Grandma Doris

Sunday, September 6, 2020

My sweet Grandma Doris passed away on August 28th 2020. We drove to Utah over Labor Day weekend for the funeral and I got to see family members I haven't seen in over 9 years.
We headed out at 6:00am on Friday morning.
It was a beautiful drive through the Rocky Mountains.

We stopped at The Maplebrook where Chris and I lived when we first got married and where I first started this blog over 12 years ago.

BYU Creamery ice cream is a must.
I got a scoop of Oreo and Salted Caramel. Mmm.
We meandered all around the BYU campus - hoping to instill further in Fox & Jane's minds that this is a great school :)

Cookies N' Cream Milk is also a must.
The amazing rainbow string art in the MOA (Museum of Art).
Just a couple of future zoobies!
We walked around the HFAC (Harris Fine Arts Center) where I spent many many hours earning my degree in Art Education. So many memories flooded through me as we walked up and down the halls! I peeked into the old Lithography and Bookbinding rooms.

My nostalgia was pegged.
Meanwhile Allie & Tate & Daisy & Jude arrived from Las Vegas and we walked with them over to J-Dawgs for dinner.
It was my first time meeting Jude! He's almost 6 months old already!
We stopped at the Riverwoods Mall.
A family friend let us stay at their cabin in Sundance so we could all be together.

It was an epically beautiful cabin in the woods.

Saturday morning was Grandma's funeral.

All of the great-grandkids sang "I Am A Child of God" together.
I was asked to read the obituary and I completely fell apart in the beginning. It took everything I had to pull myself together and read through it. My Grandma was an amazing woman who lived a full and happy life. I hope to be a fraction of the woman she was!


We drove over to the cemetery to dedicate her grave. Then we saw where my Taylor grandparents and my parents will eventually be buried which was rather macabre knowing that I will be visiting this exact place frequently in the future. It's good to know that they're taken care of already. Then we went to The Brick Oven for lunch - a favorite of Grandma and Grandpa's.
While my mom visited with some of her lifelong childhood friends, we all met up at the BYU Creamery again to get more delicious ice cream.
Sunday morning we hiked up to Stewart Falls.
The leaves are already changing colors.

Cute boy!

Glorious morning.

We said our goodbyes and everyone started making their way back home. Janey girl asleep in the car.
We drove home via Wyoming which is so straight it's unnerving at some points!
Passing through FoCo (Fort Collins) it was like being in the end of days. The fires burning nearby made the skies so eerie. Luckily it snowed a few days later (yes, it went from almost 100 degrees to snowing in a matter of 12 hours. Colorado!) and helped put out the fires.

Love and miss you so much Grandma Doris! Until we meet again!

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