The One with Dirty Diapers

Monday, January 2, 2012

To all the mothers and fathers out there who are still changing diapers - what do you do with them? Cuz the diaper pail we have and use just ain't cuttin' it no mo':
The rancid smell is leaking through the cracks and stinking up our entire apartment and my sensitive pg nose can't take it anymore. Sorry for being dramatic :) Do you have a miracle diaper pail that actually locks the smell in? Or do you immediately throw them away in an outside garbage? We live on the second story so it'd take some extra effort for me to do that, but if that's the only solution then I'll do what I have to do.
Fill me in. Give me some tips/pointers/solutions.

Hypersensitive Nose in South Pasadena


  1. Paige! Congrats on your pregnancy! That is very exciting. I have kids 20 months and 22 months apart. It is a good distance. Love the names, too :)

    For our stinky diapers we tried diaper pails for years and still had the odor. So we switched to scented liners in a garbage can in the garage. That worked great. But I guess if you don't have a garage maybe you could put them in a closet that you don't use too often?

    Our 5th is potty training right now so diapers are no more in our house. Which actually makes me a little sad . . .

    Again, congrats!!

  2. I think the solution is to keep the one we have and just wait for your silly pregnancy hormones to calm down. :)

  3. We have those diaper pails at church and they DO stink! I couldn't stand the smell so I always took them outside right away. That and the dog got into a dirty diaper once and that was once too many!

  4. I have that same pail.. all we do is add a little Arm n Hammer scent thing and make sure we wrap the diapers very tightly before throwing them away. Never throw 'em away open, that will add to the stank. Good luck!

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  6. We go throw them outside every time...mostly because my nose is always sensitive (pregnant or not). I also make Paul change ALL POOPY DIAPERS because I have actually thrown up on Devin more than once...poor kiddie.

  7. I returned our pail before I ever used it because I heard so many awful things about them. Instead I bought a nice shiny silver garbage can at Target with a foot pedal that opens the lid. We put all our diapers and trash in it and it never smells. LOVE IT!!

  8. I returned our pail before I ever used it because I heard so many awful things about them. Instead I bought a nice shiny silver garbage can at Target with a foot pedal that opens the lid. We put all our diapers and trash in it and it never smells. LOVE IT!!

  9. I have the arm & hammer munchkin one and its not that bad. Only thing is the refill bags are expensive.

  10. I have had, I think, all types of diaper pails.

    This is what we do now:

    All diapers get taped (with their own fastiner tape stuff) super tight in a ball. That is the first line of defense. Then if it's just pee we just put it in a grocery store plastic bag and leave it on a hook on the change area wall. As soon as a poo comes along we bundle it up, put it in the same bag, that may or may not have pee diapers in it, tie off that bag and take it out to the garage trash. You COULD put those tied bundles in your regular trash if you take that out every day. It doesn't really escape the tied bags too much. Especially if your regular trash has a lid. My regular trash has no lid and is in my pantry, so no poo allowed.

    Anyhow, any diapers, just wet or poo go out in the evening because Calvin shares that room with one of his big brothers and who wants to sleep with their brother's pee.

  11. I use the DIAPER CHAMP with scented garbage bags AND I also put one of those air fresheners from Bath and Body (the ones that they advertise for college students typically at the entrance so you are bombarded with a nice scent once you walk in... they last 60 days) put that in the bottom and change bag weekly (full or not). WORKS!!! I also have PG nose so I understand but this seemed to work like a charm!

  12. we had the same diaper pail and I agree it DID NOT WORK! we just keep a garbage bag outside our porch door and I throw them in it during the day......then Chris takes it down to the dumpster at the end of the day. it seems to work for us. :)

  13. I've heard of these smelly garbage liners at like the dollar store they smell pretty good, you can try that or just set a garbage can either in the bathroom or right outside your door and keep the dirty diapers in there OR Potty Train!! haha,(don't do that until He is WAY me on that one)! Also CONGRATS on your must be the water right?;)

  14. We have a garbage can outside (keep in mind it is 7 degrees here right now, so you can't smell it. lol We usually just throw the poopy ones outside and throw the pee ones inside as we change the garbage frequently.

  15. diaper genie. i've never ever smelled a diaper after putting one in, it's super easy to change, and i love it. and i have a freakishly strong sense of smell even when i'm NOT preg.

  16. Ugh, I had a SUPER sensitive sense of smell when pregnant and pretty much ANY scent made me gag (sorry that is so graphic) but the Diaper Genie with the deodorized liners worked for me.

  17. Another vote for the diaper genie. Never smelled ' issues at all.

  18. My previous comment was courtesy of Evelynd.

  19. LOL your hubby is funny, wish he had a prego nose! what we do is save our plastic grocery bags, wrap poo diapers in them, tie knot, then put them in diaper pail. plus in bewtween emptying pail we spray lysol. I hate pails!

  20. I use washable diapers. The urine is not a problem and the poo is flushed down the toilet! I used them for all four kids even the twins. Did have a lot of laundry! Otherwise just get a good bin that closes well. All those diaper pails don't work!

  21. I have a super sensitive nose as well. We use the Diaper Genie. Works for us. I think it helps that we wrap them up tightly and if we can, flush poo. (If it flushable) We are just starting to be able to. Best of luck and congrats on the pregnancy.

  22. We use the diaper genie and it works great for us, no smell unless you are changing the bag. I like that nothing touches the actual garbage can...which comes in handy when there is a blowout! Congrats on the pregnancy!

  23. Congrats on your pregnancy!!! That IS exciting and I have no I threw them away as needed....but what about Clean Air Odor-Free Diaper Pail and Filters from Target?

  24. They have these nicely scented plastic diaper bags at the dollar store. They're like 80 for a dollar! All poopy diapers go in a baggy, and then in a bathroom trashcan which is emptied every day. But I've never used a diaper pail, so who knows!

  25. They make "diaper bags" that they sell at the Dollar Store which are essentially little plastic garbage bags with little hands to tie them shut. You can get 100 for $1. They block out the smell. You do have to use two sometimes on really nasty diapers.

    When the dumpster was down the parking lot I did this and then just put them in my trash. Couldn't smell a thing.

    I too got a diaper Jeanie and then got RID of a diaper jeanie So did not work.

    PS HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH for babies! You won't regret having them close... they will love each other to pieces. Siblings rock!

  26. We have the newest version of the Diaper Genie and it works great. We roll them up super tight and throw them in and never smell it. I happy to say though that we don't need it anymore!

  27. When my girls were little (so long ago), we had the "Diaper Genie"! lol But nothing really ever works in my opinion. Good luck!

  28. OH Paige I am sorry to tell you that frequent changing of the garbage can is the only thing that I have found to work. I have a daycare in my home and the garbage gets taken out once at naptime and once after everyone has gone home...of course every morning there is a fresh bag's the only way to control the stench lol.

  29. I feel your pain, or rather, smell it. None of the special diaper pails have worked for us. I put the stinky ones in a grocery sack, twist it tight, wrap the sack around it again, and double knot it. Then it goes into a metal garbage can with a lid. When we lived on the second floor, the pail was on our little deck, in a corner. Now the pail is in the baby's room, and it gets taken out every other day. If its really bad it gets taken out immediately. I hope you find relief soon!

  30. wow this is a hot topic! just wanted to chime in and say we have the diaper genie 2 - it's a bit more $ than the original but we have never had an issue, we can leave it for a few days, we do roll and tape dirty diapers before they go in and then when we empty we just spray the whole thing with lysol and that controls it...our babe is just over a year old and honeslty i've only smelled it a handful of times and that's when we went longer than a few days with emptying it (like 5 or 6....really it's that good) Good luck!

  31. Flushing the poo if possible is the best trick. If I do that and wrap all the diapers tightly, I can get two days out of the diaper champ with no smell. The worst part is changing the bag, that is really the only time I smell it. Good luck!

  32. It's so creepy how much we are alike. I haven't found anything and I'm kinda white trash and I put the diapers just outside my apt door in the 2nd floor but nobody else shares my entrance so they don't have to walk by it. I thought about getting a garbage for my porch to put the. In but my husband said that was too wet trash.

    Your stinky neighbor in Pasadena.

  33. i'm with michelle. it totally depends on fox's poop but if you can flush it, that would be the very best. abigail's poop just plops right out into the toilet and then i wrap her diaper up super tight and put it in the pail. i empty it once a week (for garbage day) and never smell a thing.

    if you can't handle that (my chris refuses to do that... he always carries it to the garage) then get a plastic grocery bag and put it in, spin it, and wrap it over itself so it's double wrapped. then put it in the pail.

    good luck and congrats!

  34. arm and hammer pail, by munchkin.... It is AMAZING. The bags are a little expensive, but if you get them in bulk on amazon it helps. I have used others like the diaper genie, and this is leaps and bounds above anything else I have EVER tried!!

  35. arm and hammer pail, by munchkin.... It is AMAZING. The bags are a little expensive, but if you get them in bulk on amazon it helps. I have used others like the diaper genie, and this is leaps and bounds above anything else I have EVER tried!!


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