February 2024 Highlights

Friday, March 1, 2024

Here's what we were up to in February 2024!
Family game night.
It snowed a foot and when we woke it was a winter wonderland.
It's been a pretty typical winter here in Denver so far thank goodness - it snows and then melts, snows and melts. A cold snap followed by days warm enough I can open the windows. I'll take this winter over last winter for sure though, last year was brutal!
My Grandpa John always sends the kids $2 bills for holidays.
My parents also gave them fun Valentine cards. Happy mail is the best!
We saw two movies in the theater in February - Argylle (sorry but it was the worst movie I've ever seen in my life, we would have walked out but I was too embarrassed to stumble over all the people in our row). And then we saw The Boys in the Boat with Fox & Jane in tow! LOOOVED it!! Will definitely watch again.
On the way home from the movie it started snowing. As we were stopped at a red light waiting to turn left, a teenager in her dad's brand new Acura took the corner waaay too fast and rammed right into us in Chris' new car. Ugh. Dealing with insurance is the worst. At least it wasn't our fault and everyone was okay, no injuries.
When it's snowing, drive slow, especially when making turns. That's all I'll say about that.
I watched every second of the Super Bowl! Even all the pre-game stuff. I had things to do around the house so I couldn't sit and watch parts so Chris' phone to the rescue!
Valentine's Day dessert - ice cream and chocolate covered strawberries.
Last year we got tickets to see Bailey Zimmerman in concert and the evening finally arrived!
His ginormous semis parked on the narrow side streets, so funny.
Date night!
We'd never been to the Fillmore before. It was a pretty venue!
Bailey is a great performer.
Go Avs :)
We had tons of fun!
Over the years you may recall me writing about Berry & Cherry, our resident House Finches. I am not sure if the original Berry and Cherry are still around, they all look exactly the same, but over the past couple years pairs of House Finches have hatched over 30 babies in our front porch light and from this picture of all the finches in a tree in our neighbor's yard it seems like most of them have stuck around! I love all our Berries and Cherries :)
Jane is a great tennis player - I hope she keeps it up!
Chris and Fox went to an Avs game and they won!
Jane and I hung out while the boys were at the game and watched Kids Baking Championship.
One day I was in my happy scrappy place filming the videos for PaigePals6 classes when all of a sudden every single fire alarm in our house went off. It was so loud and so jarring and so scary. Poor Amy & Sandy were petrified. After 5 minutes of beeping it stopped. I checked but there was no fire. And then it started again. And stopped. And started. And stopped. I was reaching out to my dad and Chris for help but there's not much they could do. When it wouldn't stop I called the non-emergency number and a fire truck with 4 firemen quickly came to my rescue.
Apparently all our fire/smoke alarms are expired and we just need new ones. Done and done. And now I know to check them. I fail at life sometimes.
The hibiscus that my sister-in-law gave me for my birthday a few years ago continues to bloom. Anyone know how to get rid of aphids? I have sprayed them with neem oil daily for weeks and they're still there...
We watched School of Rock with the kids, I think they liked it.
Me throughout the month.
I did my first Make with Me Monday live! More on that below.
That same Monday, Fox got home from school and was crying because he had gotten into an accident on his scooter and busted open his chin. I rushed him to the Children's Hospital and a few hours later he got 5 stitches. Fox on calming drugs is funny.
He stayed home from school the next day so I took him to Einstein Bagels for lunch and GameStop for a consolation prize.
Home improvement projects continue! My house, my choices, and I know they're not for everyone lolol.
 Thinking the wallpaper on the left will be used in our bathroom and the wallpaper on the right will go on the ceiling in our closet.
The bathroom wallpaper repeats after 4 rolls which made me like it a lot more because just the 1 roll didn't have enough color. But all 4 together looks great!
Choosing paint colors to match.
Purple?! Yes! I think this wallpaper will go just in our toilet closet.
We're also doing our closet and choosing paint was one of the hardest design choices I've ever had to make! In the end I went with the forest green on the far left but of course photos don't do it justice.
Bad kitties!
For some reason there aren't many lights in our house so we had the electrician add 4 can lights in our bedroom.
He also added a light in every segment of the family room ceiling and 2 more lights on the soffit because there was just 1 random one and I need balance and order in my life.
I took pictures of some of the things we inherited from my Taylor grandparents to send to Grandpa John to see. The electrician replaced the chandelier in the formal dining room with one that has been in the family for generations which I love.
Onto the kitty cats! My best furry friends! They follow me everywhere and need to be entertained.
1) Waiting for me to get dressed. 2) I peeked in on them eating lunch and they had switched spots. Amy eats on the top and Sandy eats at the bottom. 3) Snoozing in our closet. 4) Safe under the coffee table.
Greeting me at the door. 
Sweet Sandy.
Precious Amy snuggling me.
Onto the scrappy recap for February! Editing videos and catching myself making mistakes haha. We're only human!!
I shared just 1 layout in February - Happy Fun Times. But I've got LOTS to share this month!
I designed 8 freebie cut files in February! Find them in my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group, in my weekly Newsletters, and Scrapbook & Cards Today!
Learn how to create these 4 mini albums and 16 layouts in PaigePals6!
The kits will also be available individually every month, February is the Flower Child Kit.
I want to get more people involved in scrapbooking and make this our Scrapbooking Era :) I came up with a plan and asked Kelly Bangs Creative to make me a logo, isn't it the cutest?! Join me LIVE every Monday at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern Time on my YouTube channel and learn how to make a layout in my new series: MAKE WITH ME MONDAY!
Here is the sketch we based the first layout on:
I am revamping my Happy Scrappy Place Facebook Group so be sure to join me over there! The schedule is as follows:
Sunday - Question/Poll
Monday - Make with Me Monday & Sketch
Tuesday - Deal of the Week
Wednesday - Member Spotlight
Thursday - Challenge & Newsletter Cut File Preview
Friday - Freebie Cut File/Printable & Newsletter with News!
Saturday - MWMM Video Link & Supplies
Getting threads prepped and ready to go into kits. I love these colors.
Supplies for my upcoming 4th of July kit & class are arriving! We'll be using the patriotic Flags & Frills collection by American Crafts.
Lots and lots of coordinating ribbons!
And a 6x8 sequin album! I'm also doing a custom stencil, foil transparency, metal die, enamel dots, a charm, and more, woohoo! I'm hoping to release the kit & class in May or June - stay tuned!
Putting PaigePals6 kits together.

This is why I rarely paint my nails/get manicures. Putting kits together and doing stuff with my hands all the time makes for constant chipping and paper cuts galore.
The basement is full again with upcoming kits & class stuff! Can't wait for all the things in 2024!
Here's hoping March is a little bit less eventful than February ;)

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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN