The One with Sunday Randoms

Sunday, January 8, 2012

1. Yesterday morning Fox woke up screaming at 5:30am with a 102 temperature. I booked the first available doctor's appointment. When she looked down his throat she saw white stuff on his tonsils. I immediately thought it was strep cuz we had been around someone with strep over Christmas (I'm not naming any names... Nick!). So she took a throat culture which turned out negative, which is good. But the bad news it's a virus so there's nothing we can do but pump him full of tylenol and give him all the snuggles he needs. It's hard to watch your baby be sick! My achey breaky heart. 

2. Shut the front door, I actually scrapbooked today! Not only that, but I used my new Silhouette Cameo for the very first time! Thanks Santa - aka Dald :)
Work in progress. 
Sneaky sneak. 
The full layout will be up on the AC blog tomorrow so I can show it here on Tuesday.

3. Pregnancy cravings have hit me something fierce. I've been eating the strangest and grossest things. Like Beefaroni.
I only crave it when I'm preggo.

4. Is anyone planning to go to CHA in a couple weeks in Anaheim? (Bonus: the event is next door to Disneyland!)
I'll be working there Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at the Amy Tangerine booth at American Crafts so if you're there make sure to stop by and say hi!

5. My parents are coming to town on Saturday! This will be the first time they've come since Fox's baby blessing over a year ago. We have some fun things planned which, of course, I'll blog about :)

6. The Bachelor started last Monday!
Ben F. isn't my cuppa tea, and that's totally fine, I'm just in it for the drama! I don't have a favorite gal so far, though I do think Jenna is a bit off her rocker... And why are all the freaky/mean/crazy contestants always from Utah???

I suppose that's it for now! Happy Sabbath!


  1. ooooh, love that sneak, I will definitely check it out on AC blog. And, I know it was a present, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the Cameo :)

  2. I've been eating ravioli like a champ! I feel like I am reverting back to childhood :)

  3. Poor Fox ( and the parent)!! Hope he feels better soon! Love your scrapbooking with the Silhouette! Can't wait to see more! And I am not keen about this Ben in The Bachelor...but then again, Utah is not the only place that has some crazy contestants! We had some nutty/naughty ones from Canada, too!! Funny, eh!?

  4. Let's blame it on Nick anyway. Get better soon, Fox!

  5. Ohmygoodness, that page looks amazing! And I have a Cameo, but I have NO idea how you did that background...tutorial, pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on top? :D

  6. You are totally going to rock that Cameo! I can't wait to see what you make! :)

  7. I laughed when I saw the beefaroni :) I loved that stuff when I was a kid! I too am SO excited that the Bachelor started... kinda bummed that it's Ben but oh well. They girls are funny this year, we'll see how things go! And yes, why are all the crazies from Utah?! Sigh.

  8. Oh and I don't know if I told you already, but congrats on the new babe :) very exciting!

  9. My daughter gets the same virus!!! She turned 2 in November and has had it now February, May, September, and again in December! Snuggle him all you can! It's so much harder now that I have a 4 month old to to feed/snuggle too. Torture!! Hope he gets through it soon!!

  10. hope you lil Fox feels better!!! Looks like a fun layout, I'll check it out forsure, and have fun at CHA!!!

  11. Hope Fox recover real soon :) and oh your layout with the cameo!!!!!! I can't wait! Please remember to take more photos at CHA and those AC stuffs, haha

  12. totally obsessed with the bachelor. i agree that ben f. isn't my "type" but i ADORED him on the bachelorette so i'm totally okay with that. and the drama this season seems like it will be full force!!
    i'd say my favorite is lauren (the one that rode on the horse). of course, it's only one episode in. true colors haven't come out yet ,)

  13. p.s. poor foxy! he needs to get better immediately for when carolyn and tom get there so you can have some fun!!

  14. Blech! What a funny craving that sounds so not tasty! If you crave something baked goodish, I have a mail box. It'd only take a day to get there! And I'm sorry your baby is sick. That is just the worst. Ever.

  15. I was just looking at pinterest and thinking seeing your quilt pins is like a window into your scrapping brain and alas the sneak...fabulous! Can't wait to see the whole thing! I had the sore throat thing two weeks ago right before I had a christmas musical for 400 people...I cried when they said it was just a virus :) Pretty sure the dr thought I was crrrazy. Snuggle that little man lots!

  16. I hope Fox feels better soon! On a random note, we started giving Darbi cereal with milk in a bowl instead of just dry and tonight she asked for seconds for both breakfast AND her after dinner snack. I thought of you. :)

  17. LOOOOOOVE the sneak!!! I also love that you are craving Beefaroni! Looks like you had a great Sunday!

  18. PAIGE!! I am so happy for you!! Congrats on the Pregnancy!! I missed the announcement because I was on my Cruise!! And yes I agree all the weirdo girls on the Bachelor ARE from UTAH!!!

  19. So jealous about your Cameo! One day

    Yes! I will be at CHA so excited!

    Hope Fox feels better...poor guy :(

  20. You are too funny!! I love my Cameo and can't stop using it. Your secret project looks fantastic and so very detailed. Can't wait to see!!! I created some Silhouette Cameo files and they are available on my blog for free...just in case you don't have enough :)
    I hope Fox feels better soon.

  21. Hope Fox gets well soon. That Scrapbook page looks awesome

  22. Hope Fox feels better soon. :(

    Can't wait to see that layout! :)

  23. Oh im so sorry to hear about Fox being sick! That is scary and sad, no one wants to see their baby sick : ( I love your scarbook page, its adorable!!
    I agree, all the weirdos come from Ut! Whats up with that?

  24. How's little Fox feeling today? Hopefully better! ((hugs for Fox ))

  25. I craved ramen noodles when I was preggo, the shrimp ones, with a grilled cheese, everyday...yes I was VERY fat after my daughter was born!!

  26. I saw your layout on the AC blog--hello AMAZING! I'm thinking I need a cameo...random but there you have it! I sure hope that Mr. Fox feels better soon--really don't like when my kids are sick either.
    I will be at CHA--I will definitely have to stop by and say Hi and get a picture! :)

  27. Um. That layout looks ridiculously awesome. I can't wait to see the entire thing! (Such a tease!) and I am going to CHA for the first time ever and as a new designer (nothing like jumping in with both feet!). I'm kinda nervous/excited to see what it's all about. I guess I will have to come bug you in the AC booth and probably make a fool out of myself. :)

  28. Hugs to little Fox - it is horrible when your babies are sick!! That layout looks FABULOUS! So pretty, and I a similar pregnancy craving as was the frozen spaghetti! YUM!! Have not eaten it since I was pregnant though, oh and I loved mandarins....I was eating like 2kg a WEEK!! And yep have not eaten one since I had bub 6 months ago. ha ha ha

  29. Fighting the jealous feeling aver the cameo and that kewl project is not helping! ;)

  30. busy busy day! I hope fox feels better soon! what the??! That silhouette cameo looks amazing... for some reason I haven't heard of it!

    p.s. beefaroni? haha randommmm

  31. what a fun post, Paige! Love all your random bits......except the part about poor Fox being sick, of course. We've got the sore throat sickies at our house this week, too. I'm snickering over the beefaroni....yuck. And how did I miss the first week of the Bachelor?? Gotta go catch up on that. :)


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