The One with the Bookbinding Workshop - 09.17.11

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hear ye, hear ye: I'ma teach a bookbinding workshop so ya'll can learn how to make books of your very own!
Who: Anyone living in Southern California, or maybe just visiting for the weekend, or maybe you want to fly/drive out here just for the occasion!
What: Learn how to make a 5 x 7" book using a copic style binding. This type of bookbinding is fun because you can create the cover from a variety of materials such as wood, Plexiglas, cardstock, binder's board, tile, etc. If you can drill holes through it, you can use it as a cover! I will provide wood covers, or you can bring your own cover materials.
Where: To be determined - somewhere in South Pasadena and depending on how many are interested - I will let you know exactly where a few days prior to the workshop.
When: Saturday September 17th 2011 from 10am-4pm. Pizza will be provided for lunch.
Why: There's nothing quite like the feeling of holding a book you've made all by yourself in your hands. Once you know how to make them, you won't be able to stop! I will give you a detailed list of instructions so you can continue making books for the rest of your life.
Cost: $30 workshop fee plus the cost of some materials (around $10-20) which you'll buy beforehand and bring to the workshop. $5 discount if you re-blog this post, tweet about it, Facebook it, or share it elsewhere and send me the link!
How: E-mail me ( if you are interested in attending or have any questions.
Note: If you can't make it but are still interested in learning how to make books, E-mail me or comment below and I just might put together an online tutorial complete with step-by-step photos, a downloadable PDF, and/or a video tutorial. I just want to see if there's enough interest first :)
Testimonial: Lindsey was one of the workshop attendees when I did a workshop a few years ago here's what she has to say, "Ever since I saw Paige's books, I admired them so much that I was determined to learn how to make them. When Paige said she was going to have a bookbinding workshop I am pretty sure I was the first one to sign up. I enjoyed all 6 hours of the workshop. She is such a great teacher, and I still remember to this day how to make them. It was money well spent."
Examples: Here is a variety of copic style bound books I've made which you'll learn how to make too, and you can check out my gallery to see examples of all my handmade books:
Hope to see you there!


  1. how fun! sad i will be out of town for this.

  2. Class won't work for me being from Louisiana but i am very interested in the online tutorial.

  3. I love your books, and would love to learn how to make them - South Pasadena is a bit far to come from the UK so I'd definitely be interested in an online version :D

  4. I'd totally be interested in an online video tutorial. I would love to attend your class but I'll be 37 weeks preggo and not sure i'll be able to make it :(

  5. I would love to tKe a class from you. But I rather just buy a book from u than make it. Try the woman's club in south pas. My mom has rented it before for family gatherings, it may be out of your price range though. I'm local so if you want other suggestions be happy to make them for you

  6. I would love this but live in minnesota so an online class would be awesome or a pdf!!!

  7. I would LOVE an online version!! I'm in Virginia, so I'm a wee bit outside of the driving range, lol.

  8. I would love to take the class from you, unfortunately, I will not be able to be in town for that date so the online class would be awesome.

  9. Your work is beautiful! I wish CT and CA were at least on the same coasts. I'm very interested in an online tutorial! I did share the link on my FB page. I have a number of friends in CA. All the best.

  10. bummerrrr man - I'm not here that day (will be in Utah) but I don't even know if I could find the time to watch the tutorial - i'm still trying to find time to scrapbook with the awesome papers you gave me! UGH. where does the time go?!?!?! i can't wait to hear about it though! i'm sure it will be a fun to read blog post!!! hehehehe

  11. Oh gosh. If I wasn't on the other side of the continent, I would so be there! How fun! Yours always look so beautiful!!

  12. I would love an online class because I live in ATL!

  13. I'd be very interested in an online tutorial.:D

  14. Oh pls have an online class! I'm Down Under and I would love to learn how to do these!!

  15. I was so so excited to read this. I still have the supplies I bought for the 1st class that was cancelled. But the class is scheduled on my daughters birthday :( I could cry I'm so bummed (and over dramatic). Needless to say I would definitely like an online tutorial or another class in the future.

  16. I think your class will be overloaded with so many students! This class looks extremely exciting! Too bad I can't attend :( hope to see the results from everyone

  17. I want to come! Or I'd be in for an online class.

    And to refresh your memory who I am, I came to Veronica's baby shower at your house and my little boy was crawling all the way across the gym to get into your bag of goodies a few Sundays ago!

  18. I've been waiting for you to do another one in UTAH! Dang. I would love an online PDF though!! I seriously love your books.

  19. do an online tutorial so I can play along too!!! Love, love your books.

  20. Oh man, I SO wish I could come to this workshop Paige!!!!!!! I LOVE all your hand bound books! If you're ever in Manitoba, Canada, let me know!!!! LOL

  21. I would be totally interested in an online workshop!

  22. OHHH! I wish I could go--def. would sign up for an online workshop:) LOVE these journals!

  23. Definitely interested in an online workshop!

  24. oh man, how I'd love to come and sit and watch you do these. You're like crazy mad talented...seriously! I love these...LOVE!

  25. How I wish I could come take this class!! I love your books! Maybe someday you can have an online class. :)

  26. i live in Singapore, wont be able to attend the class ): please have an online one (:

  27. i would SO love to go & learn and to meet you! my 2 sons are starting soccer in the fall and their games on on saturdays---at 2 different fields...and 2 different times!

  28. Hi Paige, I want to go! Those books look amazing! Sign me up!


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