The One with the Sunday in WA

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Did a little of this: relaxing.
Went to some (and when I say some I mean all three hours) of this: church.
Witnessed a li'l of this: a blossoming relationship.
And found this gem: a picture of us kiddos and Malm on Santa's lap circa 1995.
Wish I still had that sweater for future ugly Christmas sweater parties!


  1. your cro is so cute! he reminds be of my cousin brent. they look a lot a like. hope you have a fab Christmas peggy!

  2. Umm... yes, Miss Paige, I must say... that is one ugly sweater! ;-) I had some pretty cute Christmas sweaters growing up. A lavender one (who thought that out?) of a bear with snowflakes. Then a green and white (fair isle style) knit one with deer on it. I actually really liked that one. :-)

  3. i meant to say your BRO peggy...not cro. how embarrassing.


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