The One with Fredericia, Denmark

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Our second to last stop on the cruise was the Danish town of Fredericia.
This town sure did their best to put their best foot forward! They had a welcoming committee for us with a band dressed in period costume and everything. As soon as we stepped off the boat there were helpful townspeople offering maps and candy for the kids and advice. We asked for directions to a toy store so we could check out Legos - when in Denmark right?!
As we walked along the pier into town we looked into the water and it was FULL of jellyfish! One of the coolest things I've seen! I guess this isn't the type of beach you want to go swimming in though... ouch!
Cute little row of buildings on the pier.
Fredericia is a historic Danish military town founded by Frederick III in 1650. Fortified city walls, historic monuments, and military remnants abound throughout the town and it still serves as a major barracks for the Royal Danish Army's Signals Regiment.
Even the cross walk symbols got into the martial spirit!

The maps the townspeople handed out had a handy walking tour which we more or less followed. Here is the Evans Family in front of Fredericia's 4th townhall on Thursday August 6th, 2015.
Just beyond the town hall is St. Michaelis church.
Blue highlights, yes please!
In the cemetary behind the church there are the graves of over 250 soldiers who died during the First German-Danish War in 1849.
Each grave had its own plot of land surround by green shrubbery topped with growing flowers - like a personal garden. It was lovely and unique.
Walking around Fredericia, it was fun to try and point out architectural differences to other cities.
The town also has a small Jewish cemetery which was established in 1690. The plot has over 550 graves.
Then we continued on to what was the highlight of Fredericia: the ramparts.
These now defunct fortifications are among the largest in Denmark and now make up a wonderful area to stroll and enjoy nature.
The old moat is now covered in lillypads.
Bridge across the moat over to the ramparts.
We loved walking along the top of the ramparts. The weather was perfect and it was so nice to be out enjoying nature.
All my wonderful family members humored me and took jumping pictures on top of one of the bigger mounds. Jane needs to work on her hops a little :)
This is the Princesses Bastion that had various historical cannons and mortars.
Street crossing under some of the fortifications.
One of the highlights of the remaining fortifications is the White Tower. While it is fairly new, built in 1909, it evokes a medieval castle. For just a euro or two you can climb to the top so of course I did.
I spy our boat!
Big ol' bridge.
Quaint little Fredericia.
The inside of the tower. Interesting right?!
The nearby Prinsens Port was the main gate through the ramparts until 1925. This gate was built in 1753. 
We spent a lot of time up on the ramparts and then moseyed through town. We found a local Danish toy store called BR and they had an exclusive Lego minifigure of their toy soldier logo guy so we had to snatch one of those up! Then we slowly made our way back to the boat.
Just as when we arrived, the town came out to see us off, band and all. It was fun watching people watch us out our window.
Our last stop (it's taken awhile to recap eh?! And we've gone on many more adventures since that need documenting! Need. More. Hours. In. The. Day!!): Copenhagen!


  1. How fun! LOVING all the photos!!! And those jellyfish are wild!! Never seen that many before!!! And YAY for Lego's!!!!!!!!

  2. What a cute town!! And I LOOOOVE that jellyfish picture!! They are always my favorite to see in aquariums, so cool to see them in the wild like that! (But definitely would not want to go swimming there. ;)

    Missed reading about all your adventures; I need more hours in the day to catch up on all of them!

  3. This was a fun stop! It was fun to just walk outside among the canals and trees.

  4. We didn't get to see this city! How FUN and enchanting! Thanks for sharing, Paige!


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