The One with Be Happy

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's not even 7am and I've already been up for three hours, Fox has had two blowouts, one of which ended up on me, the dog threw up a few minutes ago, and Chris has been throwing up all night. Looks like it's gonna be one of THOSE days! But I'm determined to not let it get the best of me. Lately I've been so stressed and grumpy and I don't like feeling that way. So every morning while I'm showering I'm going to repeat to myself "BE HAPPY." I'm quick to be impatient and when I get impatient everyone gets impatient. My mood really does set the tone of our household so it's time I take charge of my own self. It starts with me, right here, right now.
Bring on the poop, throw up, and sleepless nights!

Until I can create something much cuter, this helps remind me of my new mantra:

So speaking of being happy, it's time to announce the winner of my 900th post giveaway!
Congrats Nichole! You lucky duck! Since I'm coming out to Utah in a couple weeks I'ma save on shipping and just bring it to you when I see you m'kay? :)

What to do for my 1000th post? That's kind of a big deal! It'll probably be some time in June if all goes according to plan. I'll start thinking and gathering and creating now.

Have a HAPPY day!


  1. Lucky Nichole!

    Be happy today! Everything will be ok. You have a LOT to be happy about. It's also ok to be grumpy sometimes.

  2. Hope you have a fantastic, sunshine-filled rest of the day! Congrats, Nichole!

  3. Woot Woot!!!

    Can't wait to see you.

    I hope the rest of your day is made of pink bunnies and adorable babies!

  4. hope your day gets better sweet girl! definitely had days like that! perspective is everything!! :)

  5. Thanks! Hey how is your weight loss goal coming? I am trying to loose weight too! My baby is now 7 months old! What are you doing to loose weight? Do you workout bright and early every morning? I try to and Rog is doing p90X

  6. good luck with your day paige. I'll be thinking of ya....AND you can always call at 2:00 in the morning cause i"ll probably be up as well!!!! hahaha!

  7. Aww... wish I could give you lots and LOTS of hugs!

    Sorry about his blowouts... man, he does NOT like those diapers... what are they? Pampers? That is so poopy! ;-) LOL.

    Hope you have a better week next week, Lovely! Thinking of you. :-)


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