The One with Nutella Crepes

Monday, April 26, 2010

My latest (food) obsession:
Nutella crepes.
This is how the conversation went:
Hi! I would like a Nutella crepe please.
Okay. That'll be $5.57. Is that for here or to go?
For here.
Would you like whip cream inside?
Yes please.
Would you like powdered sugar on top?
Yes please.
Would you like extra Nutella?

It is so not a good thing that this place is on my way home from work... Or maybe it's a very good thing...


  1. crepes are so easy to make! you should just make your own! and add all the extras you want! (including fresh strawberries...YUM)

    oh my goodness. thanks for the post. right now i NEED a nutella crepe.

  2. mmm, we just had this but with banana added on Saturday. I went to Costco and got bulk nutella the next day! LOL

  3. Umm... yes, they are the best! ANYTHING with Nutella is the best. LOL.

    But... an entire JAR of Nutella is cheaper than $5.57, and making crepes is EASY! Just add an extra egg to pancake batter (add some extra milk too) and pour it into a non-stick pan... very VERY thin... easy peasy. It's a thin pancake. That will save you LOTS of money on your way home from work. ;-)

    Maybe I should make you a YouTube video... ;-)

  4. Crepes are super yummy! Can't imagine how good one is that's stuffed with Nutella!

  5. Get a crepe maker though, it's a MEGA time saver! We served crepes like this at our wedding, Major hit.

  6. I have to hide the Nutella (on the rare occasions that it mysteriously appears in our shopping trolley...) as Paul can polish of an entire jar in no time. It's freakish. Those crepes do look good...the baby must need the chocolatey goodness?!? xx

  7. I so had to forward this to my friend. I seriously buy her Nutella every year for her birthday. She likes it that much.

  8. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I want a crepe maker too!!!! Nutella, whiped cream, crepe, suger?! What's not to love??!!!! Oh my goodness I'm hungry now!!!

  9. nutella crepes are the best thing in the world. especially with strawberries :)

  10. Just found my way to your blog. This post reminds me of my post about the love of crepe!! I love them here (in Canada) and I love them (in France)! Your blog is SO yummy!


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