The One with the South Pasadena Ward Country Christmas Party

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's been a week of parties that I've been heavily involved with - there's even one more after this, a "pink & gold" Bat Mitzvah! Let's just say I'm glad Sunday is the day of rest :)

So Saturday morning was the South Pasadena Ward "Country Christmas" Party. Since this was a party for 300+ people, there were a LOT more people involved in helping out and planning from the get-go. Basically all I did was re-hang all the doilies and re-pin all the popsicle stick doilies into the walls. Done and done!
This was the scene you saw upon entry. Picture perfect!
Definitely had to take a couple pictures of Fox in the English saddles for Nana!
Notice the Buzz Lightyear in his hand. He still must always be holding a toy! It's going to be so funny to look back on. If he ever grows out of it that is...
Fox kept saying, "Cow! Mooo!" He didn't even know what was in store! Keep reading :)
The gym country-Christmas-erized. 
Doilies doilies and more doilies!
One of two walls of popsicle stick snowflakes.
It's all about the details.
At 9:00am the party officially began!
It was a waffle breakfast bar so we went in, got our grub, topped it with all sorts of sugary goodness, and exited to find a table to sit at and mingle with friends.
After eating we went to check out the various activities. The Relief Society President's neighbors have a ginormous paper mache (? not really sure of the material) cow they keep in their front yard and paint and re-paint throughout the year. Allison asked if we could borrow it for the party and let the kids go to town on it.
Seriously, this thing was massive!
We let Fox try painting the cow. He didn't want to leave and kept coming back to it over and over and over again.
I even got Jane to paint a bit. Kinda sorta maybe.
Fox and Owen were egging each other on. At the end of the experiment Fox was covered in paint - washable thank goodness!
Apparently Santa stopped by for a visit with the kids, but we left before he arrived, bummer!
It was a fun and memorable morning!
Afterwards I rushed home and made 20 layouts for a Bat Mitzvah I worked at that night - an overview of that is coming soon!


  1. Looks like a great time!!! I would have loved to paint the cow!!

  2. Aw, I love that last picture! You all look great! And this sounds like so much fun!! Love how you guys got to paint a cow :)

  3. OH, how fun!! We had a cowboy theme, and it was at night (outside), so I didn't get any photos. SHOULD HAVE gotten photos of Hattie though because she spent the ENTIRE night on the basketball court with the boys. LOL. She LOOOOVES balls... and probably teen-aged boys too. ;-) (They all adore her, of course! ;-) )

  4. (as usual behind on my blog just seeing this lol) that paint.a.cow is Awe.some!!! How much fun is that! It makes me wonder how the owners came to have it and the story behind it. Very cool that they let you borrow him :)


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