The One with the Birth Video

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We went to our first of four birthing/infant care classes last night. At the end of the session the nurse played a video, a very graphic and detailed video, of a baby being born. Let's just say, I didn't sleep very much last night...


  1. I remember being about 8 months pregnant and having the realization that, there is only one way this baby is coming out...and it wasn't going to be pretty!

  2. If you saw the same video that I saw....I'm sorry! I shudder just thinking about it!

  3. ohhh they try to scare you but don't feel a thing so you don't care how it comes out :)

  4. my sister invited me to be there for the birth of her bab next month and I had to say no. It freaks me out enough to think about being pregnant and giving birth that I think if I were there I would NEVER have kids. But a HUGE part of me wants to just because I many never have kids and would like to "experience" with out all the pain. However the other day you could literally see the baby moving around and felt it and freaked. No thanks! Sorry friend. Sweet dreams!

  5. I just found your blog and love all your scrapbooking layouts:)

    My husband and I went to one of our pregnancy classes...and after two hours of listening to what I had already read in books...we ditched it at the break! We didnt end up needing the classes. I found it just helpd to know the "jargon" that they might use during labor so that I wouldn't be surprised. You dont care how they get it just want it out! Our daughter is two now and we are thinking of another kid soon. Giving birth will make you feel like you can accomplish anything! Don't stress...and an epidural is wonderful:)Oh yeah...and something stronger than tylenol afterwards:)

  6. Really, if it was that bad then no one would have more than one baby.

    And it's coming out no matter what you do, so there's no need to worry about it. :) You can totally handle it.

  7. your post reminded me of This phenomenal photographer! Hopefully, you'll experience a paradigm shift that will change the way you look at the whole experience! :C)


    oops! :C)

  9. Ellie (age 10) had Living and Growing at school at the end of the Summer term during which they watched a video of a birth...every time we mention it she shudders. She says she can't work out if I'm incredibly brave and a little bit crazy for choosing to go through it 4 times!?! xx

  10. I think they show us all that to scare us to pieces! I have had two and it really isn't all that bad. I had issues with pregnancy and was on bed rest with both, so I would go the route of I'd rather give birth than carry for 9 months! One thing to remember about delivery is that it is 'short-term' and WELL worth it!

  11. Sometimes I think people try to scare mothers-to-be. Not sure why. I've given birth to two beautiful children and although I wouldn't want to do it every weekend, it really wasn't as bad as some people will lead you to believe. Just remember it is only a day (or part of one). The gift of having Fox in your life is forever.
    *hugs* Try not to stress.

  12. i know exactly what video you are talking about. slightly disturbing. and would you believe it- when we took that class and watched that video- right at THAT moment, todd came down with the stomach flu.

    He seriously had to run out of the room covering his mouth and we had to leave. we were both DYING because we KNEW everyone was thinking it was because of the video! HA!!! so we had to explain the next week when we went back.

    PS i believe the experience is nothing like the video. you will do great!

  13. You can watch them on YouTube!!! I was really surprised to learn that. I found them when I was about 4 months along and it was like a train wreck - even though it was traumatic I kept clicking to see the next one. They started off with hospital births and devolved into Earth mothers squatting in their living rooms. There are just some things you can't unsee.

  14. It was funny how many people in the class, men and women, turned away and wouldn't watch the video. At least you stuck it out, love!

  15. I PASSSED on going to any of those classes and watching any of those videos. I'm more of a believer in the "won't I don't know can't hurt me." Ha! I hope you can get the visions out of your head soon. Trust me though - once you're in the moment and having your son - you won't think about that stuff and it'll fly by and after it's all said and done you won't remember the "not as pretty details" and remember more the one thing that matters most - holding that precious baby for the first time. Sigh. Trust me. Oh, and skip the other videos if you can. Ha! ;) Hugs! I'm almost 30 weeks so I'm right there with you girlie! We can do it!!!! :-D

  16. I've seen videos like that but skipped it while preg. I agree with Kristina! Better not to know. But get an epidural and try not to picture what's happening and you'll be fine. :)

  17. And that's exactly why I did not take any birthing classes. If Mary can have Baby Jesus in a barn, then I can do it, right? Right. And so can you.

  18. by the time I saw that film, I was getting to a point of discomfort where I was willing to do whaterver it took - I was looking so forward to being not pregnant. You will get there, too :)

    Fortunately, I missed the class with the c-section film - as I had 2 of them and still don't need to know the mechanics of that procedure (although I have the general idea)
    Hang in there Paige - it will definitely be worth it :)

  19. paige! call me weird but my labor (after the epidural kicked in) and delivery were so fun and so incredible it left me on the biggest high of my life for the whole first week after abigail was born. i wish i could relive those few hours every single day.

    ps- at the last minute i asked for a mirror so i could see the birth. it's definitely weird, but when it's your kid and your body it is seriously the coolest thing ever and not at all gross.

  20. I watched a BBC documentary on women who give birth at home...let me tell you that was the most traumatizing thing I've ever seen. Don't go that route!! I've never had a baby, but I'm sure you'll do fine! You're cute and tiny and will most likely bounce back so fast. And have a fun little baby to boot :)

  21. ROFL!!! Sorry to laugh at your expense but this post is halarious!

    No turning back now and just remember this while it is happening. It will all be over tomorrow. Or since tomorrow never really comes I always said in 12/24 hours I will not feel like this and will have a baby to hold. You can do it!


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