The One with Displaying Layouts

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Before my layouts make their way into an exponentially growing pile where they await for MONTHS until they get put away chronologically into albums, I slide them into page protectors and tape them on the wall above my computer. (I know I know, tape isn't good for the wall, but we have to repaint before we move out anyway, so c'est la vie!)
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I like doing this for several reasons:

1. It's fun to see them for a few weeks before I put them away indefinitely. I only look at albums a few times throughout the year upon special request from Mr. Fox. 
2. It's an easy way for me to make sure I'm not using the same color of cardstock base for too many layouts. 
3. It helps me to challenge myself so my layouts don't all look toooo similar, although lately I admit they have a homogeneous vibe!
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Once the wall is filled up with 20 layouts I take them all down and start fresh!
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These photos were taken approximately 10 minutes ago so it looks like come tomorrow when my August Studio Calico kit is supposed to arrive I'll be making more layouts and a new gallery will begin!

What do you do with your layouts as soon as they're finished?


  1. Love this idea Paige!! Sometimes I feel like I could wallpaper my whole house with all of my layouts!! :). Mine go into a basket, until I move them to albums.

  2. I love having your gorgeous work on display in our home!

  3. Love the way that looks!


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Paige Taylor Evans © // Quinn Creatives DESIGN