The One with the Sad Day :(

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My achey breaky heart :(
We took Fox to the doctor on Tuesday cuz he had a nasty cough and a stuffy nose. The doc said to just keep sucking out the snot. We tried but Fox really really hated it. Then yesterday he got a fever of 100.4 degrees so we took him to the doctor again and she prescribed some liquid stuff. Around 9pm he just couldn't breathe and his chest was constricting so we rushed him to the hospital. And at the hospital we remain until further notice.
I cried and cried and cried when they were inserting the IV and giving him a catheter and suctioning out his nose. He's so congested and hoarse he can't even cry. He just wheezes and makes high-pitched squeaks. It's sooooooooo hard to see and watch and hear. He's so helpless.
He's got bronchiolitis - inflammation of the bronchials in the lungs. The good news is he doesn't have to be on oxygen and his vitals are really good. We're just waiting for the abdomen constricting and the phlegm to go away.

I want my happy healthy baby back :(


  1. Bless his little heart. Good luck. You are in my prayers!

  2. Oh, my gosh, Paige! You put me in tears seeing poor, little Fox hooked up to all those tubes. It's so tough being a parent! You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted. God bless!

  3. poor little guy. hoping for a speedy recovery!

  4. pobrecito, es una enfermedad muy comun en los niƱos y normalmente se recuperan bien, animo!

  5. Poor litte fox. He'll be back to good soon I'm sure.

  6. Oh poor little guy :( We'll keep you guys in our prayers.

  7. OH NO!!! Poor little Fox!! I hope he's feeling better REALLY soon. He (and you) will definitely be in my prayers! Awww! I wish I could do something! It must be so hard for you to feel so helpless! Hugs to you, Lovely! :-)

  8. :( SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breaks my heart

  9. Oh you poor thing. I totally know what you're going through. It's heartbreaking to watch your baby go through that. He'll be good as new soon. :)

  10. POOR FOX!!! Hoping for a speedy recovery, ah sick babies are no fun!

  11. Poor little guy! I know he'll be okay soon and good as new. You are a wonderful and amazing and awesome mother.

  12. Paige. I'm so sorry you both have to go through this... I can't imagine how hard it must be. As cheesy as it is we'll be praying for you.

  13. Boo! You have no idea how heart wrenching things like this are until you go through them. I'm super sorry he's sick and so glad he'll get better fast! Good job on going to the hospital... so scary!

  14. So sorry Paige! Life really changes when you have kids. A sick baby is the worst. It's tough when you have no control. It looks like he's in good hands. I hope he starts improving soon. Poor Baby!!!

  15. Oh poor Fox!! Why his is arm like that? I thought he may have broken it or something!

  16. ahhhhh soooo sorry your lil guy is sooo sick and in the hospital!!! hope he recovers quickly.. my heart breaks whenever my kids are still sick and they are 9 and 7.

  17. So sorry! Sick babies are so sad. It's good that he doesn't need oxygen though :) Hopefully he's home soon! We'll keep little Fox in our prayers!

  18. Aw, bless his little heart. Hoping he feels better soon and you all are home. Hugs to you both!

  19. poor little Fox... I feel so sorry for him, and his mom & dad as well

  20. poor guy and poor mama! hope he's feeling better asap so you can go home!

  21. Oh, my heart is breaking for you! It is so hard to see little ones sick. Hope he gets better soon.

  22. poor baby!! Hope he gets better soon!!

  23. Oh Paige!! I am crying for you! Seriously!! I will be praying for him and all of you!! Love ya!

  24. It looks like a broken arm doesn't it? But it's just gauz wrapped around a foam pad to keep his IV in place. Wahhhhhhhh :(

  25. OH! Will pray for you, Fox, and Chris!! I'm so sorry!

  26. poor baby!! he looks so sad in there :( hang in there momma, hope he gets better soon!

  27. at first i thought he broke his arm! so although i'm so very sad that he's sick... i'm really REALLY glad his arm isn't broken!

    but still, we'll be praying for you...

  28. I am SO SOOOO SORRY! He is still so cute! Cora got RSV at 3 months and it was just horrible. I hate sick kids!! Wish I was there to help!

  29. Hi Paige, so sorry to see your beautiful little boy fox is not well, wishing him a speedy recovery

  30. i had a little cry for you- Love to him- hope all is well ASAP

  31. It's so hard, especially when they are so little.

  32. Poor, sweet boy! I'm praying for all of you!

  33. poor little thing. I am sorry.

    He will be as good as new soon...I hope.

  34. What a sad sight! He looks like he is being a lil' trooper about the whole thing. I hope he bounces back quickly!!!

  35. Poor little guy. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

  36. Oh my goodness, poor little guy :( Heavy duty thoughts and prayers heading your way Paige.

  37. Oh Paige, just prayed for a speedy recovery for lil Fox. Stay brave. xoxoxo


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