Planner Plans by Paige Evans

Sunday, January 3, 2021

If I'm being completely honest, I have a love/hate relationship with planners. I LOOOOOVE looking back through them and reliving precious memories! But I hate that I can't keep up with them lol. I've started and stopped "planning" twice before. Let's take a look!

The first time I started officially "planning" was back in January 2016 in a Heidi Swapp binder. You can watch a YouTube video flip through HERE. I lasted about 2.5 months and then I dunno what happened. Truthfully, I think I'd rather be using my time to make layouts and mini albums? But I love looking through my old planners! So there has to be a compromise.

My second attempt at planning was in March 2019 and I lasted 6 weeks. I purchased this beautiful Happy Planner and loved decorating it with pieces from my 30-page Paige Evans #StickerBook as well as bits & ephemera from my current collection at the time, Whimsical.
I started the first week in March and got through the second week of April.

Here's a look at the overview calendar of March - so bright, busy, and fun!

And then the four weeks of daily spreads in March:
Wow so many memories are conjured up looking through these!

Something that bothers me about these planners though is that Sunday is on the last day of the week instead of the first day. Are all their planners like this? It's not a huge deal, but I'm just very used to having Sunday be the start of the week.

Highlights of March.
Moving onto April!
The calendar overview is only partially filled out.
Filled out first spread of April 2019:
And then it looks like I got overwhelmed with Designer Destination commitments and put planning on the backburner.
I've decided though, I'm not a PLANNER, I'm a DOCUMENTER. My life is 10000% ruled by Google Calendar. Every appointment, every task, every meeting, etc., is digitally added and deleted with the swipe of a finger AND I can access it at the drop of a hat on my computer and phone anytime, anywhere. I get so much satisfaction deleting things from my calendar and having it empty. And I move things around a ton which I find when I put them in my planner bothers me because if it's in pen I can't erase it. I'm weird, I know.
I really really really love looking back through the two planners I briefly started! So much so that on New Years Day I went to Michaels and got a 2021 Happy Planner. I'm making notes of everything I'm doing every day and hope to be able to dedicate some time every week to fill it up. I'm not going to use it as a planner, I'm going to use it as a visual journal. Yup! I'm sticking with Google Calendar to plan my life and will use the planner to decorate my day-to-day life all pretty. Bring on the flowers!
What about you, do you plan/journal?

1 comment

  1. We have the same feelings about planners. All the product is soooo cute and I love how they look all filled in with interesting tidbits, stickers and goodies. But it was a big time commitment and I couldn't do it in a timely manner. I kept one once, mostly just to decorate with spare products left over from projects. Well the first month, January, I picked a word for the year and it was encourage. I spread it across the page and thought, "oh fun, that's pretty". Then I realized the word rage was glaring up at me, LOL! I'd divided the word in a bad way, ha.


Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN