The One with Happy Birthday Malm!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birthdays come but once a year! And today is my very own Malm's 48th birthday. But she doesn't look a day over 30 :) Here is the awesome ginormous cupcake-shaped funfetti cake my Dald made her:
For the soon-to-be-first-time-Grandma (hehe!) - me at 16 weeks and 2 days:
Still not much of anything showing on the outside. No flutterings or butterflies or signs of "quickening" on the inside. Just taking it one day at a time and counting down until the 25th when we find out if it's a boy or girl!


  1. I dream of having your cute body...and 16 weeks are rawkin' it!!

  2. Happy birthday to the best mother-in-law I have!

  3. no way are you 16 weeks there! that was me at...4 weeks!!:) so exciting! I can't wait till you find out either.

  4. You are so cute!!! Big belly will be there in no time. The flutter and feeling the baby move later on is the best feeling ever!

  5. I need to find a photo of me at 16 weeks - I swear I must have looked like I'd swallowed you!! xx p.s. Ellie reckons it's a boy...

  6. love your sweater - so cute!! :-) with Sarah I wasn't really showing at 16 weeks either, but with Anna I was massive by then.

  7. i haven't been following your blog close enough! we are so excited for you guys! congrats on the baby on the way. i'm guessing its a girl!
    p.s. you look amazing!

  8. congratulations!!!!!! you have such a cute baby bump!!!

  9. um holy cow you are tiny! i wish i was that cute!


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