The One with Insta-Lately

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's been awhile (last time was August 9th, to be exact) since I've done one of these! No time like the present!
If you follow me on instagram (@paigetaylorevans) sorry for the double feature :)

One of the first things we acquired when we got here was Rick Steves travel guide books of all the countries around us. So much to see, so much to do - we need more time here!

 An awesome perk about being stationed overseas is 4-day weekends. Every month we get at least one 4-day weekend and we plan to take advantage of them! Chris was on call over Thanksgiving, hence our last big adventure was over a month ago. And it's getting COOOOOOLD! I'm a wimp and would rather stay home than go outside in freezing weather... bring on spring and summer please!

Fox & Jane. Cute as can be.

One morning this young fella came up and joined me for a morning snuggle session. Bless his heart when my phone flash blinded him!

 Fox dropped his electronic book in the bathtub. I've heard about the "rice method" and decided to try it out. Lo and behold it TOTALLY worked! It's amazing!

Jane's piggies.

This is the town of Eschenbach, the city in which we technically live. Such a picturesque German town!

The path along the side of our house.

We purchased these vintage chairs at the PX and Rachel quickly claimed one as her throne. 

Fun textured clouds over Netzaberg.

These two surprise me sometimes. Honestly this only happens once or twice a year. 

Usually they just chase or ignore each other.

On our drive to Garmisch.

Looks like Christmas! 

It was foggy for like 5 days straight recently. Somebody call Rudolph! 

I teach the 4-turning-5-year-olds at church. They are adorable. I ran out of lesson material and let them have at it on the chalkboard.

I recycled these doilies from last year's Relief Society and Ward Christmas Parties that I was in charge of decorating. Now I'll hang them every year from our big windows! Waste not, want not.

Note to self: don't go shopping at the 1 and only grocery store the night before Thanksgiving... #ishouldhaveknownbetter 

Me'n'my girl goin' to church!

This is what I got my sister and her husband for Christmas - a boatload of Haribo gummy candy!!!

We saw Frozen on Thanksgiving and of course Fox wanted these little Frozen figurines. We were playing with them when all of a sudden Fox said, "That's the snowman. That's the moose. That's the princess. And that's Daddy." ???? #kidssaythedarndestthings #whatdoesthefoxsay 

We watched all 6 seasons in a month. Sooooo good. One word to sum it all up? Intense. Not for the faint of heart.

A beautiful frozen spider web. 

Makes me think of Little Red Riding Hood running away from The Big Bad Wolf Fox aka her older brother

I took Fox on a little mommy/son date. He ate his entire soft pretzel!

I was called "Little Organizer" when I was a kid. Fun nickname eh? Looks like Fox is following in my footsteps!

Joey's new bed. He used to have a blanket on the couch to rest on, but we moved that couch downstairs, so now he resorts to the laundry basket.

 We took a day trip to Bamberg yesterday. This is the building you'll mostly likely see if you do an image search of "Bamberg". It's the City Hall.

Highlights from our trip to Bamberg yesterday - I've got a full blog post about it scheduled for Monday!
And that's what the Evans' have been up to lately!


  1. Fun pictures! It's great to remember all these little moments

  2. I'm new to your blog and just love your photos and crafts! Also, I have a Shiba Inu too!!! His name is Ponyo and he's 3..... We just love him to death..... he wants to be a part of everything we do! Also, if he could talk i think the only word he'd take the time to say is "mine"....haha ♥

  3. Loving the photos! The kids are sooooooo cute!!!!

  4. I love the photos. I am not on instagram, so thanks for sharing them here. I thought the same thing too about Jane when I saw her in her red coat. My animals like to lay in the laundry basket too... especially trying to sneak in there with clothes fresh out of the dryer. I like to go to World Market, a store in the Twin Cities, and scoop up the German gummy bears. They are the best. When I was in DW, I bought a bunch when in Epcot at the World Showcase. :)

  5. Aww!! Love it!! Joey and Hurley are a lot a like in a sense that they like to curl up in a laundry basket and sleep there. Hurley will only do it if they are freshly laundered and not neatly folded. :)

  6. Can't wait for your Monday blog post! It's been a while since one of your adventures. And Jane with her piggies kills me every time. SO cute!!

  7. Great IG pics, Paige! We saw Frozen on Thanksgiving too and loved it! And thanks for your comment on my Christmas Classics layout in the SC Gallery! We can be besties anytime!! :)


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