The One with Insta-lately March 15th Edition

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Whelp. Here's what we've been up to lately according to my instagram!

 I learned how to make sugar-coated almonds as a tasty snack from my friend Kyle. Soooo good and easy!
 Jane is such a klutz! Poor girl trips over her own shadow! I was trying to take a picture of her and all her cuteness and she fell so this is what I got.
 I got an email from Stitch Fix a few weeks ago saying I had credit so I had them send me a fix, my second ever, and I LOVE all five items in my box! My stylist, Britney, TOTALLY got me! If you haven't heard of Stitch Fix, check 'em out - you won't regret it!
 I've been scrapping a LOT more this year because of Studio Calico. At least 4 more layouts a month  than before which is like twice as many as usual. I love it - I'm finally getting my pictures scrapped! My layout pile has grown exponentially and I finally found a few hours to sort and put them all away chronologically in their correct albums last weekend. I forgot to count how many were in this pile... I'm sure I'll have a new stack in no time :)
 These kids. My kids. The loves of my life. Sometimes we just have to squeeze all together and take a picture!
 Fox and his buddy Tru in Primary. They wanted to break these popsicle sticks so badly but resisted the urge. I love that the teachers include them in their lessons because Fox loves participating.
 I've got a 2Peas Garden Girl layout and video posting tomorrow!
It took Fox YEARS to go down the slide by himself. Jane? Already goes down and she's only 19 months. She's fearless! And so proud of herself :)
 Rachel & Joey love to sleep in baskets of laundry waiting to folded. Why? Too funny.
 Jane loves Tangled almost as much as I do! Can't wait for Frozen!
 Yes. It has been amazing weather here lately. So good for the soul!
Apparently this is the correct position for "chalking"! Who knew?! 
 I helped Amy Tangerine make some projects for a special something she's got going on on March 24th! Stay tuned!
 This is what happens when I say "cheeeeeese!"Silly kids.
 I should have been packing but I was procrastinating and taking selfies in the bathroom mirror instead. I hardly ever straighten my hair, it's a lot of work, so when I do, it needs to be documented :)
And that's what the Evans family has been up to these last couple weeks!


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN