Insta-Lately March 6th Edition

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pardon the silence... AGAIN!! One of these times we go "on holiday" I'll have posts pre-planned. Ya know, maybe I'll start featuring Fancy Free guest designers? There's an idea! Anyway, here's just a smidgen of what we've been up to lately via my instagram (@paigetaylorevans):

Confession: only one of these mini albums actually has stuff inside... but I've got big plans for the others! Just need about 5 more hours in every day right?!

Janey not feeling so well. She's better now. 

Love slowly filling up this antique stamp holder with modern roller date stamps!

Jane hasn't worn a diaper in over 6 months, but I still don't have the heart to put away the changing table.

Still having fun playing every day with my Heidi Swapp Memory Planner!

Fox and Jane to a "T". So much personality in these little bodies.

Why is she laying on the floor? The world may never know. 

Winter is still here.

"Don't bodder me."

Once about every 2 months I curl my hair. Must be documented.

Trying to dabble more in mixed media on my pages. This is a sneak peek at the first step of one of the layouts that'll be in Paige's Pages 07 at Big Picture Classes in a week!

Scrolling through old photos. Oh my heart were they really this small once?! My how time flies!

See! Look how big they are now! This was on a recent trip to IKEA.

Freshened up my scrapbooking space (aka the living room, ha!) by switching back to all colored boxes!

143 layouts to be put away.

Starting to work on layouts for upcoming classes in Germany and Italy! You can find info about all the classes I'm teaching on my blog sidebar or here: CLASSES & WORKSHOPS.

The wickedly talented Raquel Acevedo took my pictures in Provo this past January. Orange door and a pink flamingo photobomb :)

I heart Grafenwöhr.

I'm one lucky lady ;) 

They've got the right idea for a past snowy Monday afternoon. I totally joined them.

And the reason I've been MIA: last week Chris and I left the kids with our friends (thanks Morgan and Jordan!) and high-tailed it to London to celebrate our 9th anniversary! Huge recaps coming soon :)


  1. LOVING all the photos!!! How exciting to go to London for your anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lovely layouts. Do you store them in boxes rather than albums? Would love to see how you store them. Your crafting area is nice and cheerful :-)

  3. Congratulations on 9 years! Love that darling photo of Jane squealing with her mouth wide open; my have your kiddos grown.

  4. Awesome pictures! London was so much fun. Let's go back!


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