Seems like an appropriate title for today's post since that's all we talked about in Sunday School today - the signs and wonders Moses performed for Pharaoh.
So most of the time I think to myself, "Am I really pregnant? I can't SEE anything. I can't FEEL anything. Is there REALLY something going on in there?" I've only been totally reassured twice at the ultrasounds - the first at 8 weeks when we got to hear the heartbeat which was super special and the second time at 11 weeks when we got to see him move! (I will refer to my baby as a him until proven otherwise cuz that's what we think it is.) I guess my signs of pregnancy are subtle, though they are there and ever present, which is comforting and which I shall write about now.
1) My face is one big giant zit factory. OMG. Every morning three or four (or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or get the picture...) new volcanoes erupt and it's just gross. I went to the dermatologist when I was like two or three weeks pregnant, in fact I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time, and got prescriptions for topical creams which I used up until I found out I was pregnant a week or two later, and the doctor even said I can continue using them cuz they're not harmful, but I ain't taking any chances. So my face looks like it did when I was 13. Covered in acne. I tell myself it'll all be worth it.
2) Bouts of nausea. I've only thrown up twice thus far (pllleeeeaaaassssseeee let that be all), though I feel nauseous most of the time. I have a pretty strong stomach and have only thrown up a handful of times in my life because it's one of my biggest phobias. I'd rather do anything besides throw up (not ANYTHING, but many many many other things...). So it must be a sign of pregnancy that I've thrown up twice. The first was right after I took my pre-natal vitamin. I don't know why then, at 10 weeks, when I'd been doing just fine taking it every single morning my body decided to reject it. But it did so now I've switched to Flinstones vitamins. Then last week, Wednesday night, I came home from work, ate some spaghetti for dinner then curled up on the couch to watch America's Next Top Model. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I knew what was about to happen so I ran to the kitchen to do my business. But the kitchen light wouldn't turn on! It's still broken in fact (it's the WEIRDEST shaped bulb I've ever seen in my life and I'm not exactly sure where to get it replaced) but I've realized it was probably a blessing that I couldn't see what was exiting my body. It felt so gross. The texture. EW. Ok. I'm done. I'm making myself nauseous just thinking about it. Let's just say I won't be eating spaghetti for a really long time, which is too bad because it was a staple among my already limited diet.
3) I HAVE NO ENERGY. This is probably the hardest part of being pregnant for me. Normally I'm an up-and-at-'em kinda girl. I wake up around 6:30 and go to bed around 10 after an accomplished and productive day. Not since about week 6. Man. I wake up around 7, go to sleep around 8 (yes, that means I get 11 hours of sleep), and most of the day I can't find the energy or desire to get myself up off the couch. I've watched A LOT of TV. It's tough because I have work and scrapbooking assignments to get done, but I push them off to the very last minute and I feel like my creativity has gone out the window and it's never gonna return and it's just sad. This is what I always felt like when I was PMSing, and it only lasted for a day or two then, but now it's lasted for almost two months. I'm soooo hoping and praying that come the second trimester this Friday I will return to my creative, happy, and productive self because right now I ain't no ball of sunshine and I apologize to whoever may come in contact with me.
4) My clothes don't fit so good...Though I'm definitely not showing on the outside when I wear normal clothes as exhibited by this picture taken today after church:

I can for shizzle feel a difference when I get dressed every day. Much to my husband's excitement, my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder (though in my case it should be referred to as a pebble-holder) is quite snug. I've always been much than less endowed in the chestal area (thanks for nothing Malm! :) so this is new and fun. My other secret is I don't button my pants (or zippered skirts) anymore...I physically can't! I do have a little pouch forming under my belly button, and though for now I wish it would become more pronounced, I'm sure in a few short months I'll be wishing the opposite for the sake of comfort. I always thought to myself that I would be one of those super cute pregnant woman wearing cute and bright clothes but the honest truth is I wear pajamas and sweatshirts 95% of the time. I'm so dowdy. I guess it's just that awkward stage when I'm not big enough to wear maternity stuff yet but my normal clothes just don't fit either. What's a girl to do? :)
So there you have it. My signs and wonders that there must be a baby inside. I can hardly wait til our next ultrasound on the 29th!
So most of the time I think to myself, "Am I really pregnant? I can't SEE anything. I can't FEEL anything. Is there REALLY something going on in there?" I've only been totally reassured twice at the ultrasounds - the first at 8 weeks when we got to hear the heartbeat which was super special and the second time at 11 weeks when we got to see him move! (I will refer to my baby as a him until proven otherwise cuz that's what we think it is.) I guess my signs of pregnancy are subtle, though they are there and ever present, which is comforting and which I shall write about now.
1) My face is one big giant zit factory. OMG. Every morning three or four (or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or get the picture...) new volcanoes erupt and it's just gross. I went to the dermatologist when I was like two or three weeks pregnant, in fact I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time, and got prescriptions for topical creams which I used up until I found out I was pregnant a week or two later, and the doctor even said I can continue using them cuz they're not harmful, but I ain't taking any chances. So my face looks like it did when I was 13. Covered in acne. I tell myself it'll all be worth it.
2) Bouts of nausea. I've only thrown up twice thus far (pllleeeeaaaassssseeee let that be all), though I feel nauseous most of the time. I have a pretty strong stomach and have only thrown up a handful of times in my life because it's one of my biggest phobias. I'd rather do anything besides throw up (not ANYTHING, but many many many other things...). So it must be a sign of pregnancy that I've thrown up twice. The first was right after I took my pre-natal vitamin. I don't know why then, at 10 weeks, when I'd been doing just fine taking it every single morning my body decided to reject it. But it did so now I've switched to Flinstones vitamins. Then last week, Wednesday night, I came home from work, ate some spaghetti for dinner then curled up on the couch to watch America's Next Top Model. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I knew what was about to happen so I ran to the kitchen to do my business. But the kitchen light wouldn't turn on! It's still broken in fact (it's the WEIRDEST shaped bulb I've ever seen in my life and I'm not exactly sure where to get it replaced) but I've realized it was probably a blessing that I couldn't see what was exiting my body. It felt so gross. The texture. EW. Ok. I'm done. I'm making myself nauseous just thinking about it. Let's just say I won't be eating spaghetti for a really long time, which is too bad because it was a staple among my already limited diet.
3) I HAVE NO ENERGY. This is probably the hardest part of being pregnant for me. Normally I'm an up-and-at-'em kinda girl. I wake up around 6:30 and go to bed around 10 after an accomplished and productive day. Not since about week 6. Man. I wake up around 7, go to sleep around 8 (yes, that means I get 11 hours of sleep), and most of the day I can't find the energy or desire to get myself up off the couch. I've watched A LOT of TV. It's tough because I have work and scrapbooking assignments to get done, but I push them off to the very last minute and I feel like my creativity has gone out the window and it's never gonna return and it's just sad. This is what I always felt like when I was PMSing, and it only lasted for a day or two then, but now it's lasted for almost two months. I'm soooo hoping and praying that come the second trimester this Friday I will return to my creative, happy, and productive self because right now I ain't no ball of sunshine and I apologize to whoever may come in contact with me.
4) My clothes don't fit so good...Though I'm definitely not showing on the outside when I wear normal clothes as exhibited by this picture taken today after church:
I can for shizzle feel a difference when I get dressed every day. Much to my husband's excitement, my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder (though in my case it should be referred to as a pebble-holder) is quite snug. I've always been much than less endowed in the chestal area (thanks for nothing Malm! :) so this is new and fun. My other secret is I don't button my pants (or zippered skirts) anymore...I physically can't! I do have a little pouch forming under my belly button, and though for now I wish it would become more pronounced, I'm sure in a few short months I'll be wishing the opposite for the sake of comfort. I always thought to myself that I would be one of those super cute pregnant woman wearing cute and bright clothes but the honest truth is I wear pajamas and sweatshirts 95% of the time. I'm so dowdy. I guess it's just that awkward stage when I'm not big enough to wear maternity stuff yet but my normal clothes just don't fit either. What's a girl to do? :)
So there you have it. My signs and wonders that there must be a baby inside. I can hardly wait til our next ultrasound on the 29th!
Super funny, Paige! In a month or so (but most definitely in a few months), you are going to really wish you don't look pregnant. I'll put opinion down here that it's definitely worth it! :-)
ReplyDeleteyou look hott. not showing is a good thing, trust me. there will be MANY months that, like your malm said, you will wish that you didn't look pregnant.
ReplyDeleteoh it's all so exciting! i was one who couldn't wait til i was showing either and then once you could, i was so happy! i thought it was super fun to be pregnant (and showing)! i hope you find the experience the same way!
ReplyDeleteThe belly pops out of no where - I swear its like you wake up one day and it is strange, yet adorable! I always took prenatals at night right before bed (only way they'd stay down)! And for the some ponytail rubberbands (the ouchless kind!). Loop it through the button hole and then put the loop around the button! It keeps the clothes up and lets you grow!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss that you were pregnant? Congratulations!
ReplyDeletei feel your pain with the acne because mine was SUPER bad from the very beginning. BUT the good thing is that i heard from a lot of people that it goes away (at least mostly) as time passes. my face at 25 weeks was a million times better than it was at 15. so even though that's a little ways off for you, at least it's probably not here to stay!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya Paige. That is an awkward stage. Some of the maternity pants I bought are still a little big and I am 24 weeks now. I felt better around 22 weeks so I hope you will too...some people feel better sooner tho!
ReplyDeleteYou look great Paige! But i aggree the worst part about pregnancy is being tired all the time...that is what is so great about your 2nd trimester, you feel good agian until your 3rd trimester! but it is so exciting that my kids will have cousins! yay!
ReplyDeleteI am seriously so excited for you! You look so cute in that photo... love the outfit. i can totally relate about feeling tired all the time. When i was pregnant with Holden I could fall asleep anywhere!!! Especially the first trimester. I went to bed at 8 too... haha...
ReplyDeleteYou look so good! LOVE that sweater. I didn't have ANY pregnancy symptoms and it freaked me out so bad. All I really had was the super tired feeling.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that it takes as much energy to grow a placenta as it does to climb Mount Everest? Of course, you're spreading it out over a few months, but still! That's on top of the energy you spend to get through your day, and of course, the energy you are using to grow another human being.
Get yourself a Bella Band or two. The off brand they sell at Motherhood Maternity stink because they're one size fits all, but the actual BB comes in sizes, which is nice. I loved mine. No reason to be uncomfortable in too tight pants!
Awh bless your heart! I really remember those days... Although I didn't have but a week of where if I smelled any meat, I mean any meat I would get icky.... But for the most part I was blessed beyond measures with my pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteI am sure we all can share and tell ya stuff! :)
Good on the Flintstones, they never let me down either! :)
And honestly I gained 17 pounds during my pregnancy. That's all. I wore my same clothes all the way through, I just unzipped my pants a little bit and that was that, just like you! :) I thought I was going to be as big as a house, but I really wasn't. In fact, you couldn't really tell I was pregnant a lot of the time. That was until 8 1/2 months and then from no where, you could tell! LOL.
And the chest? I've always been a decent size, but girl... I tell ya. Seriously I had no clue!
Isn't it amazing how much our bodies change? I will be praying that your does smoothly and that you don't get sick anymore and have so much energy your like the energizer bunny! :)
ha! paige, you are the cutest. i love your writing style. great recap of pregnancy symptoms...sums up how i felt most of the time too during tri#1. good news is, i felt mostly better & more energetic by like week 15...bad news is, my skin got AWFUL too and still has it's issues. i hope yours isnt the same :(
ReplyDeleteGirl, I am RIGHT there with you on ALL of it. In fact, I could almost write everything you wrote except the fact that with this second pregnancy I started showing MUCH sooner and I look 5 months pregnant instead of just a bit over 3. Lovely. LOL. I've also recently bought the Bella Band. It helps your clothes situation. You can see more about it here -
ReplyDeleteBIG hugs to you my friend and know you are NOT alone! ;)
i remember all of these feelings at the beginning of both of my pregnancies! hang in there, i PROMISE it gets better! I always say the first trimester is the absolute worst part... (more than 3 trimester or labor IMO!) Don't worry, you will get your groove back! and you look SO cute! :)
ReplyDeleteHang in there! You look great!
ReplyDeleteyou look fabulous! sorry the signs and wonders are the most wonderful, but it WILL be worth it :)
ReplyDeleteI gotta say, you still look super cute! I wonder about that all the time too (not being pregnant yet - still about 2 years away for us), will I "feel" it? Hopefully everything gets better for you as this goes!
ReplyDeleteI was going to suggest the ponytail-holder looped through the button hole on your pants, but I see someone already did. It's so nice for that in-between stage! You may feel like you're getting big, but in a few months you'll look back in wonder at how skinny you are now. And the energy levels certainly get a boost in the second trimester!
ReplyDeleteYour post is too funny! I know what you mean about the acne, no energy, and then the boobs that come out of nowhere! :) I use to loop a rubberband through the button hole of my pants and then loop it around the button. It keeps the pants from sticking out and it gives you a little room to grow! That inbetween stage for clothes is so hard!
ReplyDeletei love this. I'm with evonne...i wanted to show soooo bad, but now that i do...oh boy, so many other aches and pains come with it. I'm so excited for you. Its fun to read how everyone else felt at that time too!
ReplyDeletesososososososososoos happy for you, gorgeous girl! xoxo
ReplyDeleteMan... I miss being pregnant! I love reading about yours... it brings to mind similar things that I felt/did when I was pregnant! Good times! :) Even better times now that he is here though! I fell asleep every night on the couch at like 7 or 8... that part will get better! For a while anyway! :) People say it is just preparing you for when your baby comes and you get no sleep! It was rough... Michael thought I was having postpartum depression... the doctor told him I was just having exhaustion depression! :) Take it easy while you can! :)