The One with Dumb Boy Stories

Monday, March 15, 2010

I straightened my hair on Saturday morning for the first time in over a year. This is the "before" picture and I don't even have an after picture to redeem myself. Meh.
It's such a process to straighten it, that's why I hardly every do it. But I did and it reminded me of Junior High/High school when I straightened it frequently and consequently I had a few dreams/flashbacks of dumb boy stories. Prepare to enter my random thoughts.

9th grade. Evergreen Junior High. 3rd period. Science class. I had one of those ginormous calculators where you could type messages and what not (who cares that it could solve complex mathematical problems right?!?). It was the futuristic way of passing notes if you will. The first 30 minutes of 3rd period were for reading. Haha. Yeah right. Let the calculator passing begin. I was sitting next to a boy, let's call him Steven. He was a basketball all-star and all that jazz. We had been flirting it up for weeks and eventually he confessed via calculator that he liked me. I was so excited, I totally thought he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. Wrong. Pretty much the next day he asked another girl to be his girlfriend and they dated the rest of the year and all throughout high school. We went to different high schools though so, whatever. His loss :)

16 years old. I flew all the way out to Utah from Washington to see a boy I liked. We were hanging out at the mall (we were sooo cool) and he refused to hold my hand. I was like, what's up with dis? I flew 800 miles to see you and you won't even hold my hand in public? He said: Cuz I don't want other girls to see me holding another girl's hand. I want to look available. OMG. Forget that.

Junior High and High School. I was dumped twice by boyfriends for other girls. Girls that were my friends. Or at least I thought they were my friends. Lame lame and more lame.

College. I met a boy the first day of Freshman orientation. We started dating, if you could even call it that. We never went anywhere except on walks around campus and I was the one who had to hold his hand for the first time like a month later. After our first kiss he felt so guilty that he never called me again...whoa.

I have more lame boy stories, but I'll spare you the details. Then I met Chris, my knight in shining armor, on January 22nd, 2004. After a little drama in the beginning, everything worked out and exactly 6 years ago yesterday he asked me to be his first and only girlfriend. And now we've been married for almost 3 years and life couldn't be better. Moral of the story: I'm so glad I'm past the dating stage and can laugh at all these horrendously lame boy stories!


  1. My hair is a lot like yours and I love to have it straightened by my stylist. I do it myself, but it never gets like as good as when she does it and it takes so long!!!!
    I have a couple of dumb boy stories too. Thank God I'm waaaay past that stage in life!!!

  2. Haha...I can totally the days-gone-by hair straightening and the dumb boy stories!! =)

  3. lol. oh boy stories....we've all got em right?! Thank heavens for our hubbies who are the best boys EVER!!!

  4. I too thank God that I'm not still 'out there' and have a lovely boy all to myself...have many lame boy stories too - seems like a million years ago now though!! xx

  5. Paige I would LOVE to meet up with you at Disney! But we're going to Disney World, not Land... :( Of course maybe one day we'll go there too and then we can say hey cause that would be SO cool! :)

    You know what? You want straight hair? Come on over. Mine is as straight as a board.... LOL!

  6. Thank goodness those dating days are over :)

  7. Love reading your stories!! I think your post title should read dumb boy stories about dumb boys!! They dumped you? Crazy boys!!

  8. NOW you believe me when I say "boys are stupid". Except one (Chris). I mean, two (your dad).

  9. I used to see that guy from freshman year on campus the semester after that. I would say hi and he would look at the ground and walk faster. Definitely a loser. Good thing you found an awesome guy later that year!

  10. Boys are so lame and dumb! But make for funny stories later in life!

  11. dude, speaking of dumb boy stories. a few months ago, a guy i dated 10 years ago called me! how he got my number, i will never know. it was so random and awkward. he wanted to "see how i was doing". to make matters more sketchy, he is married with 2 kids! very dumb.

  12. Girl I'm so there with you! My best friend at work just flew across the country to be with a guy that totally let her down. Dating is so hard. But it's worth it if you find 'the one'.

  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bunch of encouters with dumb boys...I just wish I knew at the time how dumb they really were. I'd like to have all that time back!!

  14. so hilarious. the things we do (and the hair we straighten) to make ourselves beautiful...

  15. I love it when boy stories come out.. : )


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