The One with the 800th Post Giveaway!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I've reached a big milestone today - 800 posts! To celebrate, I'm having a giveaway! This is a late spring-cleaning slash "one woman's trash is the next woman's treasure sorta giveaway :) Looky looky and see what can be yours if you are the one lucky wiener:
This bag I made for the American Crafts blog awhile ago:
These scrapbooking supplies (includes five sheets of Dear Lizzy Spring adhesive backed fabric, and an assortment of Flair badges, rub ons, and stickers):
This Google sweatshirt (too big for me, too small for Chris):
This gorgeous headband I bought last summer but headbands hurt my head so might as well let someone make good use out of it:
This pretty pearl ring (too small for my fat fingers :) :
(please don't look at my knarly, dry, wrinkly, man hands...):
This Forks, WA beanie for die-hard Twilight fans (I bought this in THE city of Forks a few summers ago and never found a use for it other than staring at it and reliving one of the best days of my life!):
This genuine Coach coin purse (a gift from my mom several years ago and I just haven't needed it... hope you will!):
This cake decorating kit (could be the start of a new hobby??):
This cupcake recipe book - mmmmmm:
This $10 Target gift card:
And this fabulous PaigeBook!
It's got wooden covers:
It's got pretty floral fabric inserts:
It's got a coptic binding:
It's awesome :)
To enter to win, please leave a comment on this post by Monday November 8th at noon Pacific Time telling me what your plans are for Thanksgiving/Christmas. I'll announce the winner that same Monday afternoon.
Goooooooood luck!


  1. wow, 800 posts! congrats on that

    i'd like to host thanksgiving at my house this year, but my husband made his panic face when i mentioned, so maybe it won't happen ;(

  2. Congrats on 800 posts! We always have thanksgiving at our house and Christmas at the grandparents! I love all the traditions we have during the holidays!
    Thanks so much Paige!

  3. Congratulations on 800's to 800 more! =)

  4. In France, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. But for Christmas, I decorate my house with a beautiful Xmas tree, home decorations, and lights on our balcony.
    Unfortunately, my husband will work during christmas eve, and christmas day (he's a firefighter), so I'll go back to my parents' house to celebrate it with all my family.
    But I will prepare some surprises for my poor husband. It can unpack them and eat them at work. ;)

  5. felicidades por tus 800 post!
    nosotros en España no celebramos acción de gracias pero si Navidad!espero pasarlo bien y poder viajar para ver la nieve!
    un saludo

  6. Congratulations on your 800th post and the arrival of Mr. Fox! What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us!

  7. great stuff - your books are amazing! my parents are hosting thanksgiving, we host christmas eve, and go to the in-laws for christmas day. so excited - i love this time of year!

  8. Such fun goodies! We're spending Thanksgiving with my hubby's family, and then, I'm hoping to haul everyone to Weston, KS for a weekend getaway. Then, we'll be with my family for Christmas Eve. We, always, spend Christmas day just my hubby, the kiddos, and myself, making such amazing memories.

  9. How cool! Congrats on the 800th post! What an accomplishment! For Thanksgiving, we will be going to my parents house in IL.... Christmas is spent here at home, but then right after, we travel to Ohio to my boyfriends family's place and stay there until New Years. It's a lot of fun!!!

  10. Awesome giveaway! I love your paige books...they are too cool!

  11. Congrats on 800 posts, Paige! What a giveway! LOL! I personally LOVE the PaigeBook - it's gorgeous!! My mom actually just flew in yesterday and is staying through the beginning of December - so it's the first time in 5 years we'll have family with us for Thanksgiving, it's going to be a really good one! ;)

  12. Wow, now THAT's worth 800 posts! *lol* Awesome giveaway!! Is it open to international bloggers? If yes, then pleeeeaaaase, pick me!! I'd simply LOVE to win those goodies, especially the PaigeBook and the scrapbooking supplies, but also the Forks hat!! Twilight <3 I'm sure noone in Austria has one of those!! So I'd be the coolest *lol* Anyway, thanks for the chance! :)

  13. Loooove the giveaway! Congrats on the 8ooth post, and thanks for sharing your creativity with us! :)
    And for Thanksgiving, We´re going to hav dinner at my brother in law´s house, and spend the night there, all of my husband´s family will be there... I´m sooo looking forward to it! :)

  14. I just discovered your blog a few nights ago. I had searched for fabric flowers on google and came across a post you did on random pictures of things you loved, with fabric flowers being one of them. Anyways..I lost track of time reading your blog, and before I knew it, it was 1:30 am, and I had read thru your pregnancy. Baby Fox is precious!

    My Thanksgiving plans this year are to have everyone in my family and my husbands family come over to MY house and each bring a dish or two. I am excited to have both families together, and also excited that we don't have to drive from town to town eating meal after meal on that fattening day.

    My Christmas plans are the complete opposite..I want to have Christmas eve going to look at Chirstmas lights, and each opening one present. Then just the three of husband daughter and I will open presents Christmas morning together. Whoever wants to see us after we get presents open and our big french toast breakfast out of the way, can either come see us, or we may travel some to see them. Great blog, I have really enjoyed it, and I have bookmarked it so I will keep up with it. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!

  15. The PaigeBook always gets me in the end. Always!

    And I'm planning on having a baby for Christmas! Is that too simple of a plan? :)

  16. hi, your album is fantastic!!!!

    I'm planning on coming to parents' home!!

  17. 800 posts!? how awesome!! i love visiting your blog! we will celebrate thanksgiving this year at my boyfriend's sister's new home and christmas at our new home! there are two new homes in our family this year and plenty of things to celebrate! :) thank you for the chance! *

  18. What a fun and fabulous giveaway! Congrats on your 800th post! Wow! I can't imagine! I think I'm somewhere in the 300's on my blog.
    We're planning to travel to Georgia to visit my husband's sister and her family for Thanksgiving this year. It's been a few years since we've been to visit and we're excited about going.

  19. Congrats on 800 posts , Paige!!!
    We don´t celebrate Thanksgiving. For Christmas, We are going to have dinner at my mother in law´s house, and spend the night there, all of my husband´s family will be there.

  20. Thanksgiving plan: have a baby! I'm very excited!

    Your book is so awesome...I took the book binding class at BYU and could never dream of making something that looked so good!

    Congrats on 800!

  21. Congrats on your 800th post! I love your books they are so cute! Thanksgiving plans are up in the air, but we are staying in Washington. For Christmas we are going to Utah to see my family and friends! So excited! Hope baby Fox is doing well!

  22. WOW What a great milestone.

    As for Thanksgiving I am going to stay around my hometown and be with mart of my family and well my husband is going to go be with his family. Unfortunately we are usually not able to spend the holidays together.

  23. I'm head to Vegas with my family for Thanksgiving. We all have tix to see Roger Waters of Pink Floyd live at MGM Grand. Not sure what's in store for us over Christmas.

    Your family is so dang adorable!

  24. This year we are not sure about Thanksgiving. We have been going to my brother's for the last 2 years but this year they may take the kids to the Macy's Parade! So I am thinking of asking Grammy if she thinks she can do it one more time if I come over EARLY and "help". BTW your baby is SO adorable!!! I just love your blog!!

  25. Sooo... let's see. I think we are going to be boring and just hang out in Utah. :(

  26. Ohhhhh my word that is ONE CRAZY GIVEAWAY!!! And congrats on the 800th blog post...that is quite a milestone! :) For Thanksgiving, the usual ritual is that our family's best friends, or best family, or best family friends, or whatever, have us over for eat-until-you-drop dinner. For Christmas, I am going to have people over Christmas Eve, definitely, and we will sing Christmas carols until 12 midnight. It might seem pretty normal/uninteresting, but hat's the tradition. :) I hope your little boy is doing great!

  27. Fun giveaway.

    I just had a baby (Tuesday!) so I think this year we are going to keep holidays super simple. Just our household at Thanksgiving, a bit more family up for Christmas. That is really appealing to me right now, just keep things simple and relaxed.

  28. Wow you come up with some amazing stuff to give away!

    My plans are to split time between my extended family where I live and my grandparents that live about 3 hours away. and then for Christmas I am lucky enough that my parents are taking me and my sister to Puerto Rico!

  29. oh my! What a giveaway!

    For Thanksgiving I will be running in the morning so that I can eat lots of yummy food at night.

    Christmas time is fun cause my family all comes to my house and I love celebrating it with my girls!

  30. For Thanksgiving I get to see my family! I haven't seen my Uncle for awhile because he's been living in Saudi Arabia- CRAZY... anyway it's at my mom's this year & I'm SO excited! For CHRISTMAS we are going to HARRY POTTER LAND!!! My little sister is working at Disney so we get discount tickets but it's still going to cost us a small fortune- UG. But it's totally worth it since I haven't seen my little sisters for a year!!! TOO LONG!

  31. congrats on the 800th post and "Fox". Just normal plans for thankgiving. Celebrating twice in one day on both sides of the family.

  32. I'm SO excited for this giveaway! I love them! Chase and I definitely must be lame-o's! Because we're just staying home for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. I guess that's what we get when we live in the same county as both sets of parents. Chase and I ARE doing Black Friday again this year, this year will be our 2nd together (but my 3rd time). I guess that's the only fun! Besides waking up so darn early to go out hunting for things. :)

  33. who can resist a giveaway?? thanksgiving is with the inlaws in utah, christmas is 2+ weeks home in california [!]. mayb we should meet up so our little guys can meet :)

  34. YOU HAVE THE BEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! seriously. that is too much love for one person... spread the joy (and my chances of winning!)... or just send it my way! ;-)

    way to go on 800 posts! that's awesome. we're going to spend thanksgiving with my family and georgia and then we're going to cancun on a christmas trip with chris's family.

  35. Paige, you are too kind! I love your blog, I found it when you were back in the 600-ish posts :)

    My holiday plans are starting this weekend by hauling out the Christmas decor. We spend Thanksgiving & Christmas at my in-laws... with tons of yum food!

  36. Holy smokes paige!!! 800 POSTS??!?!?! That's SO crazy to me! I think I may have like 50 on my blog. haha BUT it is one of my new goals to blog more SOOOO maybe in like 8 years I'll have 800 posts and as many people as look at your blog will look at mine! :)

    So as you know we just moved to Arizona and it'll be our first Thanksgiving and Christmas on our own... just our little family of 3! :) :( Yes a happy and sad face... It will be SO fun to celebrate with OUR family and feel like our OWN family... but also sad to not be with either of our families. Joseph's family is in Utah and mine in Texas with siblings spread out (brother at BYU-I and another brother on a mission in Montana!) BUT good news is... my mom gets to come for a week BEFORE Thanksgiving! :) So that'll be excellent!

    So I plan on starting LOTS of holiday traditions in our little family. Some will include... decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving (after a long nap from going out in the wee hours of the morning to shop on Black Friday of course!) Also that Saturday after Thanksgiving we'll make gingerbread houses for Christmas! And shh... I might try to do a little "12 days of Christmas" present thing for Joseph... AND of course looking at lights... opening PJ's Christmas Eve... watching Alyssa open presents for the first time! It'll just be grand. :)

    So while we'll be "alone" (w/out our families) it's going to be SUCH an exciting time!

    SO now that this is the longest comment EVER I'll end... BUT if I don't win... you've GOTTA teach me some of your skills sometime! SERIOUSLY I'm amazed at your craftiness! You're inspiring! :) Have a happy weekend with your boys!!

  37. Thanksgiving - a cabin in Island Park, ID!
    Christmas - UT for Christmas Day, AZ for the whole week and a half after!

    I love your PaigeBooks! :)

  38. wow! i would love to win every single thing in this prize pack! well, maybe not the twilight hat, but my best friend is a huge fan - win-win!
    i am canadian, so i already celebrated thanksgiving a few weeks ago - our circle of friends had a huge potluck with 20 different dishes (i made perogies - mmm mmm)
    for christmas i'll be flying home to my hometown for the first time in a couple years. looking forward to all the traditions - including making the punch with my grandma :)

  39. Congratulations on the 800th post! Woohoo! This thanksgiving my boyfriend and I are trying to go visit my parents in Canada (they live there because of my dad's work). We are not going to be able to spend christmas together this year because of work schedules so we want to make this thanksgiving extra special and have both holidays in one :)! For Christmas my boyfriends parents are coming to visit us in DC from Venezuela, it will be their first white christmas so I am excited to show them a white DC (hopefully it will be white!)!!!!!

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby Fox and thank you for this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. First off, I want it all! Second, I am staying in WA for Thanksgiving and going to Utah for Christmas. Are you going to be WA for either holiday? I would love to meet FOX!

  41. Awesome giveaway!

    My husband and I will be dividing the holidays (Thanksgiving with my family, Christmas with his)....should be a good time.

  42. I will be having my first Thanksgiving this year! In my new house too! I will be cooking my very first turkey! Scary AND exciting!! Haven't really planned anything for Christmas yet...

  43. Woooo....congrats on the 800th post!! That's some landmark indeed - love your blog!

    My plans for Christmas this year are undecided as yet - I got engaged earlier in the year to my boyfriend who is from Ireland (I am from Scotland) and we are yet to decide if we are to spend Christmas in Ireland or Scotland....hopefully we shall decide soon!! xx

  44. how fantastic- what a huge giveaway!
    for thanksgiving, JC's whole family is coming out to LA. We're having a potluck dinner at a friend's rooftop deck in venice & JC's making the turkey! should be lovely. Christmas plans haven't been finalized yet.

  45. 800!! Woo Hoo! For Thanksgiving we're staying here in South Pas. :) Christmas will be in Utah and Idaho visiting family. :)

  46. It amazes me that you have done 800blog posts, it's taking me like 2 years to get to 150.

    The holidays get so crazy for us and we want to see both families so I do a day after thanksgiving feast at my house with my family. That way we can see my husbands family on thanksgiving.

    As for Christmas, we haven't decided yet. Our family will be involved for sure though :)

  47. oh wow!!! Congrats on the 800 blog posts!!! That is amazing and way to go!!!!
    congrats on your sweet lil Fox!!! what a cutie!!!

    lets see- Thanksgiving will be at our house and my sister and her family and possibly my college sister too.. Christmas is up in the air, I think my parents are coming up here so either our house or my sisters

  48. GOING HOME!!!! I can't wait to catch a break from all of this graduate school-ness!!!

  49. Home to the UK for Christmas making my Christmas pudding this weekend and my Christmas cake soon!

  50. fun fun!

    thanksgiving maybe camping just p and I (a little babymoon). having dinner wednesday night in mission viejo with family. and then christmas...celebrating it with our new BABY!!! WooHoo

  51. Thanksgiving we're going to my in laws for my daughters first thanksgiving! She will eat mashed potatoes, green beans, and maybe some stuffing!

    Christmas, I'm not sure yet. Probably in laws again, then my parents house. I feel like I'll never have the opportunity to have a holiday dinner at my house =(

  52. my plan for thanksgiving/christmas is to visit my parent/family for the first time since i moved. and introduce them to the new puppy.

  53. Congrats on your 800th post!

    We'll be spending the holidays with my husband's father's gigantic family here in Minnesota. There is always lots of food, games, photos, and laughter. Hopefully no one will break any bones playing football on Thanksgiving this year...last year my husband broke his hand! I always have a blast with my in-laws so I'm looking forward to all the time we'll be spending with them soon. :-)

  54. ahhh i want that headband sooo bad! it is sooooo cute!!

    Well plans for with Vinces family :), and Christmas (time) my brother is getting married, so Ill be in Cali!!

  55. I want that headband! And the cupcake book...and the decorating tin...and (who am I kidding I would love it all!)

    We are visiting my family for Thanksgiving and then we are going to stay here and have our very first "Our Family" Christmas. We're excited!

  56. Congrats on your 800th Post!!! Plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas are the same a usual A fabulous feast with my cherished family!! Great prizes. Thanks for the chance.

  57. Nice giveaway Paige!! I wish I took the time to blog as much as you do, it's not that I don't have time, I just don't do it. Sad I know...

    Anyway, for both Thanksgiving and Christmas we are heading up to my family's cabin in Alpental at Snoqualmie Pass to play in the snow! The other Beans have a cabin next door so we'll probably see them a lot too. Should be fun!

    Have fun with whatever you guys are doing for the holidays this year! It's always extra special when there's a new baby! :-)

  58. In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October - even though we were in the middle of moving (and being eaten alive by boxes and more boxes and more boxes ...) we cleared away enough space to do a big ol' family thanksgiving dinner - so much fun! :-)

    Looking forward to celebrating Christmas in our new house! Yay!

  59. 800 is a-maz-ing! really!

    i'll be spending the holidays with my fam. love them and the time of year.

  60. Ohhhhh so many delightful things. How I love the headband and your cake decorating set. My plans for Christmas are to bake a lot of amazing cookies,and gather evergreen boughs for garlands

  61. We are going to spend time with family both holidays. I can't wait to set up the tree and to eat all the yummy holidays foods that I (and the baby) want! Love being pregnant!

  62. Congrats on 800 posts! Wow!

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here, but my hubby-to-be and I are going to his sisters place to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day with her, her husband and their 2 darling children. It's all about the kids and spending time with the family. There is a beach where they live, so we'll probably go there too :)

  63. WOW, congrats on the 800th post. Your blog is so fun and I always enjoy reading it!!!
    We're spending Thanksgiving with the inlaws, as my sister and her family along with my mom, will be in Mexico
    For Christmas...nothing planned yet but as alwayws will spend it with the family!

  64. Super fab giveaway ... congrats on #800!! THis is my first holiday being engaged :) so we'll be balancing it out making sure we keep all the families happy!

  65. How does 800 happen? That is amazing! Well lady... I am planning on visiting the inlaws for Thanksgiving since the hubs will be out of town :( boo! Oh well, then when we come home it is up with the tree! I'm making an advent calendar with pockets for each day to stick treats in. I think the 3 year old will like the daily treat! We also make a rockin gingerbread house every year and then feed is to the squirrels in January. You'd be amazed at how much they like gingerbread.

  66. Well this year we will be staying here for both Thanksgiving and Christmas... Christmas morning we will have a little girlie about 5 days old :) It'll be one we won't forget!!

  67. This year I will be spending both Thanksgiving and Christmas day working. I am a registered nurse on a busy inpatient hematology/oncology floor and LOVE spending the holidays with my patients who so sadly have to spend theirs in the hospital.

  68. Paige, you are too kind!
    Thanksgiving/Christmas this year might be at our home if we can finish our kitchen remodel in time! :o) (we're 1st time new home owners) Fingers crossed!!

  69. So, I commented once and forgot to include our plans, so I deleted it, I hope that doesn't mess up the numbers! You are so ridiculously creative and generous! Anyway, we're going to be here in New York for both holidays, we're looking forward to spending the holidays together with just our little family!

    PS.I just got those cute pink Target shoes that you're wearing and I LOVE them.

  70. I plan to cry all day long because I won't be seeing my beautiful Paige and her fantastic Mr. Fox.

    But I'll try to look on the bright side and enjoy some time at the cabin.

  71. Wow 800 posts! It's been so fun watching your journey through pregnancy and now as a new mom. I am amazed that you are still such a diligent and entertaining blogger!

    I would love any and all of the prizes you are giving away BUT you should really keep the Target g.c. for yourself! Diaper money, ya know?

    I will be spending Thanksgiving in AZ with my family. Nothing too exciting. As for Christmas, my husbands brother is gettin' hitched and I'll be 9 months pregnant and ready to burst. I am going to ruin all the family pics with my big ol' belly and swollen features!

  72. Congrats!! We switch every year for year my fam and the next, my husbands...Christmas Eve is with my in-laws and Christmas Day is with my fam...used to be extremely hectic on Christmas eve with the whole in-law fam (over 100 people) but now, its just the immediate fam...nice and quiet...Congrats on your little "Chick-lin"...he's beautiful...:o)

  73. i SO want to be the lucky wiener! my plans are to possibly have a baby?? who knows. i am scheduled for dec. 1st but i think she is coming sooner. if not, i will be relaxing on my couch waiting for said baby. woo hoo!

  74. Ooo such a great giveaway!! Thanksgiving includes 2 days off from school (I'm a teacher) little brother is coming home from college...and the day after Thanksgiving, I am driving 10 hours with my boyfriend for the OSU/Michigan football game!!

  75. I'll be spending the holidays with my wonderful, beautiful wife and my dapper little baby boy!

  76. Why do you have to have so many friends? I'll never win! Well, maybe I will.

    I plan on eating a lot of yummy food over thanksgiving here in Omaha and eating a lot of yummy food over christmas in California (where will you be maybe we could get together over christmas?)!

  77. Yay for your 800 post.. soon it will be 8000. :)

    Plans for thanksgiving, eat lots and lots of garlic mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.
    Christmas, spend it with hubby and watch the kitties dance in the wrapping paper.

  78. We are visiting the in-laws over Thanksgiving and staying at home for Christmas. It is so much fun having little ones waking up on Christmas morning in their beds and enjoying the day with family. I'm so excited for you to have mr. Fox for Christmas this year :)

  79. OMG, lovely stuff... My holiday plans are "gobble til i wobble" ha ha,... I saw that saying the other day... but it really is my plan... Maybe for Christmas I can think up some cute saying to go with "jiggle" since i will be after all the gobble.

  80. Shut up! I NEED a Paige book. NEED as in cannot make it through life without it NEED. Yeah. And I want the rest of the stuff - LOL I have the perfect handmade Twilight card to go with the hat - heh. family is sooo retarded!! They want to go out to eat this year. What?? What about leftovers? Oh these people...just so stupid! So yeah...eating out for Thanksgiving. And times...the usual family get together on Christmas Eve...Santa coming Christmas morning...making my traditional things that my kiddies expect and anticipate year after year. Start those traditions now, girl!

  81. I'll be traveling, with my beautiful wife, to the in-laws for thanksgiving, then do a little black Friday shopping. Christmas we'll be at my parents

  82. Congratulations on your 800th post!! I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. Christmas Eve with my husbands family and Christmas Day with mine, it works perfectly!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!! Also Fox is just so adorable, Congratulations to you and Chris!!

  83. Congratulations on 800 posts! But BIG HUGE CONGRATS to you and Chris on Fox!!!! He is beautiful.

    And yes, the Paigebook is totally awesome - I love it! I want one!!!

    Plans for Thanksgiving will be low-key since dear hubby is overseas at the moment and we miss him dearly! But plans for Christmas are so much better since my parents are coming to town and they will get to spend the holidays with their only grandchild!!!

    Fun stuff you're giving away - thanks for the chance to win!!!

  84. Congrats on your 800th post! That's amazing and such a great milestone!! It definitely takes dedication! Well done!

    As for Thanksgiving, we're spending it with my husband's family this year. Last year was spent with my family, so we have to switch it up every other year! Being married for 2.5 years, it's still new to us, but we are rolling with it! ;-)

    Christimas Eve is always with the in-laws and Christmas day is with my family. I can't wait for the holidays!! It's my favorite time of year, good food and good company! :-)

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday season too!!

  85. Hi Paige-Thanks for the mega giveaway and sharing all your sweet Mr. Fox moments. WHAT A CUTIE!

  86. Congrats on 800 posts!
    I am hosting Thanksgiving & Christmas for my family. With 4 little ones it's easier to do all the cooking than to travel with them.
    Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  87. What a very awesome giveaway!!!

    For Thanksgiving my husband (I love saying that, it's still new to me since we were just married 10/16!!!) and I go to my Aunt's for lunch, since my parents drive down from CT and my sister and her boyfriend come from NJ. Then for dinner we go to my in-laws house.

    Christmas Eve is spent with my in-laws, Christmas Day we go to my sister's house in NJ, and we celebrate Christmas over New Year's in CT with my parents.

    I love the holidays! Lots of food, family, and memories.

  88. Thanksgiving will be with my family this year. My husband has to stay home and work. This will be our first Thanksgiving where we are not together since we got married. Christmas I'm not sure what the plan is yet.

  89. Thanksgiving Dinner at the lodge in Zions National Park with my large extended family coming from California,Illinois,Idaho. Beauty.
    Christmas at home without my son who is in Africa for two years, but WITH my daughter before she goes to spend 18 months in Russia. Happy/Sad.

  90. Wow, fun giveaway! Thanksgiving will be with my husband's family and we don't celebrate Christmas:)

  91. I get to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year, because my little brother is getting married the weekend before, so it just made good sense to stay through Thanksgiving!

  92. I am planning on plumping up with all the food for my winter blubber.


  93. Congrats! I will be spending the
    holidays with family and eating lots of food. I love this time of year.

  94. I LOVE that headband! I am going to AZ to my sister's for Thanksgiving. We are riding in the Tour de Tuscan. Wish us luck! 66 miles! Christmas in Utah with the family. :)

  95. Congrats! Love reading.

    I'm spending Thanksgiving with my family and then it's off to the in-laws for Christmas. Let's just say I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving the most.

  96. 800 posts!!! congrats!!!!!!! i love the paige book- you are so talented :)
    we are staying here in good ole indy for Tgiving and Christmas. Love having all of my family right here:)

  97. Wow, what a ton of great stuff! LOVE the ring! So, lets see, my holiday plans, staying home with my family (hopefully) and enjoying a simple holiday season, letting what's really important shine through.

  98. I really love your blog! I stumbled upon it the other day. You are so diligent at posting! Also, congrats on the new baby! He is adorable.

    We're going to stay home for the holidays this year--nice and simple.

  99. YAY for giveaways! Congrats on the posts - I love them so!

    Plans for the Holidays include shoving my face with food and laughing until I pee my pants :) Good times, with family, of course.

  100. Congrats on 800 posts! I will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with both my family and my boyfriend's family. We do half a day with each family! Thanks for the chance to win!

  101. 800th post!!! WOW! Amazing! For X-Mas, I'll finally be with my parents and family. Hasn't happened in years! I'm really excited. Love X-mas, X-mas trees, gifts, dinners, snow, and X-mas carols. YAY!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  102. I will be studying for my organic chemistry exam and hanging out with my family! Love you blog!

  103. Congrats on 800 posts!! :) Our Christmas plans will be spending time together as a family. Driving to look at Christmas lights with hot chocolate, baking and eating cookies. Fun stuff like that.

  104. Wow! This is like... your best giveaway ever! :-D Hooray for 800!!

    Well, our holidays start next Thursday! We have Thanksgiving with Jeremy's dad's side. Then for Thanksgiving, his mom and step-dad will visit. Then we celebrate St. Nick's Day (Dec 6th). Then we have Christmas and our anniversary! This is going to be a very busy Nov/Dec for us! :-D Hopefully, there will be a baby in my belly by then too... ;-)

  105. Well, thanksgiving is a non event down under, so I make up for that with Christmas, the house gets decorated from the front door to the back, my collection of 400 Santas come out to play, and we will have open house on Christmas Eve - this is getting very fun now as all our children's friends have children of their own, so we get to have photos in our mini sleigh by the tree. If only you didn't live so far away you could bring Fox for a photo shoot, and of course some beautiful Western Australian summer weather. Congrats on the 800th post, that is pretty awesome.

  106. first of all: congrats on the 800 posts!

    Between Turkey Day and Christmas my husband, dogs and I drive all over 3 states frantically from every weekend from now until after New Years to visit and celebrate with family and friends!

    Its fun but exahausting and TONS of photo taking!

  107. Wow 800 post is a lot! I had trouble getting to 100!!! I cant wait for Thanksgiving! My family is coming to visit me and its the first time they have all been out here in 2 years!! My husband and I have been busy preparing the house for their arrival!!

  108. my sister is coming into town and i'm really excited!! first time making dinner on my own! p.s. i LOVE LOVE LOVE Fox's nursery room.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Congrats on 800 posts! I love your blog and I can't wait to read 800 more! My birthday is Thanksgiving day, so my family and I will be making a whole weekend out of it and going down to Chicago for some fun afterwards! I hope you have fun on your holidays as well!

  111. You have amazing talent. I love all your stuff.

    Congratulations on the 800th post. I'm impressed.

    Thanksgiving plans? We are going out to eat with my parents, we have steak and my parents order turkey. We have been doing this for YEARS.

    How dull!

  112. I hope I win as a birthday gift!

    I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, as I don't live in the U.S. or Canada :D And I'm not Christian, so I don't celebrate Christmas! However, I do hope to keep up with Hannukah traditions yet again.

  113. WOW! Congrats on 800 posts! Those are good gifts, but most of all I would like to win it to give the cake decorating set and cupcake recipes book to my 12 yr old daughter! She LOVES to bake and says she is going to own a cupcake shop one day! :)

  114. Conrats on 800th post! what a generous giveways!!! I would like to win your binding book?! its awesome! thanks!

  115. most amazing give away ever! wow! i read but don't comment, but christmas plans... something fun and beautiful. it'll be the first year my daughter really gets it and i really want to start some great traditions with her. i should start thinking of some now!

  116. Wow, 800 post!!

    Thanksgiving is still in the air at my houses. Christmas is figured out though. Jason and I are spending Christmas Eve out at my dads house with my grandparents, then Christmas Day we will be over at my moms house. Probably wont see Jasons parents or brother until New
    Years. The holidays get pretty hectic with spread out family.

  117. Congrats on the 800th post.

    I am little late in the game.

    You always do the best giveaways!!

    For Thanksgiving I usually find a place for us to dine out, but this year I kinda want to cook. Wish me luck! =)

    As for Christmas...Santa is comin' to town, and man are we excited about it!

  118. Congrats on your 800th post!

    I will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas at work! (I work at a hospital).

    Sounds so festive doesn't it? :)

  119. i'll be flying down to LA - and family get-togethers for both holidays i'm sure!

  120. Well, we are hoping to schedule our first prenatal Dr appointment between Thanksgiving and our main goal is to wait...patiently until then...and then the next 9 months:)

  121. wow what a giveaway! We hosted thanksgiving last year, one day after our kitchen remodel was semi-completed-UGH!! So this year, to my mother in laws house we go!!

  122. Congrats on 800 post!!

    Our Thanksgiving will be spent in the desert with 50 of our friends and family, we dirt bike ride and camp for 1 whole week. We do a full Thanksgiving dinner, with 4 Turkey's and all the fixings...we even dress as Pilgrims and Indians.
    It is a blast.

    Our Christmas will be tough this year, my father in law just passed away, so we will be home and make it special for my mother in law.

  123. congrats on 800 posts!
    we are celebrating christmas in our house this year, so my mother and my brother and his family will be here to celebrate with us. it´s going to be sooo much fun!


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