The One with "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes

Monday, January 20, 2014

Right before Christmas my instagram feed was filled with people reading a book called Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.
So I bought it for myself for Christmas - merry Christmas to me!
Last week I decided to pick it up and give it a whirl. 
Less than 24 hours later, I was finished. 
I have a reading problem. 
I can't do anything until I've read the entire thing! 
Bad mom, bad wife! 
But it's like watching a movie - I just HAVE to know the ending and need to know what happens in one sitting!
Plus, it's just that good of a book. 
I was hooked within the first page - LITERALLY. 
So so so so so so so so so so so so good. 
It really got me thinking too - do I agree with the decision that happened in the end?
Is the title "Louisa Before Will" or "Will Before Louisa"? - I think it's both. 

Here's a brief synopsis of the book:

Before Louisa met Will, her plans didn't reach beyond their tiny English town. Will, when he wasn't closing multimillion-dollar deals, blew off steam scaling mountains, leaping from planes, and enjoying exquisite women - until an accident left him paralyzed and seriously depressed. When his mother hires Lou to keep his spirits up, he meets her awkward overtures with caustic contempt, but she's tenacious and oddly endearing. Their fondness grows into something deeper, gaining urgency when she realizes his determination to end his life in just 117 days, and her efforts to convince him of its value throw her own bland ambitions into question. Plumbing morally complex depths with comedy and compassion, Jojo Moyes elevates the story of Lou and Will from what could have been a maudlin weepie into a tragic love story, with a catharsis that will wring out your heart and leave you feeling fearless. - Mari Malcolm

I kinda want to start a book club here just so we can discuss this book.
Anyone anyone?

Moral of the "story" (get it, cuz I'm talking about a book/story?!) - READ THIS BOOK! :)
And make sure you have a big open slot of time because it's a real page-turner and you won't be able to put it down!


  1. Totally going to buy this for my Kindle right now!! I will then find my Kindle as Im not sure where I have put it. ha ha ha Im the same with reading and get totally sucked into the fictional world!! You should start a book club - I have always wanted to join one!

  2. Ohhhhhh I am going to buy this now for my Kindle!!!!!!

  3. I've read this book! I loved it, too, and definitely thought a lot about the ending. I have many thoughts about said ending...but will not post them here so I won't spoil it for others :)

  4. You NEED to start a book club! I would love to be a part of one, especially with a fantastic read such as this one! I loved it and have definitely thought about the ending a lot in the last month since I read it!

  5. "Bad mom, bad wife." That was the best line and SO true!! I'm glad I'm not the only one. :-) Thanks for the book recommendation--I am going to get it from the library right away!

  6. I wanna be in a book club! I miss the one I started back home. Maybe I'll read this book too :)

  7. How funny, I finished reading it yesterday - and it was very long since I missed a book as much as I'm missing this one right now! LOOOVED it!

  8. Another fan of this book! Loved it. Think it would be super fun to be in an online book club with you!

  9. Thanks for the synopsis Paige! I will have to check this one out!

  10. Well, I'm sure I'll end up reading it because you did. Shared experiences and all :)

  11. I'm definitly going to check this one!
    After your recommendation of "the fault in our stars" I ordered it right away in Dutch. Loved it!

  12. Thank you for recommending this book. I love book recommendations. If you start a book club. I would so totally join.

  13. I have had my eye on that one, going to have to see if my library has it...been stuck on the Michael Bennett Series by James Patterson for the past three weeks... :) This one will be next!

  14. I have reserved a copy at my library - hope to read it this weekend. I have never been part of a book club but I would certainly join if you started one - hope you do!

  15. Ah man, I am the same way with books. It drives Dan crazy! I will definitely have to check this one out, it looks good!

  16. I'm scared to read this book. It sounds too sad.

  17. I'd love you to start a book club. I'm off to the library website now to reserve this!

  18. Glad for the book recommendation. I'll add it to my list!


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