

  6. haha. love Joey rolling all over the place in his bed! too funny! & such a cuuute cat! i need a pet!

  7. Joey it TOO funny! It's great you got a video of that :)

  8. BAAAA HAAAAAA!! Thank you Joey. I needed that laugh.

  9. Oh man! I was laughing out LOUD at that video of him! SO funny! Jeremy's like, "What are you laughing at?!" LOL. Loved all these photos. Pups are so fun! :-D

    And pretty Rachel too. :-)

  10. Your dog is my favorite! Btw, have you seen the movie Hachi? I'm not really a "dog person" but it made me cry!

  11. we love the video and the pics of joey and rachael. so fuuny carley thinks joey is so cute :D

  12. That is such a funny video of Joey! by the way, need I remind you: if you don't want all the dog hair get a poodle! Love, Hans

  13. He's not the only dog that likes to dig and rip everything. :) You've seen Hurley's messes right? :) I've said it before, I think our dogs would have so much fun beating each other up. :)

  14. Oh em geee.... I love it! I was laughing so hard! While I was replaying the video my Madison was watching it too and her head was tilted to the side... (I hope she doesn't get any ideas!) :)

  15. I laughed SO hard at that video! How cute is he? Rachel... in love with her pink nose. She is big, isn't she! Seriously, she could squash my cat!


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