The One with Costco on a Saturday

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Every time I go to Costco on a Saturday I vow I'm never going there on a Saturday again. But then it was dinner time and nothing sounded good except Costco pizza... so I put on my brave girl pants and weathered the storm. Just getting into the parking lot was a nightmare. I literally gave up trying to find a parking spot after 10 minutes of no luck and was weaving my way to the exit, pizza-less. However, as I was leaving, someone pulled out of their spot right in front of me (granted it was all the way out in Timbucktu) so I took their spot and made my way into this:
H.O.L.Y. M.O.L.Y.

I'm never going to Costco on a Saturday again.
Until next Saturday that is :)


  1. hee hee i feel like CostoCo always looks like that, but then I am not a huge fan of crowds so maybe that is just my perception? the pizza does rock though :)

  2. holy crap! That is insane!! I didn't know that they got that busy!


  3. LOL!!! I know exactly what you mean! It is CRAZY there!!!

  4. funny and you are super brave!

  5. Augh, that looks awful!! You were brave just to go inside, lol.

  6. I always said the same thing until I started going to the one in Duarte, so much better. You can do figure 8s in the aisles!!

  7. I hope I never go to costco with you in Cali!! haha

  8. Haha I feel the exact same way! And that is pretty crazy - Coscto can be madness. But their pizzas? Sometimes that's all that does sound good on a Saturday night when there's no food in the house. That and their hot dogs. I don't know why, but I really love their hot dogs.

  9. i wanted to comment on this before but was reading it on my phone and didn't. i'm pretty sure that's not just costco on a saturday but anywhere in california on a saturday... or any day. when we lived in ca, our walmart looked like that 24/7. and even regular grocery stores too if it was after work hours. i admire your dedication!


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