The One with the Parisian Bat Mitzvah

Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday night I worked at a Parisian-themed bat mitzvah!

So this photo has a funny story...
I was attempting to get a picture of the LA skyline like I like to do when I drive by it on my way to these parties and the second I lifted up my new ginormous camera a police-man flew by on his motorcycle. But the funny/not so funny thing was he was LOOKING RIGHT AT ME AND SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR! My heart dropped into my stomach and I thought for sure I was going to be pulled over for reckless driving or something. But I didn't. Thanking my lucky stars.

I got to the event in Beverly Hills and set up all my stuff.
40 pages prepped and ready to go - just pass me the pictures, glue, and Thickers!
The guests weren't scheduled to arrive for another hour or so, so I walked around and admired the decor.
Whoa. Just, whoa.
The dance floor.
The taboo candy bar.
Food table.
For lounging.
Here is the hallway with all the vendors.
Sumo suits!
There were four different photography booths. This one took pics and turned them into magazine covers or Andy Warhol style images.
I used the ladies room before the event started and loved that they had free gum/breath mints at the exit. How generous :)
Cindy was working with the photo vendor that printed my photos so we took a few "test" shots:
A few hours later, the bat mitzvah girl had an album documenting the night! (Name blurred on purpose).
Best story of the night - I met a celebrity (Marcia Cross), but since I don't watch the show she stars in (Desperate Housewives) I didn't even know it until after the fact! She came over to the table I was scrapping at and I asked if she wanted to write a note for the girls' scrapbook and she did and we just chit chatted about who knows what. I wonder if she thought my nonchalantness was rude? I hope not! I'm just ignorant! Thanks Cindy for pointing out that I met a celebrity - now I just need to get wit' it!


  1. the sumo suits is the best part!!!! love it!

  2. Great pics! Beautiful location for a party!

    I bet Marcia Cross was grateful you weren't all "OMGyoureacelebrity!!!" on her. :) I don't watch Desperate Housewives either, but I know of her from other shows.

    Glad you had a nice night! :)

  3. So fun! I've met her before and she is just the sweetest, most down to earth celebrity.

  4. omg, that place was amazinggg!! Thanks for sharing the pics! :) too cool that you got to work that event! And meeting marcia cross?? jealous!! toooo funny that you didnt know who she was! :) she probably thought it was refreshing to not be fussed over, i betcha. :)

  5. WOWOWOW! That skyline photo--amazing:) Glad you were safe! What an amazing place--love the colors and papers you used!

  6. How cool that you met Marcia Cross!! She's my fave of the housewives, great actress, love that show! How cool that you get to do scrapbooks for events, I would love to do that kind of thing...btw...thanks so much for you kind words on my comments part of my blog about my bunny Dakota, it's been a tough week without him, even my dog knows he's gone, he keeps going into my bedroom to see his bunny buddy and just looks at me with sad eyes. Animals are never with us long enough.

  7. I LOVE your party blogs! They look like so much fun. I would have recognized Marcia Cross because I've been watching Desperate Housewives for years and years. I would have been a blubbering, bumbling fool if I had met her.

  8. That one looked super fun! :-)

    I love Marcia Cross. She's so cool. I used to be ADDICTED to Desperate Housewives. I've met LOTS of celebrities, but the ONLY time I was super nervous was when I met one of the men from that show. I was, literally, shaking. I had to physically restrain one of my hands because it was shaking so badly. LOL! So unlike me. Truly.

    Also, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your skirt! You MUST tell me where you got it. And if I can't get one like it, I'll be very sad, and I'll have to borrow it from you. ;-)

  9. WoW! How cool is that? I bet Marcia was happy you weren't all omg she celeb on her. Great photos!

  10. I too am sure Marcia found it refreshing to not be all celeb hounded for once! But that's really cool to have met her... she is also my favorite Housewife! I can't believe these event pix... they are fabulous. Love the colors!

  11. WOW - I am constantly in awe at these party pictures you show! WOW that is some kind of party!


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