The One with Random Goings On

Friday, December 11, 2009

I feel like I'm doing a million things but I feel like I have nothing to blog about. It's a conundrum. Hence the following random list of our current goings on.

- I decided to remake my Christmas cards. Not because Frank Jr. died, although the list is updated now, but because I felt the first round was mediocre. Hopefully these ones will be a notch or two better.

- I received my box of Elle's Studio goodies today! Yippee! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Strike that. I'm in SoCal now, there ain't any snow. But it certainly feels like Christmas time with all the lights and Christmas trees, getting presents in the mail, and what not.

- I added another massive post on the CARDS blog this morning. Those challenge posts take like 5 hours to do what with all the pictures, getting them the right size, writing it, editing it, publishing it. But I love doing it and I hope people continue to play along with the challenges.

- We watched the Biggest Loser finale on Tuesday night. Good job Danny. Better you than Rudy who sold out Shay and Rebecca.

- I attended the annual RBJ Christmas party and made a fool of myself in front of everyone dancing and singing The Macarena. I don't dance. Nor do I sing. But they made me do it! All by myself! In front of everyone! Ahhhh! No pictures, but I'll see if I can get some from boss man. Although do I really want to see pictures? Probably not...

- Speaking of RBJ, I gotta get dressed and put my face on and go to work. Tonight I hope I get to make one of these fancy paper wreaths by Amy Heller:
Gorgeous right?!?!


  1. I love that you re-did your christmas cards. so funny. Umm, that Elle's Studio stuff looks so cute!

  2. I don't watch TV, but I'm so glad Danny won. It seemed like he really deserved it... he worked so hard! And wow, he's so good looking! I've heard that since the show, his wife has lost 60 pounds! And both his kids went on diets and exercise programs too! Good for them! :-D

    And LOVE that Elle's stuff! You are one lucky ducky! :-D


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