The One with Tomorrow is Only a Day Away

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and be my old self. I'm going to have energy. I'm going to have creativity. I won't have a single zit on my face. I won't have one hint of nausea. Because tomorrow is the first day of my second trimester. And life will be bliss. Right? I just don't want a repeat of what happened tonight......I worked a 9 hour shift today instead of my usual 4. Strike number one. I've had a headache for like a week now (oh yes, that will disappear tomorrow magically as well). Strike number two. After work I rushed home, picked up Chris, and we drove to LAX to pick up his parents visiting from Colorado. As we were driving along the curvy and winding (strike number three) 110, all of a sudden, out of nowhere (how does that happen?), I knew what was coming up. We were stuck in traffic and there was simply nowhere to go and I had nothing to capture it. I vomited all over the floor of the front seat of our car. Again and again and again. It was so embarrassing. And smelly. Welcome to LA Evans'! But tomorrow everything will change! I know it will! I will wake up a-new! Refreshed! Energized! That's what all the books say and books don't lie! So I'm going to sleep to make tomorrow come faster.

But just in case, I'm gonna to start carrying a plastic bag inside a paper bag with me everywhere I go...

PS and totally unrelated - hence the PSness - Have you been to the Hambly Screen Prints blog today? Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge!


  1. I am sorry but I had to laugh out loud when reading this! I am so sorry and I hope that tomorrow... things will magically get better! :) I couldn't brush my teeth the whole time I was pregnant without gagging! I didn't throw up unless I brushed my teeth! :) I am surprised they didnt fall out! I did brush ... don't worry... but only for like 3 seconds each time. Ha! I am sure you know this and everyone will be telling you this all the time but... it is all worth it! :) I am actually scared to ever say anything to a pregnant woman about anything baby or pregnancy related. I threatened to get some pretty vulgar shirts made up when I was pregnant... telling people what I thought of their advice and about touching me! :)

  2. AWWW! You poor thing! I would have DIED. I hate puking...but puking in front of my in-laws! Whew...that is a double blow! I hope your tomorrow is WAYYY better and every day after that, too!! I'm so excited you're having a baby!!

  3. Oh man! So sad! And a teenie bit funny only because it's so sad. You are a trooper!

  4. You are going to have the CUTEST baby in the world!!

  5. you need to talk like this, because honestly sometimes it is the only way i made it through. all 22 weeks of throwing up, i told myself every night tomorrow i was going to feel better. ;)

  6. Your post made me laugh. I carried the airplane sick-bags with me the whole time I was preggers. I tell everyone "I threw up an hour after I peed on the stick, while I was in labor pushing, and every time in between." No joke. They say it shows that your body is in tune with baby. Only 6 more months! :)

  7. So, so funny, Paige - you are a trooper. It's so wonderful that you will have all this documented to go back and laugh at (yes, you'll laugh, I promise) when your little one arrives. This too, shall pass. :)

  8. Paige, that is so sucky. I always considered what I would do while driving to work with the morning sickness. I pulled over a few times, but never with your results. I hope the 2nd trimester is totally uneventful, because you've already had it pretty rough.

  9. Oh paige. That is horrible. I am so sorry!

  10. ohhhh paige. i'm so sorry! hang in there. i think it will all be worth it...? that's what they say, anyway. :)

  11. I'm really hoping that's true. :) Because it can suck. I know. Times three!

  12. Oh my - you poor thing. It will pass - aside from the growing belly, the 2nd tri is a breeze. The payoff is totally worth it - hang in there!!

  13. so sorry :( I totally remember going through this, and i just needed someone to tell me it was going to get better, because IT WILL. I too had to carry around a barf bag and an emergency PB&J to eat if i start to feel nauseous. Have you looked into taking Zofran? I took it with both of my kids. It's safe and it REALLY makes a difference it the nausea sticks around awhile.

  14. UM... PS. Just went to Hambly blog. And i no longer believe you when you say you have no creativity right now ;) LOOKS AMAZING!

  15. I knew it was you on the Hambly blog peek!! The tree and colorful bright colors scream Paige!

    Hope the nausea goes away and can't wait to see your Hambly gallery!

  16. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen!

  17. First off CONGRATS!

    Secondly, reading your pregnancy stories reminded me exactly of how I felt with my first. I remember I could only eat fruit like apples, watermelon, and my favorite thing to stave off the nausea was Chinese dried prune candies because they were salty. I even tried those seasick bands, eh, maybe they helped me from throwing up, but I still felt the nausea. Hoping it gets better for you! You ARE going to be a cute pregnant mommy, promise!

  18. I am praying for you because I want you to enjoy this and not have to puke or feel tired!!!!! :)

    You will feel better!

  19. Oh! Soo sorry Paige! That doesn't sound fun at all. YAY for the 2nd trimester - hopefully it all goes away!

  20. I'm so sorry Paige! I'm with ya, throwing up is the worst thing ever.


    You poor thing! That's horrendous! Oh, Lovely! I hope you're feeling better now! :-D


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