The One with Wertheim Village, Germany

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Army gives soldiers stationed in Europe a 4 day weekend every month and we've been taking advantage of those weekends nearly every month to travel. 4 days is often plenty of time to see a city or region, so we're very thankful for the Army's generosity in that regard. For Labor Day weekend we headed to Frankfurt and surrounding areas. It was a cold and foggy drive for the first bit, but still lovely. Fog just reminds me of Europe.
The sun melted the fog away to reveal a beautiful cloudless day! I love when Chris drives so I can capture all of the scenery and beautiful things we drive by.
Our first stop on this multi-destination road trip was:

I have driven by this place over 8 times (even though it's 2.5 hours from home. When things that are 2.5 hours away from home are super familiar... I don't know, it's just a little weird to me!) and have always wanted to stop. A newish chic outlet shopping center? I am SO there! Here's an aerial view:

And a map, just for fun:

We found a parking spot (still super tiny spaces, even though they had plenty of room to make bigger size spaces in the beginning, lol) and walked on in!

"Kids, stand in the frame and let me take your picture!"
Try and grasp this: what do ski towns like Aspen and Breckenridge remind you of? Bavaria. What does this mall look like? A ski town in Denver, which in turn looks like Bavaria. It's like a newer version of itself. Very Meta. Anyway, it totally reminded me of malls and outlets and ski towns in Denver.
LOVED that most stores had these huge frames in their windows. Where can I get one? That would totally solve our multiple magnet board issue.
Ski town in Colorado, or outlet mall in Germany?! The world may never know.
The kids played at this playground for awhile and Jane had a #2 accident. Oh the joys of potty training!
Snapshots from Wertheim Village. Felt like we were back in America for the morning.
Even has aspen trees! (maybe??) Or birch? Definitely a Colorado vibe regardless.
We didn't buy anything, even an outlet in Europe is still a little pricey, although I debated long and hard over a new Coach wallet. But I just couldn't justify it. Fun to check another place off the good ol' bucketlist! After a quick stop at Wertheim Village we drove an hour to Gelnhausen - recap coming soon!


  1. It does look a lot like CO.!! How funny!! And sorry about the potty accident :(

  2. Thanks for taking us window-shopping! I think it's worth the trip just browsing through this fancy alpine malls! Awesome!


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