The One with Weight Watchers

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I joined Weight Watchers last Saturday.
I gained 56 pounds during my pregnancy. That's about 26 more pounds than doctors recommend.... oopsies. How did I gain so much weight? Basically, when I was working as a receptionist during my pregnancy I ate for five hours straight five days a week. Literally, every time the head honcho walked in around 4:00pm the first thing he'd say to me was, "Always eating!" Cuz I was. I munched on pretzels and beef jerky and candy and granola bars and brownies and chips and crackers and anything and everything I could get my hands on. I didn't realize how much I was gaining until I started hating pictures of myself and comparing early pics to later pics. I've never had to watch what I eat and I didn't change my habits when I was preggo which I sorely regret. But I'm gonna get back on track! I want to look like this again (except maybe not with blonde hair, haha. Although I am itching for something new for my 'do...):
And I want to be able to fit these pants again:
That's my goal and I'm stickin' to it. And that's my cute nephew Drew beside me :)

On a related note - I had my last OB appointment today at the wonderful Kaiser Permanente to check everything out.
I'm about 90% healed which is great to hear because of how badly I tore. The doctor also gave me the green light to start exercising which is bittersweet. Now I don't have an excuse not to exercise. I hate exercising cuz it hurts and I don't like pain. Bah. But - I WILL do it! I will I will I will!
Side note - I LOVE the OB I saw today. She wasn't my OB during my pregnancy, although I did see her once about 7 weeks ago when my OB was out of town and I loved her then too. If we have another baby while living here in SoCal, I will definitely go to her cuz she rocks my socks. (Kate H. - if you're reading this, it's your doctor and I'm so jealous she's been your OB for 8 months!)

So back to Weight Watchers. My goal for this week is to lose 1 pound. Pretty lofty goal eh? :) Weight Watchers is a system where every food has a different point value - veggies are like 0 or 1 point and the burrito Chris ate for lunch today from Taco Bell was 14 points!! (An average meal is around 6-9 points). Since I'm breastfeeding I'm allotted 10 more points which I'm so grateful for because it's been HARD! I feel like whenever I have food restrictions I get more hungry than usual! I hate being hungry. So hopefully I can be strong and play mind over matter (or stomach) and reach my goal. By posting it for the world to know I hope I hold myself more accountable. And Chris is playing along unofficially so he'll be able to offer moral support.
We'll call these the BEFORE pictures:
I'll post another at the beginning of the year to check our progress.


  1. You can do it, Pailge!!! I KNOW you can. You have amazing will power and strength. I'll be here WHENEVER you need support.

  2. You're not alone! My goal is to lose 10 lbs by Christmas. We both gave birth to beautiful's proof that we can deal with pain and do difficult things :) Have you looked into exercise videos? Cathy Friedman one's are good and you can do it while baby naps?

  3. Good luck with your goal, Paige!

  4. HI Paige, Do not be discouraged and don't give up! You can do it. Also: it is true you feel more hungry than usual becaue you are thinking about on fast sunday! So, go drink some water-that usually helps. Love you the way you are. Mom Evans

  5. good for you! i'm trying to work out twice a week during naps if both the girls happen to be napping at once. i'm doing kettleball exercises that were in an issue of whole living a couple of months ago.

    i love that i can do it while watching y+r on the dvr at the same time. :)

  6. I LOVE weight watchers! I have lost 46 lbs so far! Good luck! You can do it... start with small goals and don't beat yourself up when you don't make a good choice.

  7. i know this isn't really what you were going for but uhh, i need you to acknowledge that while maybe you've never been this big before, you're still really really really REALLY tiny!

  8. I know everyone is already saying this but I LOVE LOVE LOVE weight watchers!!! I joined before I got married and I've regretting quitting ever since. I started doing it again about a month ago on my own at home and I've lost about 9 pounds! For exercise, I do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred video which I TOTALLY recommend! $10 at Target. It's a quick 25-ish minute workout and it goes by so fast! It works me hard too.

    Good luck and stick with it! It's going to be hard through the holidays but keep looking at your motivation pictures. We can all be strong and lose weight together!

  9. Paige good luck with your goal. I will be making those similar ones very soon. And i am SO glad you saw my doctor. She is awesome and has been the whole time. I hope you get her next time! She takes her time and always answers all of your questions. In a couple months i'll be your work out buddy if you want.

    You will do awesome! And when you write it down for the public to see you are more likely to see results. (i majored in health and wrote out a lot of diet plans for people and the ones who got the best results were the ones who talked about it) So again good luck. Keep making those small goals.

  10. Thats awesome! Go Paige! You are helping to motivate me as well! Where do you workout?

  11. I did WW last year and lost 30 pounds. It's an awesome program... I felt like I learned how to eat like an adult finally (instead of like a kid). I'm back using the Points system since I gained 12 pounds after my surgery... it's HARD!!

  12. please gir. you will be back to that size in no time. you were so tiny pre pregnancy. that is why you had to gain that much. neat you are open about it. some are so hush hush. he is precious. congrats again!

  13. WW is awesome and I did it after both of my babies:) I did it after I was done breastfeeding my daughter and lost 42 lbs! When I was doing WW while breastfeeding my son, even though I was following their plan, my milk supply dramatically decreased, so just pay attention and if you need to take a week or two off to build your supply back up, don't be discouraged! The weight will come off, just remember that it didn't get there over night;) I think I remember there being a helpful nursing Mom's thread on the WW forums.
    I have to second the recommendation for the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video-it goes by soooo fast and you can probably fit that + a shower in a nap time:)
    Enjoy your sweet baby boy, he is so adorable!

  14. Why to go on the goal making. You fat is still my skinny, but I totally understand wanting to better yourself and be healthier and happier. Good luck, you can do it!

  15. I lost almost 50 pounds three years ago on WW, and have maintained ever since. I still weigh in, I think it keeps me accountable. It is a good program.
    Stock up on Craisins and Progresso soup. lol.
    You look great, though. Really! And that baby of yours needs to be cloned. So stinking adorable. :)


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