The One with Thanksgiving 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Took Joey for a walk this morning and he had a fun little interaction with a Tom Cat.I know, I'm blogging about Joey like he's a baby, but he's getting so big so fast I want lots of pictures to remember him at this stage. I promise there won't be as many once he's all grown up! Here he is in the car on the way to our Thanksgiving destination.
We spent Thanksgiving 2009 with my uncle John, aunt Natalie, cousins CAT and Daniel, and their family friends who own a cabin up in the mountains of Wrightwood, CA. It didn't feel like we were in California anymore! At least not the urban sprawl that we've become accustomed to.
Here were are on this blessed day. 11.26.09.
Saw a ginormous gray squirrel with a big fuzzy tail enjoying his Thanksgiving feast. I want one. (Just kidding. NO MORE PETS!)
Trees. I love trees.
I especially love evergreen trees. These babies produce some majorly big pine cones!
Here's an interesting tidbit about the wildlife of Wrightwood - the woodpeckers in these parts of town poke holes in the trees and then fill them with seeds for worms to get in and then they come back and eat the worms from the seeds.
Clever birds!Joey likes playing in the leaves. He sorta blends in.
We went on a walk to town and enjoyed the fresh air.
Have I mentioned I love trees? Cuz I do.
Here is "town," if you can even call it that. It's one street long. Quite a town! But really, I love the feel of small towns.
Surprisingly there was a little coffee shop open and since Chris and I hadn't eaten lunch we stopped in and had some breakfast burritos. They were good.
My handsome husband. I'm so thankful for him!
Back at the cabin we set up for the feast.
Joey was so worn out from the walk, chasing around Kenny the dog, and playing with people, that he thankfully fell asleep during dinner.

Now we're back at home, enjoying our time together, the glow of our freshly set up Christmas tree, and planning out our strategy for Black Friday tomorrow. We love a good deal!
Yeah, so, my camera sorta stinks and I figured, hey, if it's gonna be blurry, might as well make the most of the situation! Behold, our Christmas tree:
Happy Thanksgiving 2009!


  1. Joey is huge! Is he coming to Washington for Christmas??

    I like how your Christmas tree is already set up haha

  2. Wow the mountains in Cali are soo beautiful! I want to go!!


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