The One with Curled Toes

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fantastic Mr. Fox and shoes do not get along. He definitely didn't get my genes in that aspect -"shoes" graced my vocabulary's presence as soon as I could talk! When I do attempt to put shoes on him when we go outside for walks he kicks them off in .025235982 seconds flat. Getting them on in the first place is somewhat of a challenge, due to the fact that his toes are always curled.
So barefoot he remains until we get through this phase! (This is just a phase, right?)


  1. OMG I sure hope my baby likes shoes! Otherwise I've wasted tons of $!! :) So many people have told me baby shoes are such a waste when they can't walk but they're so hard to resist buying! I <3 shoes too! Especially cute mini ones!

  2. I was beginning to think something was wrong with Alex, so I'm glad he isn't the only one that curls his toes. I've tried to put shoes on him a few times and its useless so barefoot he remains too :0

  3. omg, I can literally smell baby now. have you tried crocs? Can I just say how much I love your layout you made based on Valerie's card. It is definitley in the process of being lifted.

  4. just wanted to say for me smelling baby is a good thing lol, when I read my comment back I thought maybe someone might think I was saying Fox was stinky.

  5. Aww.....LOVE these pictures!!! :)

  6. OHHH! Your pics are just too precious:) I love his little toes!

    Have you tried squeaky shoes??? They squeak when he steps down in them. It encourages walking and correct walking (heel first and then toe)....I just googled squeaky shoes and lots of websites came up. Let me know if you happen to get some:)

  7. Also--I'm not sure if this is correct--but I have heard that some kids like to feel the floor/ground and that is why they don't like to wear shoes. Being barefoot makes them feel "safe"--they "feel" the ground. So maybe Fox likes to "feel" the ground??? I am not expert--but just a thought?

  8. could those little feet be any more precious? I don't think so...I would let him be barefoot as often as possible if I could see those bebe toes! ;) hope you have a wonderful Thursday! xoxo {av} | {long distance loving}

  9. aw. i miss that little bugger. his curled toes are so cute!

  10. ha, hilarious! look at those cute curled toes!

  11. Tee hee... Love the pics!! Too cute. As far as is it a phase... yes. It's really an age thing. My kids were both the same way. Did not want to wear shoes and would do the toe curling thing if I tried. I gave up and left them shoe-less unless it was for an important occasion or I would have them walking outside. For me it was a total waste of money to even buy shoes until they would leave them on. I had maybe one pair per child for about a year. He will get over it... well, scratch that. I still hate wearing shoes. But I do only bc I have to, so who knows. In another life I was probably a hippie or something!

  12. Oh my!! How PRECIOUS!! I regret not taking photos like this when my kids were've got to make a page or two about these cute feet!

  13. Don't you love baby feet! It's just a phase!!! All my kids did it and I can say that now at ages 2-8 they all wear shoes!

  14. Just a phase! If he must wear shoes I always take one finger and rub the bottom of their foot from toes to heel kinda firm first. It makes them uncurl. Then quickly try to get the shoe on. But my babies usually don't keep them on so I say go barefoot and enjoy it while you can!


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