The One with It's Actually A...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

For kicks and giggles we decided to go to one of those fetal photo places yesterday to determine our baby's gender for 100% certain.... and it turns out that the baby girl in my belly is really a baby boy. Go figure.

I prolly shouldn't even joke about things of this nature, but I couldn't resist... 
Happy April Fools!


  1. I was actually proud of myself that I remembered in was April Fool's and that you were trying to fool us :)! So happy for you and Chris!

  2. Haha I totally fell for it! My jaw actually dropped lol. Happy April!

  3. Not only did I believe this...I was going to find one near us and schedule an appointment. This is my fear. We'll be told we're having one thing (we find out on April 19) and then we'll have the other ;)

  4. you got me! I keep forgetting it is April 1st lol. There was a Coffee Mate ad on FB for Vegetable flavored coffee creams, and I really thought it was something new for a second ;)

  5. So AS USUAL. You got me! At least I didn't email you this time, in a panic, that you were taking down your blog.

    OIY! Happy April 1st!

  6. lol i just read this on my ipod while rocking westy to sleep and my heart sank a lil bit for you and i was thinking ohhhh man she has a lot of stuff to return...what a def. had me going haha! :)

  7. ha ha ha You actually had me at first!! I was thinking of all those beautiful girl things you had brought!! hee hee

  8. I just saw this today....I kept waiting for the photo to load and decided to finally scroll down! You got me!

  9. I just saw this today....I kept waiting for the photo to load and decided to finally scroll down! You got me!

  10. i knew you would pull an aprils fools, you did it last year too, funny girl!

  11. I still remember your first April Fool's joke you played on me---where you were making your blog private! I almost believed this post! LOL! So funny! HUGS:)


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