Jen is a "ticking time bomb" :) It's been so fun to watch her grow! We threw her a baby shower today during lunch - which was a little odd with three guys there... j/k. Marlene made an amazing (and delicious!) duck shaped cake. Jen isn't finding out whether it's a girl or a boy, so we were all pretty creative with our wrapping. I put my present in a blue striped bag with a pink card, and Alisha put her present in a pink bag with a blue card, and others went with grays, greens, yellows, reds, oranges - pretty much any color besides pink and blue. Here's Jen enjoying her yummy pound cake! The best present she got was a "100% boy" onesie from Richard. Maybe he has x-ray vision and can see what's going on in there. Courtney was fortunate (or unfortunate?) enough to get the entire duckie head.Here's the American Crafts gang (minus Marlene who was taking the picture). Left to right we've got Jen (and her baby bump), Ben, Richard, me, Alisha, David. We can't wait to see Baby Simmons in less than a month! Congrats to you from us Jen!
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