January 2019 Highlights

Friday, February 1, 2019

I've gone back and blogged some highlights from the last year! I miss blogging about our daily lives and adventures and plan to do a monthly recap on the 1st of every month going forward. Here are the highlights from:

And now to January 2019! 
We visited the Amazon 4 Star Store (one of only two in the world for now!) at our local Park Meadows Mall. It was totally cool but I still prefer shopping online - who's with me?! :) :) Also Jane ate an entire doughnut and Fox ate most of a cookie and we were super proud - our kids do not like treats so this was huge!
My mini album collection is growing.
We moved Chris' Rogue lifting system to the basement in November and Rachel sure isn't giving me any motivation lol.
It's like they want to be fed or something.
Over Winter Break we spent a lot of time outdoors. This photo sparks memories of the conversations we had while they were up there sitting and "dabbing". We talked about unicorns and aliens and whether or not they're real. Apparently aliens are real or so says Fox :)
Christmas present to myself all the way from Australia! Grab one from Little Puddles. I LOVE all the colors.
I did a new tour of my scrap room!
I dragged the kids on the sled down to the school so we could go sledding on some epic hills. We all took turns and it was awesome.
Margi called me and apologized for all of the snow hahaha. Apparently it's been pretty bad and winters aren't usually this snowy. We haven't even seen the worst of it yet - March is the snowiest month! Oh well, what can ya do?! It is what it is! Plus it sure is pretty!
I flew down to Phoenix for Creativation and debuted my next line with Pink Paislee called Horizon! A full re-cap of the event coming soon as well as the official reveal of this collection. Stay tuned!
This sky had me like WOW!
Stephanie Buhl sent me my favorite chocolates from Germany. Such a sweet gesture!
Nap time for the fur babies.
Jay and Haylie invited me to go up to Breckenridge to see the snow/ice sculptures. Rather than stress about getting home in time to pick up the kids from school since it's a two hour drive up to the mountains and traffic can be questionable, we played hookie and they came too!
I can't even fathom how these came to be!

We ate lunch on some benches and then wandered around Breckenridge, capping off the day with fresh crepes, mmm. I rewarded myself for finally dipping into the 130s by eating a big treat :)
My next crafty adventure to tackle will be journals/traveler's notebooks! I just couldn't resist the Journal Studio collection by Crate Paper!
Now onto February! Can't believe how fast the year is flying by already!

1 comment

  1. LOVING the recap of your month!! Looks like you had loads of fun!! One of these days, I am gonna get my butt downtown to the convention center and meet you at Creativation -- oh, who I am kidding ... it will always be CHA to me! HA!!! ;) The past two years I haven't made it down there, because of Brookie's volleyball games are always that weekend too! Those ice sculptures are AMAZING!! So cool!!! (pun not intended!)


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN