The One with SO MUCH RAIN!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm from the northwest so rain doesn't bother me. In fact, I love it and miss it often here in constantly sunny SoCal. But holy moly it has been raining for nearly a week and no one here knows how to deal with it. It's all over the news. There are mudslides, people are being evacuated from their homes, rivers and sidewalks are flooded over, so on and so forth. Stories can be found here, here, and lots of other places.
I've been stuck inside all day working my buns off, but when it got so loud I couldn't hear myself think I ventured outside (in my pajamas no less) to capture the craziness.

I almost got DOUSED by a car driving through the river that is our front yard.

This one is sideways, but you get the idea:

See that blur? That's a car driving through the river.
"Rain rain go away. Come again another day. Little Foxy wants to play. Rain rain go away."


  1. Oh Paige, I am feeling your pain. The rain has been terrible over here in Australia too. Looks like we will be in for a wet Christmas. Nothing worse than trying to keep little boys occupied when you can't take them outstide!

  2. Holy cow!! Craziness!

    My favorite part was when you shouted, "Oh no!" when you thought you were going to get sprayed by the car's wave. Tee hee. :-)

    And thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog today. :-D

  3. Okay, I'm thinking that is just too much rain! And I always turn my video camera sideways too :)


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