The One with Chris's 26th Birthday!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I had grandiose visions of banners and balloons and cupcakes and ice cream and confetti and pie and friends and presents and cards and music and fun and laughter. And then before I knew it August 3rd was here and I had nothing. Major MAJOR MAJOR fail on my part. Instead we had a simple day with the highlight of lunch at the Spaghetti Factory in Duarte (pronounced doo-are-tee... betcha never woulda guessed that's how that's said eh?). Do not be fooled by the facade of this building - it's the Spaghetti Factory all right - it just used to be a school.
Dozens of flags are hung from the ceiling inside. We like to see who can name the most. Chris always wins, no contest.
The pretty lamp over our table.
Now that Fox is eating finger foods and figuring out what he wants in life, to say we create a hazard zone where'er we go is the understatement of the century!
The floor was wrought with crumbs, straws, sugar packets, plastic packaging, drool, and who knows what else in 30 minutes flat... sorry Spaghetti Factory!
Happy 26th birthday to my main squeeze!


  1. I used to work at the Spag Fact in Orem. Now I really want mizithra cheese and browned butter sauce. Drool.

  2. Does Chris REALLY know the flags or does he say (with authority) Tanzania or Azerbaijan anytime there's one you don't know?

  3. Happy birthday to your husband--what an eventful week! A test and now a birthday! WOW! Hope he enjoyed his special day!! Psalm 118:24

  4. Loveeee spaghetti factory ...mmmmmmm.... and oh my goodness, you crack me up - maybe cuz I grew up by Duarte with a street named Duarte so I wouldn't ever think that hahahaha. ps loveeeee Fox! Happy Birthday Chris! And yeah, I hear you on that.. I'm planning our Halloween costumes now but who knows... ahhahaa

  5. Happy Birthday to Chris, and I have to laugh when I think of you taking a picture of the mess under Fox's high chair and what people next to you must be thinking! I always feel weird when I'm documenting things like that in front of strangers...I sometimes wonder what they think? But then...if they are scrapbookers, they know exactly what we are doing!

  6. My birthday was wonderful! I got to spend it with my two favorite people!

  7. Happy Birthday to Chris!
    You all make the cutest family, Paige!


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