The One with Our Third Anniversary

Saturday, May 8, 2010

To quote my Grandpa-Tedder-the-Gooder-and-Better:
And they said it wouldn't last :)

Today is our third anniversary. Though we've known each other for well over six years. It's been a fun and incredible journey, and I can't wait for everything that lies ahead like babies, moving abroad, finding a house, and living our lives together. Here are a few pictures to reminisce the good 'ol days.

At the Gateway in SLC in 2004. I can't believe how young we look!
At Copper Mountain in Colorado, July of 2004. Again, so young. And thin! What happened!?!
Outside the courthouse in Carthage, IL where we procured our marriage license on May 7th 2007.
Wedding photos.
We were sealed for time and all eternity on the morning of Tuesday May 8th, 2007 in the Nauvoo Illinois Temple.

To my Christopher:
I love you. You are my foundation. My shoulder to cry on. My strength in all things. You get me and know exactly what I want and need at all times. You are so smart and strong and a good example. You make me laugh. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you. Here's to infinity more years as wonderful as the previous three!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I love you!

  2. Happy Anniverasry guys :)
    Our is on the 12th of this month.
    this was a GREAT post!

  3. Happy, happy anniversary to you! =)

  4. First of all I love that your hubby comments. So cute.

    It is amazing how quickly times passes. It looks like you guys are enjoying every minute of it.

    More wedding photos...they are gorgeous!


    Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary Paige! Hope it's the 3rd of many :)

  6. Happy Anniversary! LOVED this sweet post with these awesome photos and your words too! Awww! I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! :-D

    Happy Mother's Day too!!! :-D

  7. Happy Anniversary! I have to say that after seeing how young chris used to look, and how much he's matured, I'd definitely let him rent a golf cart now.

  8. Hi Paige! Happy Anniversary to you!!!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Time flies when your are having fun! :)

    btw I accidentally deleted my blog so I created a new one if you wanted to change your link :)


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