The One with To Do Before the Week Is Over

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you have a million things to do and seemingly not enough time to do it all? And yet, here I am blogging instead of accomplishing the tasks set before me... Don't get me wrong, I love being busy, it makes time go by faster, I like being productive, I like getting things done and checked off my list. I am a list maker and not much gives me more satisfaction than crossing items off my list. If I were to make a list of things I have to do before this week is over, it would look something like this:

- Call Time Warner Cable and have someone come fix our internet STAT because I originally started this post at 8:30am but then the internet crapped out so now 4 hours later I'm finishing it at work....
- Make two layouts and a card/project for my last month on the Elle's Studio Design Team
- Call for Scrapbook Trends November and Create: Christmas Cards; make the google docs/excels to go along with them
- Purchase mailing envelopes so I can ship the DVDs people so graciously bought from me (DONE!)
- Go to the post office and mail said DVDs (DONE!)
- Figure out what to wear for my maternity shoot with Caroline on Thursday (so excited about this!)
- Make a bunch of layouts sans photos for the LAPP Bat Mitzvah I'm going to on Saturday night, thank you for this opportunity Amy :)
- Figure out how many cookies we really need to make for the ward Father's Day gift on Sunday
- Make and mail a Father's Day card to my Dald and also use it for the CARDS blog
- Find somewhere that sells KOLO albums, specifically the ivory colored one, and refill pages (cuz they're sold out until late July on their official website, which is just weird to me) so I can make my dear cousin's wedding book
- Make the handmade book Dawn commissioned me to make
- Bind the handmade book I'm giving away for my 700th post
- Make other things for my 700th post giveaway. I still don't have any clue what to make and technically my 700th post is not this post, not the next post, but the next post...stay tuned!

That's it in a nutshell! Busy busy busy!


  1. Hi Paige, I don't know if you know this store, but I'm thinking it's worth a shot. In Pasadena there's a Paper Source location, and though I'm not sure if it sells the cream ones, it DOES sell Kolo albums. Maybe it's worth a shot. Their website is:

    And their Pasadena location is:

    163 W. Colorado Blvd.
    Pasadena, CA 91105

    Hope that helps!

  2. you are so funny :) think of all the fun to-do's you will get to do once Fox gets here!!!

  3. Wow, you ARE busy! I hope you're able to get everything accomplished! Can't wait to see your handmade books! I LOVE those! You do such amazing work! :-)

  4. I wish life would slow down...maybe then I would try to find some time for those dirty dishes that are starting to stink. ;)

  5. I am having one of those weeks, too. Can't wait to see your maternity shoot!

  6. Can't wait for the 700th post! My 200th post blew right by and I didn't celebrate. I'll have to do a big 300th one, but 700! That is awesome. I want to win the goodies!


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